Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5653: : End Elephant

"The benefit I want? It's nothing more than the nine-fold natural beings have to escape to heaven! Can you do it?" I asked with a sneer.

"Hehe, the order of heaven is chaotic, what's the point of staying? It's just that the strong are stronger, and the weak are weaker. What the old man does is to reorganize the heavens on the basis of this heaven. You will refute the old man. Not surprising at all, even Xia Ruize, Li Poxiao, and all the creatures that the old man has seen, are nostalgic for what they have gained, and refuse to give up even the slightest. One day, the old man also knew that you, the city lord, had been in this power vortex for a long time. The central government does not want to get away from all the hard-won things. The world’s creatures are all your subjects. The ruler has the ruler as the ruler, and the ruler does not have the ruler. Of course, the old man knows, but you should also learn from the old man. The heaven is created by me. I can abandon you in order to seek the true heaven, how can you step in this worldly self-interest?" Hua Shenjun smiled and carried his hands behind his back, with a completely otherworldly expression.

Yun Shangxian's face was slightly condensed, watching me shook his head, and did not continue to approach, Qing Li Mo and other immortal houses also stood far away, knowing that this female immortal is not just an ordinary immortal family.

"Self-interest? No one can decide life and death for whom, otherwise this is not just power, but hegemony!" I hummed.

"Tao has both birth and extinction. Heaven is natural and the world of immortals is a part of nature. Heaven gives birth to immortals and evils, which are all correct. Righteousness is for life, evils are for extinction, and birth and death intersect. The trivialities and surpluses cancel each other out, this is the normal movement of the heavenly path, but now, the trivial heavenly path, like what you see right now, is the end at every turn, destroying the heaven and the earth at every turn, and all the immortals of the sun and the earth have the ability to live and die. Then it proves that it is time to rebirth and reincarnate the way of heaven, and move against the trend, how can we break through countless chronic diseases? One day, of course, we don’t know what should be born and what should be extinguished, so simplify It's cumbersome, returning to the controllable laws of nature, so that heaven can return to nature again, don't you think?" Hua Shenjun threw out his theory again.

Of course, I have a deep understanding of the meaning of the gods of heaven. The influence of the heavens should be in the nature of the heavens, and when the birth and death of the heavens are in an uncontrollable degree, it is what he said is cumbersome. The most direct way to destroy the tedious ways is to destroy everything. Tao, the most fundamental thing to destroy all Tao is to destroy all the Taoist traditions of proving Tao.

Therefore, he first opened up the Jingshitian, and then prepared to destroy the entire Chaos Heaven’s Proving Dao Immortal. In the eyes of the Emperor Huashen, these proving Dao traditions are all complicated and superfluous, and they are all existences that may destroy the heavens. The best way , Is to restructure the heavenly way, let the heavenly way return to the normal way, return to the true nature, and it is also to make the heavenly way from the beginning!

"The world and immortals are all under the heavenly path, and the heavenly path has its own ways to correct the world, such as the calamity of the heavenly path, such as the offset between birth and death. Isn't this just a link in the course of the heavenly path? You are against the sky. Okay, it's against the heavens, then how do you know that the new ones are not against the evil?" I asked.

"Great rebellion? No, the old man walked away from the predecessor. He is doing the responsibility of sweeping the heavens. How can this way be a great rebellion? The old man is trying to fill the deficiencies of the heavens and innovate the heavens in the future!" Hua Shenjun smiled confidently.

"Haha, how crazy!" I lowered my eyebrows. This guy's ideas are deeply ingrained and cannot be persuaded. Of course, I admit that his ideas are irrefutable under certain assumptions, but all beings are like ants. The mentality of being a **** is really unacceptable.

The air of luck was constantly entwining the Taiqing ruins that landed in the sky, making the heaven and earth above as if the aura of Dao was everywhere, and the sky above the land of nine immortals was like an extinction.

"Even if it is a stubborn illness, how can you use common sense to deal with it? One day, or that sentence, as long as you continue to sit in the position of the Lord of the Sky City, you will eventually become the next old man, so you may not feel that God has It’s a loss, but after a long time, how can it be guaranteed that it will not subvert the way of heaven like an old man?" Hua Shenjun laughed, and seeing that I did not continue to argue with him, he took out a white cube the size of a thumb: "This is The old man made the bones of the open sky that can hold the Chaotianzi, and leave it to you. I will detain Chaoszi to the old man. The old man naturally promises you any conditions you want, how about it?"

I gritted my teeth and scolded this guy for being shrewd, knowing that the conditions for opening are not as good as waiting for me to complete the task. Moreover, this thing was made according to my previous cage outside the law. It should still be mass-produced. Maybe Xia Ruize has it too.

"Are you wondering about this thing?" Huashenjun smiled, then threw it at me, and continued: "Thanks to the cage before you, the old man thought of how to catch the Chaos Zi, and made several more. You are thinking about whom the old man will give it to, right? It’s okay to tell you, for example, Xia Ruize, Li Poxiao, and Donghuang all got one. Of course, not all of them were given by the old man himself, so you should know why they did it. Did you die?"

"It's really your style!" When my luck was rolled, this thing was rolled up, but it was not ruined by the luck. It can be seen that its grade is at least the four poles of Taoism, but the sky is the best. The bones are of very high grade, it is extremely difficult to destroy it by the power of the law, and the extreme energy of the Chaoszi cannot be underestimated, after all, it is the core used to make the octopolar thermonucleus.

What can be said, Huashenjun will not hesitate to pack extremely beautifully, his words are infinitely beautiful and deep-seated inciting ability, but what can not be said, he will never tell you, after you do it, Already standing in the pit, this is the sinister Hua Shenjun is difficult to guard against.

After I got the Open Sky Cage, I immediately sent a voice message to Jiang Yushu and asked if Li Poxiao had given the Eastern Emperor anything. As expected, the Eastern Emperor did indeed get an Open Sky Cage, no wonder he was excited. He went to catch Chao Zhuanzi, everyone thought he was worthy of the responsibility of the leader, but his selfishness was here.

Lord Huashen saw that I got the cage, smiled and wanted to leave here, I nodded towards Yun Shangxian, Yun Shangxian jumped up, and hit the female fairy controlled by Huashen with a scream, and then that The female fairy became a shattered Dao Jie Nu and a bunch of tentacles that were constantly twisting and withering like hair!

Huashenjun doesn't care about his Dao Tribulation, because as long as he has the opportunity, he can create it as he wants, which is more than Xia Ruize!

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