Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5655: : Fire chestnut

As for Limo, Hengqiu, and Zhifeng, these three companies are mixed together. They can only protect themselves. They are surrounded by the three evil immortals, each fighting its own way, because their two Taoists are not working together at the moment, and even attacking the three evils. When immortal, they all look for opportunities to deal with each other.

There is no such thing as Xia Ruize Qiantouming. He attacked the Three Evil Immortals for only one reason, that is, the value of the use is gone. The Three Evil Immortals will undoubtedly die in this battle, so he pressed Bao on the side of Huashenjun.

The Huashen Monarch completed the connection of all forces silently, and only relied on a few Sky Cages. This had to be said to be a wonderful way, and even I could not escape the instigation of this scheming.

But the three evil immortals and other uncertain factors will only mess up the world if they are not eliminated, they will be wiped out sooner or later, and the gods of the gods will be able to form a situation of encircling the immortals without showing up. Policy.

"Oh, the whole day has come, that master is going to be out of luck." Xia Ruize greeted me with a smile.

Li Poxiao glanced at me and continued to attack the three evil immortals. Under the immortal change, he could ignore the various methods of the three evil immortals, and he could always threaten the three evil immortals.

Xia Ruize's Demon Skyfall is also very powerful. Although it can't crush the three evil immortals' Dao Tribulation Core, those two huge hands can easily tear open countless Dao Tribulation Tentacles, and he has nine attributes of Dao Tribulation Plus body. , Itself is a mobile fort, and close combat and the nine magic tricks taught by Sword Lord, that is, the three evil immortals are all furious.

Of course, the contradiction between the master and the disciple and the verbal attack should have happened before. Now the three evil immortals are certainly counterattacking Xia Ruize madly. If it weren't for Li Poxiao, it would have already fully killed Xia Ruize, Rong. Xia Ruize must not say hello to me.

"Haha, Xia Ruize, at this time, I still feel in the mood to say hello, you betrayed your master, so you deceive your master and destroy your ancestor, are you not afraid of retribution?" I sneered in response, of course, aroused the anger of these three evil immortals first.

Sure enough, as soon as the three evil immortals heard what I said, they immediately accelerated their offensive, even if they were suppressed by Li Poxiao in the same direction, they still went crazy.

Xia Ruize gave a light tusk, only to avoid the edge for a while, not to mention, when the three evil immortals were still prospering, it was not easy to destroy it, otherwise Huashenjun would have appeared long ago and would not hide. dark place.

I'm sure that Emperor Huashen or its clone are in these immortal homes that besieged the Three Evil Immortals, but if he doesn't declare his home, it is impossible to know which is Dao Tribulation.

The three evil immortals are horns to each other, and the Three Great Ways can be used in all directions. Chaoszi is protected in the center. It is like a tentacle planet as a whole. Therefore, although the three forces are numerous and powerful, they are not as united as it is. To win it, there must be a breaker.

"My little friend, you have also seen that everyone in this world is an enemy of the old man, so why? It's just a conspiracy! They are all deceived, and even my little disciple is just a person who wants to change after seeing different things! Are you here, Are you willing to be bewitched by the old man's rebellious Hua Shenjun?

At this moment, the phantom of an old man appeared in front of me. Of course I knew this old man. It was the illusion of Guiyuanxian among the three evil immortals. The first time I went to the interface cemetery, I saw this old man.

"I don't want to, but I can't help it. Senior is too strong. Being strong is the original sin. Moreover, you are a tribulation and are destined to be incompatible with each other, right?" I said lightly, and Taihua Jun wanted to come out immediately. The sword wiped out the phantom, but stopped me. The Three Evil Immortals hadn't planned to attack me, so I just sat to reap the profits. Anyway, there is no one who breaks the game. Why should I be the one who breaks the game first?

"Haha... the old man is good in the Dao Tribulation, but look at them, how is it better than the old man? My two insurgents, aren't they both made by the Dao Tribulation? The evil they do is better than the old man!" Gui Yuanxian was furious.

"Senior suddenly said from the bottom of his heart, is it possible that he wants to help?" I smiled.

When I asked this, Li Poxiao finally couldn't help but speak: "Xia Yitian, if you dare to profit from it, I will definitely not agree."

"Don't worry, you, Li Poxiao, are still making profit with King Huashen, what am I?" I smiled, and Li Poxiao looked at me with condensed eyebrows: "What are you talking about? When would I make money with him? "

"Do you have this?" I took out the open sky cage.

"Bone cage?" Li Poxiao suddenly came over. Actually, I knew he didn't know. If he knew that the God of Hua was the one who gave him this thing, he would definitely not accept it, let alone give it to the Eastern Emperor. One, he didn't even know that he had used it for the Dao Jie controlled by Lord Hua Shen.

"You group of immortals besieged it, killing the world immortals is the second thing. In fact, isn't it all working for the gods of Hua? Why should everyone be so noble?" I didn't rush to do it. I kicked the inside story first.

"Interesting, the old man said it must be the trick of the rebels, otherwise you little guys, one by one, you can't beat the old man suddenly for nothing! Humph, it turns out to be because of the cage, let me talk about this What is the use of the cage?" Gui Yuanxian became interested immediately.

"This cage is amazing. As long as it's a small one, you can receive the Chaoszi you worked so hard to protect." I pointed to the Chaoszi that surrounded it, and then said: "Senior, I want to live in this world. I know that you won’t want to enjoy the beauty of the world, but it’s for revenge to hurt your opponents, and if everyone attacks you, it’s not because you are ugly, so that’s good, you give this chaos to me, Naturally, they won’t attack you anymore. You can also find your own disciples to get revenge. Of course, now you have an adversary nearby, so you can deal with it easily.

At this time, all the Xianjia’s attention was drawn to me. After all, after kicking the inside story, the pattern became different.

"You want Chaoszi? Know that other people don't want it? The old man gives it to you, how can I get out of this predicament?" Of course, Gui Yuanxian would not easily believe it.

I smiled coldly and said, "Senior, everyone is not guilty, and they are guilty of their crimes. It turns out that they destroyed you to save the world, but now they destroy you for one more reason. This chaotic son, your eldest disciple, can admire Very, if you don’t lose this hot thing, it’s hard to get out, and without Chaos, would anyone who wants this thing risk your life against you? Of course you will transfer it and get it. Scramble, then who is most capable of protecting this thing here? It's just below!"

"Well, it makes sense, then this Chaoszi is afraid that the old man will hand it over to you, and you will deal with the old man. How about that?" The three evil immortals are not stupid.

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