Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5546: : Knockout

"What's wrong with this gourd?" I half-squinted my eyes, and Ge Yuan chuckled, and said: "This gourd, with the old man's obsession, is impossible to return to you, even now it won't be returned to you, this It will be something that allows the immortals of our underground city to live, so the old man will only give it to Kerr."

Ke'er was stunned for a moment, and then hugged the gourd that was thrown over. I didn't fight for it, because Ge Yuan could intercept me as long as he was willing, so if he was not strong enough, there was no need to humiliate myself, but that doesn’t mean I can’t speak ill A handful: "It is really shameless. Taking other people’s treasures as your own is so understatement. I want to save the immortals here and give them a place to stay, but you only want to take away the gourd and take away. My right."

What Ke'er told me was a blushing face, and a group of immortals who were still a little righteous of course did not understand it. In addition, what I said just now caused them to waver in their self camp, and it is inevitable that they would be susceptible to this behavior. Secretly feel contemptuous.

Ge Yuan smiled, and said: "Why the little friend is so anxious, the old man is not a fool, your gourd is not grown from your own body, it must be obtained from somewhere, since it is obtained, it means it Whether you have it or not is not so inevitable. After all, you can exchange it with benefits or terms. The old man said that, can you accept it?"

"No, some people use this item to benefit the society, and some people get this treasure, which may harm the world, so if you give it to you, I don't want to, because no matter how many terms you exchange with me, you can Will use it to do bad things, but not under my control. It will only make the society more harmonious and stable. So it’s not that conditions can be fixed or dispensable. My values ​​are not something that can be exchanged for benefits. "I sneered.

After hearing this, Ge Yuan was stunned, and then clapped his hands in agreement: "A good answer, the old man admires your idea very much, dare to ask what your true identity is? In the opinion of the old man, I am afraid that it is not a young fellow who just debuted. It’s not even the immortal family who got out there, but there is no backstage?"

"Then who do you think I will be?" I asked, and looked at Qing Li Mo.

Qing Li Mo also looked at me in surprise, and probably guessed my identity in all likelihood. From the opening and closing of "Dao Tribulation" to the various encounters, she probably also knew me and the Nine Immortals World Some are out of place.

"I'm afraid it's not a hero, but also a leader with countless immortals? Because he is clear about his responsibilities, and he does everything he can to complete his obsession, and he is also a leader of the party. If you are not one of the nine immortals in the Nine Immortal Realm, and those who are afraid of being able to accommodate young friends, you are not in the Nine Immortal Realm. After all, your master, I am afraid that you are the Sword Lord, right? Are you the current leader of the Three Immortals Realm? But it doesn't seem to be like...If you came from the Three Immortals Realm, you wouldn't call the devil's heart a "Dao Tribulation"." Ge Yuan is very clever, and it can even be said that the analysis is sharp.

Daojie's complex is inherently complex, and may even be capricious, because few people can guess their ideas. Just ask dozens of people to choose one of their different ideas to implement it. The best way, who can easily guess it?

It's like I can't guess what Hua Shenjun thinks.

"You are a spy who came from the Three Immortals Realm!" Qing Li Mo blurted out.

I laughed and said, "Although there is still half of the Jade Fairy World in the Three Immortals Realm that is also ready to fall into the Zen Daotian, there are still tens of thousands of immortals waiting for rescue, but it is a pity that I am not their leader. Although the chaotic sky is big, But it has long been squeezed to the size of a grain of rice, and now there is still a vibrant Jiuzhongtian, which is the biggest place after the ancient immortal opened the sky, and I am the leader of the Jiuzhongtian, do you believe Senior Ge?"

"Rare, you are actually the leader of Jiuzhongtian?" Ge Yuan showed a surprised expression. He estimated that he hadn't figured it out, so he quickly asked: "Nineth layer is isolated from the chaos and immortal energy. A mighty fairy family, but there is a vast area, and there are many immortal people who want to live there. If you come to be their leader, the old man will still believe in it."

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, the Chaos Sky will eventually sink with history, and the plane will not be able to sustain the squeeze and will eventually become smaller and smaller. This world will never exist anymore. Neither the Three Immortals nor the Nine Immortals can avoid it. The chaotic sky is coming." I said slowly.

Qing Li Mo looked at me in shock, and obviously resonated with my statement. If she is really the Great Master, since she has calculated that the twins are annihilated, no matter who the twins are, it’s okay. If the hexagram is true, then destroy the world. It is the result. As for who killed it, what does it matter?

So my words will fulfill her divination, whether she is willing to accept it or not, the result will be the best refutation.

"Haha... do you think the old man can see that day?" Ge Yuan suddenly smiled.

"If you don't see it, I won't let you live until that day. Daojie has no reason to exist in Jiuzhongtian." I said lightly.

"Very good! With courage, the old man didn’t want to live a long time ago. It’s too tired to live. There are always tricky obsessions that want to hurt the old man. If that’s the case, it’s not easy to die, but... let the old man listen to you. It’s impossible to die in a few words. Even if the old man is willing, obsessiveness doesn’t allow him to do so. Let’s do it! If you are really capable, you can kill the old man. Can lead the immortals here to go to the results you want, but if you don’t have the ability, one of the old man’s obsessions is telling the old man that he has it, so if the old man does not die, you are the biggest obstacle, the old man has to let you die... Haha, does the little friend feel ironic?" Ge Yuan smiled gloomily.

I took a breath of air. This old man was undoubtedly the first calamity I have seen under the Three Evil Immortals and Huashen Sovereign. This is not something that can't be beaten and escaped. Fighting him to life and death is difficult to imagine.

Taking a deep breath, I suddenly laughed and said, "Since the predecessor suffers from the devil's heart, isn't it good for him to explode? If this is a hundred, I will also leave my strength to help you manage this place..."


Ge Yuan didn't even bother to answer. In an instant, countless tentacles blasted over again. This speed was faster than before, and the tentacles of the veins were condensed into sharp cones. It was uncomfortable to stick them.

Chi Chi!

While I used the square inch shift, the sword of law also shot again, cutting off a lot of the approaching veins!

"Blode? Kill you, the old man can also hollow out what you are thinking. If it is a good idea, the old man doesn't mind using it, hahaha..." Ge Yuan grinned.

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