Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5540: :leader

"Haha... day by day, how do you see it? The old man is confident that no matter his tone, spells, or even all the places where his traces may be exposed, he should be changed to what he is now." Wang Nai couldn't help laughing. When I got up, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still so energetic.

That kind of unique smile, not everyone can learn it. I have doubted it during this period, but it is too far-fetched to doubt the other person with a smile.

But sometimes if many suspicious things are connected, they can be explained by this reason, because just like the last piece of the puzzle is missing, Wang Naihe in front of him is the most suitable puzzle.

From the market to here, the journey is not only far away, but I follow Linglong all the way around here, follow us all the way, follow us at the critical moment, and appear at the right time. There is also a heart and soul who is very familiar with my mode of action. Everything makes me suspicious.

Of course, what makes me most suspicious is the Dongsheng bell hanging around my waist. If it is Wang Nai's survival treasure, he would not give it to me easily, but he gave it out easily, no matter what you think. unreasonable.

Qing Li Mo also felt it impossible at that time.

"Where do you think it was exposed?" I asked back. Of course, I wouldn't say the reason, because he would be jealous if he didn't say it.

"Sometimes the old man really wants to admire you. It seems that your kid was able to get to this point today. It does not seem to be a chance." Wang Naihe laughed, the kind of plain and simple smile, in my opinion, it is reckless. Unscrupulous, that kind of look through everything, is also his unique.

Of course, Wang Naihe is not the deity of Hua Shenjun after all, he should be just the body of the Dao Tribulation! In other words, Wang Naihe is controlled by the **** of Hua, not only has his own behavior pattern, but also his own memory.

"I've passed the award, I guessed my identity, this battle should be over, right?" I laughed.

"Yeah, all the gourds have come out, and the fight is over. The old man wants this thing." Wang Naihe smiled, and then he reached out and grabbed the vitality gourd that looked like a confession!

This sudden scene made everyone unable to react in an instant, but I had already drawn out the long sword and slashed at Wang Naihe!

Wang Nai couldn't even bother to move, and the sword slashed directly into his body, but in an instant, the long sword was suddenly wrapped up in a series of tribulations, and he couldn't get in half an inch!

At this time, I also know that this king Naihe is already the body of Daojie, so ordinary divine swords may not have any effect on it, and I know the power of a Dao-knife in the realm of Taoism, because I have seen the **** Qingli The phantasy, the Dao, the Realm and the Dao, also know their difficulties!


In an instant, Daojie's tentacles suddenly penetrated the bodies of more than a dozen immortal families in the dungeon watching the gourd, and I couldn't help being stunned. The immortal family in this dungeon was simply weak! It stands to reason that the cultivation base is not low, and he can't even resist. It's really a gang of people who eat!

The stunned trio reacted when they saw someone injured and immediately attacked Wang Naihe, but Wang Naihe shook his head and said: "I don't want to hurt the fairy family in your dungeon. After all, I want you to have some Usefulness, and before you do it, why not look at your little master?"

My face is gloomy, and the reason why there is no follow-up action is because he moved too fast, and he just moved towards the gourd with one hand, because there are so many tentacles, and the speed is extremely fast, I have already pinched Kerr to death. Dead.


At this moment, a blue light flew over and shot Wang Naihe!

After all, Wang Naihe is now the parasitic body of King Huashen. Seeing this attack, he did not act on Ke'er. Instead, his body immediately became a mass of tribulation veins, directly expanding and swelling, so that the azure light was directly from Pass through the center of the body!

"Little friend, where is your deity?" An old voice suddenly came from the hallway behind the palace, and the old-spotted Ge Yuan walked out of it.

When Wang Nai heard Ge Yuan's words, his eyebrows condensed. He didn't know whether it was because he was called a "little friend" and he thought he was undervalued, or because there was something wrong with Ge Yuan.


Wang Naihe’s Daojie tentacles tied to the girl were cut off in an instant, and Ge Yuan was already standing by the side of the gourd. Upon closer inspection, Wang Naihe couldn’t take the gourd. Good place, because the vitality gourd at this moment, I don't know when it will start, and there are also Daojie tentacles pierced from the ground everywhere!

No wonder Wang Nai failed to win the gourd!

"I met a fellow, it seems that there is nothing we can do today." Wang Naihe half-squinted his eyes, then looked at me and said, "This old man is also what you said, one day, are you surprised?"

"Very unexpected." I said coldly. This is indeed an accident today. I can't think of an old man who is still very old. In fact, he is very energetic, and because he is a body of tribulation, what does it mean to live for ten thousand years? This is simply the old monster among the old monsters!

Wang Naihe took the Daojiao tentacles back in an instant, and became Wang Naihe's appearance again. This scene made Qing Limo's face pale and gray, and she didn't know what to react for a while.

"You...you are not Uncle Naihe! What happened to Uncle Naihe?" Qing Li Mo still asked.

"Who said that this is the case, I am not your uncle Naihe? Qingli niece, when you were young, didn't you ask me why I am called Wang Naihe? I also told you, Wang Naihe, Naihe It's what Wang Zhinai meant, isn't it?" Huashenjun has a lot of wicked taste, and there is no hesitation in searching for other people's memories.

And he may not be Wang Naihe.

Qing Li Mo was really shocked. Of course, the next moment Wang Naihe didn't succeed once, and immediately began to escape, but it is a pity that Ge Yuan would not let him go. The countless tentacles of Dao Tribulation behind him suddenly appeared, one after another. Go straight to the king!

The three Dao Jie Hua Jing also reacted, Alu stretched out his hand and shot out several beams, and Old Man Wu also took out the treasure to catch up!

As for Bao'er, he followed closely and intercepted, but Wang Naihe was experienced in fighting. If he didn't hit the inner core and was almost immortal, they couldn't deal with the Dao Tribulation in the realm of Daoism!

Ge Yuan grabbed the gourd and chased after him. His speed was ridiculously fast, faster than Wang Naihe. I chased behind, and even used the sword step, and I would not think that Ge Yuan was protecting the gourd. It's safe, he is a robbery, so I smiled and said: "Leader Ge, can you return the gourd?"

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