Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5559: :crystallization

I dared to use the Ningxian Formation to make us into jade crystals, but I was quite courageous. No wonder when I first came out, I found that the surrounding air was thick and humid, and there was a feeling of water coming out with just a twist.

"Friend Quan Dao, how long will it take for this condensed immortal formation to take shape?" Qing Weixin asked in deep thought. She had already broken through the realm of the Dao of Enlightenment, so she was of the same level as Quanguo.

"That depends on the scale of the big formation. I have already absorbed so much immortal energy just now. I'm afraid that it will be the most in seven days. The immortal house and everything here will become crystallization, and then everything inside the entire big formation. "Quan Nao said.

"It's also interesting." I raised my hand and found that my sleeves were indeed a little wet. After shaking it, it felt like frosting.

"Master, this is not interesting at all, right? My disciple doesn't want to become a jade crystal..." Quan Ke said depressedly.

I chuckled, and then said: "Others may not be able to use these big formations, but it may not be for me. Since they want to give us spar so much, we can't refuse their kindness."

"Is it possible for the master to take the opportunity to collect jade crystals? That won't work... Even if we can collect the jade crystals here, when we collect the finished products, we will already become jade crystals! As for the treasures, they will be destroyed because of these things. , And it's a large-scale crystallization..." Quan Ruo said.

"That's the case. Besides, I heard that the spar formed in the Ningxian Formation can only be used for treasures, but it cannot be used for cultivation, let alone trading, because its purity is not as good as jade crystals, and it is worthless to collect more. "Ker took the opportunity to say.

"Then the treasure is ready to use, isn't our market lacking this?" I laughed, and then took out a flagpole with twenty-four beads embedded on it, looking shining, and the flag The flag is blue-gold and looks very simple.

"What kind of treasure is this? The immortal spirits around you can't get close at all?" Quanguo's eyes lit up.

"This is the Laojun forbidden flag that I got from excavating the ruins. It can avoid the world's Taoism." I briefly explained that this old monarch forbidden flag is made of Laojun flag and twenty-four forbidden beads. The magic weapon was left over from the seven martial arts in the Daoji space, and it allowed me to merge into one. The effect is to avoid all spells within the scope. It has been useless to make it, and now it is just a matter of time.

"Oh? There are such gods? How to use it?"

A group of immortals were all curious, because under my wave, the surrounding immortal energy was forced to retreat. After a while, there was not much immortal energy coming in around this gourd fairy city. Under the path of transformation, immortal energy would not condense. It's easy, I can only be forced to go outside, and there really is a strong frost formed far outside, because after the range forbidden method, the immortal energy that is forced to retreat outside is the first to crystallize, but it is formed at our location. A strange forbidden space, completely unaffected by fairy qi crystals.

"This...this is a bit powerful, but although we can block the intrusion of the immortal energy, the outside crystallizes faster. It won't be long before we are sealed in it..." Quan Yu went outside to check. After the lap, I turned around again.

"It's okay, isn't this when we collect the crystals? We dig in the crystals in the formation. They still have the formation to stop them, but they can only watch us collect the crystals. Isn't it just embarrassing?" I sneered. Tao.

"It makes sense! Why didn't I expect it?" Quan Ling was immediately excited when he heard it.

I threw the banner flag to Qing Weixin and said: "Wait for their large formation to condense and crystallize too slowly, you work hard to crystallize some breath, and wait until the surrounding large formation has formed a wall, and then put the flag Insert it back, and wait for the crystals to gradually thicken. At that time, everyone will collect them together. If they don't come in, they will ignore it. If they come in, we won't have to break the formation."

"Yes!" Qing Weixin was very excited, and immediately took the old monarch's forbidden flag and waved it. This flag can limit the way, but the immortal energy is not a spell. After the formation that was forced to pass in was broken, The immortal spirit also blew out with the flag waving. The outside quickly condensed and crystallized, but the inside was not affected at all. Therefore, the condensed crystals will only appear on the barriers of the big formation, and even if it takes a lot of effort, It can only crystallize outside the influence of the old monarch's forbidden flag.

At that time, only the array weapon and the old monarch's forbidden flag will interact with each other, and the central area of ​​the two treasures will become the wrestling range of the immortal crystal condensing, the immortal crystal here will only be more pure, because the two wrestle and compress each other. The space will allow the immortal energy to be purified.

As I guessed, it didn't take long for a semicircular crystal area to have formed outside. A group of immortals were so excited that they all ran to see if this eggshell-like crystal could be used.

"Are we trying to accelerate their crystallization?" Liulisha suddenly realized.

"Well, indirectly use the force of two kinds of treasures to purify the crystals. They squeeze immortal energy inside, and the force of our old monarch forbidden flags is from the inside to the outside, and only then has the current situation." I looked transparent. Outside the layer of ice crystals, a group of immortal families looked at us in amazement across a large array, but looked helpless. They didn't feel much excitement in their hearts. They could only say that their methods were too easy to be self-defeating.

"Big brother is really smart! But I took more than a hundred kinds of treasures, and I couldn't use them all. In the end, I had to sell them in the market for jade crystals..." Liuli Sha said with a smile on his face.

"Just keep the important ones, it's good to replace them with jade crystals in general." I laughed. Everyone found a lot of treasures at the Taiqing ruins, and they were all used to enrich the Calabash Fairy auction at my suggestion. Otherwise, a fairy city is not that big in a short time.

After solving the crisis of the Ningxian Formation, everyone was not so anxious. They all waited for the outer layer of jade crystals to become more and more pure. Only when the energy concentration increases, this spar is more valuable. The forces of Weihe must be dumbfounded.

When the old monarch fan inserted into the gourd mouth of the gourd fairy city, he could already declare that the opponent’s large formation was useless. We only had to wait for the spar to be collected, so they didn’t attack, and we were too lazy to get out, seeing the spar getting thicker and thicker. , The hope in everyone's hearts is even greater.

Of course, the immortal family that besieged us outside also knew what tricks we used to dissolve the big formation. When we all were preparing to collect the spar, we suddenly started to dismantle the big formation!

"Master! It's not good! They are ordering the disciples to dismantle the formation of the big formation, this is not going to besiege us!" Quan Ning hurriedly ran and said.

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