Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5676: : Demolish the wall

After the three evil immortals and Xia Ruize left in frustration, I slowly landed, still standing on the picture.

Although he ignited the Eastern Emperor with his magical fingers, and repelled the Three Evil Immortals and Xia Ruize, the veins of the Eastern Emperor were still burning for a short time, watching this guy transform into a ball of white fireworks, gradually moving along. Going to the corner of the picture, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

After the laughter, two rows of teardrops rolled down my cheeks. Although the Eastern Emperor was dead, the three girls passed away forever. I am afraid that I will never be able to accept this result.

Seeing that the whole picture gradually loses the power of the Donghuang context and begins to decompose, I watched this scene silently, but for a moment I felt a little lost. What should I do next?

The departure of the three girls seems to have taken the last strength left here in my heart, and I don’t know what to do. Even if there are three treasures that have returned to their origins on the ground, I haven’t picked them up at all. Interest up.

Even Meng Xue Jun took the Open Sky Cage with Chaos Zi and gently placed it on my hand, I didn't feel any relief.

I didn't protect Yun Shangxian well, nor did I complete Qing Li's entrustment to protect Qing Li Mo. I did not fully protect the six girls. This time, I was dereliction of duty, and even the hatred I couldn't forgive myself was in my heart.

"One day, I know you are sad, but now..." Jun Mengxue's hand gently stroked my bulging cheeks, his eyes were gentle and sad.

"I'm fine." I also know very well that I can't blame myself now. The Eastern Emperor is the cause of the death of the three daughters. But what really went wrong was that the laws of this world were arbitrarily used. The God of Hua was actually right. , It is precisely with the prolonged operation of the Heavenly Dao that there will be more and more errors, so that those who have escaped the punishment can continuously use more powerful power to accomplish things that are impossible under normal circumstances.

Like the three treasures under my feet, if there is no power, how can we use them?

The root lies in how to solve this evil that is beyond the control of the Dao of Heaven. Only when this problem is solved will I feel that I can master the word ‘peace’.

After the Eastern Emperor was burned to death, the context of carrying and using the three treasures completely disappeared. The three treasures lay quietly on the ground. Emperor Taihua took the lead in picking up the sky and trying to activate it, but soon He shook his head: "Sure enough, they can't be used. Only after special training to match its contextual runes can they be used alone."

Monarch Mengxue watched me pestering, he picked up the picture and the swirling bead, tried and fiddled with it, then said: "I lost the context of the Eastern Emperor's linking them, this legendary treasure, no more It is impossible to recover, one is divided into three, and it is impossible to overlap into one, and it is separated and cannot be used. This is also a kind of punishment from heaven, right? One day, at least no one will hurt it... It's just a pity, there is no Aunt Yun and their consciousness left...or else..."

I nodded, and instinctively took over the three treasures handed over by Jun Taihua and Jun Mengxue, my heart was extremely complicated.

Of course, these three treasures can't be placed on the slightest consciousness. Even if they are separated, they are still Taoist treasures, so they do not belong to any immortal family, nor can any power be attached to them.

"People are no more, what are the treasures going to do?" With a big wave of my hand, I threw the three treasures up, and then the sword of the new law in my hand was going to destroy them directly.

However, Meng Xuejun seemed to know that I would be like this a long time ago. He took my hand and said, "You said before that they are like your three ladies. Why don't you give these treasures to the ladies? Maybe we can't detect it. What can they do? Even if it is no longer possible, these three treasures are a kind of spiritual sustenance, aren't they?"

"This..." I sighed, thinking that Meng Xuejun said that. Maybe there is a certain truth. If you destroy the treasure, you can't let people come back. It's better to show the daughter-in-laws and sisters. Maybe they can use it. indefinite.

"The treasure is innocent, and the guilty one is the immortal family who uses it. Xiaoyou Xia, the old man also hates the beast of Donghuang, but this treasure is innocent? Keep it, maybe it's still useful..." Taihua Jun patted me. The shoulders were checking my context. He didn’t think so without checking, but after shrinking his hands, he suddenly took a breath, looked at me incredibly and said, “Xia Xiaoyou, in your state, isn’t it very dangerous? ?"

"It's very dangerous." I said faintly. At this time, I must continue to fight, because after cooling down, I will fall into petrification, so during this period of time, it is the most important to solve the problem of the gods of China and the three evil immortals. important.

"Is there a solution already?" Tai Huajun asked hurriedly.

"Not yet, let's take a step forward." I also thought about using Chaoszi to eliminate the cooling and restore the side effects of the return method, but who knows if it will work, don't sit next to this Chaoszi, the result is not only If you can't cool down your veins, and you just grow old and erupt, that's bad luck.

So I can't take risks.

"Master! It's not good!"

Because the sky was so close that I couldn’t use it, so when I was thinking about how to find Lord Huashen, Xian Qing hurriedly flew over and said, “We’ve got the new news from Taiwei, something has happened! Other fairyland confirms news. Will come too!"

"What's the matter?" I asked with my eyebrows. Now in the state of creation, no matter whether it is Emperor Huashen or the Three Evil Immortals, I can't do anything about it, so nothing matters to me anymore.

But soon I was surprised by the news.

"Sovereign Huashen took advantage of the time we repaired the plane, but took the opportunity to break the plane that previously sealed the extinction of the world! Now the interface between the three immortals world and here seems to be connected!?" Xian Qing is anxious Said.

I looked at Tai Wei Lan, who came with him, and the little girl nodded in panic, and said, "Junior Brother Xian is right. We are too close to here. We are the first to receive news from the resident Xian’s house. The other fairy land will get news after a while, Master, what shall we do now?"

"Sovereign Huashen took advantage of the weakness of the plane to open the interface, and there is no surprise, is there news from the Jade Fairy World?" I asked lightly.

Huashenjun is very smart. The Taixianjie ruins here have opened a huge gap. We use boundary power to repair the loopholes of the plane. It is necessary to use the power of the plane, and the repaired energy is taken from the wall of the plane and used for it. The face of the wall, so the whole plane will definitely be thinning the barrier. Huashen Jun took the opportunity to tear away from the weakest three immortal world cemetery. It can be said that it is logical and he knows how to take advantage of opportunities.

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