Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5682: :subversion

"Then Lao Qing Baijun talked about it in detail." Of course, I have an expression of inexhaustible gratitude. Now Zheng Daotian and the world below are in the same situation. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can there be a solution to the problem.

"All immortals want to be in the immortal class, to prove the Taoist tradition in the sky, or to protect the disciples and grandchildren under the Taoist tradition, or to be immortal and immortal, but no matter what they think, they cannot avoid the control of heaven. Those of you who have not yet demonstrated the Dao may not know that after we have demonstrated the Dao, in the vast expanse of the Dao, in fact, relatively speaking, it is not a big thing that has been done. The way of heaven is restricted and affected by the luck of air, and there are many cruel aspects in it, such as the mutual biting of the way and the suffering of prevention." Qing Baijun looked at several immortals.

"It's a matter of course that Qi, Luck and Dao are mutually biting each other. If otherwise, how to survive in this vast world of Proving Dao?" Sang Yuegu sneered.

I've actually heard of these things too. I swallowed the Taoist traditions of the ancestors and mothers in nine days, in order to protect themselves in the Zen Daotian, isn't it also so stiff?

"I wanted to escape the restriction of the heaven, but it is hard to escape the restriction of the heaven, but isn't it contradictory?" I asked.

"Hehe, who told you to prove the great way, even if it escaped the restriction of the heavenly way? Unless everyone does nothing, defend one side, ten thousand years, ten thousand years like a day, or no one can find anyone, each will fade away. , But these things wait for you to live forever, no desire and no desire can not be done by anyone, just like I waited for four, three of them may be a corner, but the other feels that his orthodoxy is not big enough. If you don't have enough luck and want to annex the other party, won't you also fall into the reincarnation of heaven?" Qing Baijun asked rhetorically.

"Then there is no way to get rid of the contradictions that have been repeated this week?" I thought that this is not a good place to prove Dao Tian, ​​but the immortals want to prove Dao, but why don't they want to get rid of the shackles of Heaven?

"Little friend, since one thought is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is within one thought, all the Taoisms in the world are part of the Tao. When the thoughts are extinguished, the way of heaven will be extinguished. Otherwise, when a thought occurs, the Tao is born and the Tao is immortal. The endless reincarnation of the heavens, only eternal silence will not produce contradictions." Di Qingzi said.

"Is the human heart the way of heaven? Senior's words are straightforward." I secretly said that the emperor Qingzi is worthy of the Taoist immortal. He actually broke the mystery with a single word. As long as anyone thinks, the Tao is born, and it will be born together soon. The butterfly effect is produced, which is the reason why the heaven itself can never be destroyed.

The way of heaven that God of Hua wants to set is actually destruction. Try to get rid of all those who have thoughts, so that you can return to eternal silence. This is equivalent to a new way of heaven.

"One thought has a Tao, and this is not known to everyone, nor is anyone able to suppress one's own thoughts after knowing it, and the more thoughts that are born, the more dissatisfied, the more dissatisfied, the more I want more Too many, the cycle goes back and forth, it is hard to escape the suffering of reincarnation, does the little friend think this is the truth?" Di Qingzi laughed.

I nodded and said, "Is there no solution to this problem?"

"There is no way to solve it. The Proving Dao Dynasty does not guarantee the evening. This Jingshitian is an opportunity. Dao seeds have been distributed to the immortal family. Now the Daoist friends from all over the world have long been in the lower realm. They swallowed and become stronger like us, and then complete the banquet master What is said, will eventually gather all the immortals, and heaven will defeat them." Qing Baijun said.

"All the celestial beings gather, the heavens are fighting against them, hehe, you swallow the immortal family to strengthen the Dao core, but there are also limits. If a person only has a few Dao seeds, he wants to subvert the world. Is it possible? Is there any future? Hand?" I asked back.

Qing Baijun laughed, and then saw that several immortals had no intention of blocking him, he simply said: "We brought back the Taoist species, took our own Taoist Wen to cultivate the Tao core, and then released the Chaos Heaven. Of course, it was only the first One step, and the next step is to wait until this core has reached the point where we can decentralize the orthodoxy before it is truly formed."

"Afterwards, do you turn things around with the power of all the immortals?" I asked curiously. This allowed the seeds to germinate, and finally allowed the Taoism to descend and gradually grow. I can understand it. However, these enlightenment immortals will cooperate so cooperatively, and they must already have a phase. Corresponding to the plan to turn things around, otherwise they will not come down casually.

"Of course we won't turn things around on our own, so the person who invited us to the banquet will let us drop the Taoism first, wait until we have the qualifications, and get together again. Then it will be the time to turn things around. "Qing Baijun said.

"In other words, it's not the time yet, right? So where does the reunion show?" I asked.

"Hehe, no, just according to the strength of our morality and luck, we will distribute a certain amount of Taoism, and then let's see which step we can achieve, let alone other, our side just now, according to the old man, we should There are five people, but one of them hasn’t seen each other now. I’m afraid that the Taoism will be completely wiped out. So this kind of thing depends on the ability. It is estimated that the guy who invited us also needs to see if we have it. Ability to conspire with him." Di Qingzi said.

"Collaborate on a major event? Presumably no one of you is completely affected by Jing Shitian? If it is bombed upright, wouldn't it have a chance to come down? Since it is not bombed, there is no loss, why bother. This muddy water? Is there any benefit involved?" I asked.

"Haha... you deserve to be a little friend, you can tell it at a glance, otherwise you think that why is that so troublesome?" Di Qingzi laughed.

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