Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5631: : Jie Yin

These star-point pollen seem to be quite weird. After I opened the eyes of Daoji, I only felt that every star point contained tyrannical power, so it was impossible to touch it. I immediately released the star Tissot, the nine stars. Rush towards these pollen!


As a result, the pollen exploded before my Xing Tiansuo started attacking, and instantly blasted Xing Tiansuo to the ground without a trace. I took a breath of air. This shock wave of force was so powerful that Xing Tiansuo couldn't help it!

And the pollen seemed endless, and kept drifting towards me. I didn’t continue to fight back. Instead, I looked at a group of immortals under the mountain and couldn’t help but sneer, because soon, the realm of the immortal formation under my feet took effect again. After it was activated, Dashan had the power to float again, but at the same time the Jie Li Illusion also surrounded these immortal houses.

It means that now it's not just me trapped in the big formation, all the realms of the Qingli family lineage are probably under the mountain.

"Qingli Xianzun treats everyone equally, now everyone will enjoy the hospitality of this immortal formation." I sneered.

"Xia Yitian, it's okay if you don't come in. Since you have come in, don't blame the immortal deity, just stay here in the future!" Qing Li Yu's voice came from around.

At first I thought he was just angry and slightly threatening, but then, I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows, because after the descent of the gods, the force within a range of ten meters was difficult to come in, but this Qing Li Yu’s Green lotus powder floated around, and as I moved to avoid it, I found that the pollen was increasing!

This kind of world force bomb pollen is very powerful and can dismantle anything in the space. After all, it is an invincible world force attack. And with the start of the world’s immortal formation, the environment like a mirage here provides it with latency. The area flew down precariously, completely silent. It was okay if I didn't hit it. If I hit it, I would definitely suffer.

"Qing Li Yu, kill me, what do you think your sister will think of you?" I said coldly.

"Hehe, how long has my sister been out? How long have you known her? If you are dead, if she is sad, I can't comfort her for a hundred years or thousands of years. It's better than just marrying you ashamed! "Qing Li Yu sneered.

The dangling boundary bombs began to spin frantically around me. It seems that Qing Liyu is going to be serious. Faced with these dense bombs, the three ghosts must be blown up when they go out, and other attacks can detonate. This pollen, but the shock wave caused by the explosion of the boundary bomb is not so easy to resist. Once I blow the shock wave, the pollen bombs everywhere will blast and explode with me, and the result will be the ending of the whole body.

However, I am not without a solution. After the Chuangdao Jue was activated, countless strands of air fortune rushed out behind me. These strands of air fortune immediately decomposed when they touched the pollen, and as the infinite number of air fortune threads rushed out, the pollen The beginning of the finished film!

I am afraid that Qing Liyu was also shocked. In the face of the continuous destruction of these pollen, he has no better solution except watching, because the pollen did not detonate, but directly gave the all-pervasive Qiyun silk. The entanglement disappeared, and even he, who was in the realm of realm, might not be able to escape the attacks of these Qi Luck Silk sooner or later.

Because my luck thread sprang out in no direction, it was not only filled with space, but also attached to something. The ground quickly became pitted and decomposed. Even the chains linking the mountains were stuck on, and it was not spared. In difficulty.

The effect of the new law is so amazing that Qing Li Yu can hardly resist such an attack.

After Qing Lian became ineffective, Qing Li Yu seemed to have found a solution. Just when I swallowed everything around me unscrupulously, I suddenly realized that as I swallowed, in the end, there was nothing to swallow in the silk of luck. The disappearance of Jie Li made me see that I had appeared outside the big formation at this moment.

Obviously, Qing Liyu used a spell similar to the transfer of boundary power to teleport everything in a large area out of the formation. It is estimated that I was too damaging and destroyed his large formation too much.

When I looked back, I saw that the big formation and the floating mountain had already turned into a pot of porridge for Qi Yunsi, and there were signs of cannibalization everywhere, and it was also because Qing Liyu reacted quickly, otherwise the big formation and the mountain were afraid of sooner or later. To the qiyun silk swallowed up.

"Why? I'm not welcome as a guest? Qing Li Yu, don't forget that you invited me here. I will let me go without a cup of tea? This is Qing Li's attitude towards guests?" I sneered coldly.

"Xia Yitian, I didn't welcome you! You are really hateful!" Qing Li Yu looked at me gloomily. At this time, he no longer holds Qinglian in his hands, but has an extra green guqin. , And then he appeared behind me without hesitation. With his foot flexing, the green piano was placed on my leg, and the fingers, thinner than women, quickly plucked the strings!


A burst of Boundary Force shock wave rushed over from behind me, and my whole body was tumbling with blood, and my whole person seemed to shrink in a circle. Dead!

"Well, yes, I have become smarter and know how to use sound waves to deal with me, so let's, we are in-laws, and you play the piano to cheer me up. How can I not come up with an instrument? Can you see how this thing is? I took out Dongsheng Bell from my waist.


After I took out the Kaitian drumsticks and rang the Dongsheng Bell, the terrifying sound wave immediately shook the world as if shaking, and the shock wave also shook the approaching Qingli Yu not lightly!

He took a few steps backwards, but relying on his strong strength, he took this abruptly, the strings in his hand fluctuated again, and there was another squeeze, and the blood in my body seemed to boil!

"It turns out to be Wang Naihe's Dongsheng Bell, but it is still a lot worse than this one!" Qing Li Yu screamed at my treasure, and looked at his proud expression, probably feeling stable Cao Sheng vouchers.

"Tsk, looking at you as Mo'er's brother, I'm tolerant everywhere, it seems you really think I can't do anything with you." I gritted my teeth and pressed the blood pressure, of course, I won't give him over me.

Qing Li Yu felt that I was bluffing and sneered: "Dongsheng Bell is nothing but this. Yijieyin is my first instrument in the Land of the Nine Immortals. If you don't fall the law today, the ancestors of Qingli will not see it!

I smiled coldly, and then simply moved out a drum: "Don't talk too much, it's better than a treasure, am I still afraid of you? Let's see what this is?"

This drum became bigger and bigger, and in the end it was the size of a small house, and as Qing Li Yu's sound wave hit the drum, the sound of thunder killing and smashing was heard!

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