Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5692: : Baihua

Now it’s difficult to save people one by one, and it’s hard to save a nearby fire. So I immediately controlled the three ghosts to attack the Tao nucleus of these Taoist immortals. No matter how powerful they are, a group of three ghosts can still play a role. Of course, remove the ones here The big array will be severely hindered.

So at this time, I need to find the overlord of Shengdaoxian and explain to them the situation of thermonuclear, at least let them understand that everyone's goals are the same, and they are friends and not enemies.

Chasing the woman in colorful costumes into the turbulence of the space, in this colorful world, the colorful arrogance of the sky and Daotian is really tossing, it looks quite scary, as long as you fly up for a while, I am afraid that it will soon It will become part of the gas cloud, and the woman in the Chinese dress seems to ignore me chasing into the space, still floating in front of the gap in the sky, standing at the gap and looking out.

"Senior!" I called out quickly.

The other party did not look down, but just when I was about to rush up to talk to her, a weird control spell was transmitted to me in an instant. This technique is peculiar and makes people’s veins boiling, just like a magical fantasy. Pointing to normal, I lowered my eyebrows. If it weren't for me to change to a normal immortal family, I'm afraid that the burning of mana would be out of control now.

Looking back, a middle-aged female fairy was facing me with her palm. Even though she didn’t burn me to death, she didn’t seem to be surprised. She still had a cold gaze: "Fairy of the lower realm, what are you? Dare to talk to us. The little master talks."

The blue veins on my face jumped, and my finger clicked towards her. The next moment, the middle-aged female fairy suddenly turned pale, and then her hands, feet and head gradually smoked, and instantly burned into nothingness, and the effect of the burning of veins was amazing. When Dao Zhizhi reached the four poles, the female fairy had a huge power gap to me!

After killing this fairy in a flash, the other fairy houses rushing towards me were all stunned.

The fairy in Chinese clothes finally looked down at me, and her arrogant expression was on her face after all: "Fanxian, are you the inheritor of Jiutianjun?"

I lowered my eyebrows, this woman could understand what she meant. It is to judge me as the inheritor of the Jiutian, because the magic finger is also one of the exercises of the magic finger, and don’t look at this magic finger which seems very characteristic. But the trick used by the fairy who attacked me just now has the same effect. Therefore, one of the tricks in the average fairy house must be burned instantly, but this woman can see the difference between the two tricks. Capable.

I took a deep breath and planned to start straight to the point and said, "I also ask seniors to give orders to stop the immortal families under your hands from attacking any immortal families. I know that you need luck and strength to bring down the orthodoxy for your side, but it is definitely not good now. Timing! My people are destroying this large thermonuclear array, and fighting for more time so that the thermonuclear will not destroy Shengdaotian! So..."

"Shut up, are you ordering me?" The fairy scolded coldly, and then slowly returned to the country: "It's just a disciple and grandson of Yu Jiutian, give me orders, continue to speed up the descending of the Taoism!"


"Jiutianjun’s disciples and grandchildren, we don’t need to worry!"

"It was Jiu Tianjun's subordinate!"

"Stop it all." I instantly sensed countless attacks coming towards me, and Daojie tentacles rushing towards me frantically, and under the creation method, of course, I would not hit them, and even pointed backhands with magical illusions. A few died: "I am not a person of Jiutian, but if you think I am, then I can be his side today!"

In a moment, several Dao nuclei of Zheng Daoxian gave the dots to pieces on the spot. With the blessing of my Chuang Yuan method, the attack has its own Dao Ji power.

Seeing the strength of my strength, none of the immortal families dared to come closer, they could only stay around me, but did not continue to attack.

"Little Master Hundred Flowers! This celestial being is extremely weird! I am afraid that I will not be able to reach the lower bounds, and it is not his opponent!"

"Little lord, this dog can't be underestimated!"

The fairy turned her head again, she was obviously a little impatient at this time. Around the rainbow-colored dress, beautiful and huge transparent flowers began to appear, each of which was rainbow-colored. I took a look. This posture knows that its energy is terrifying, and it is not what Daoji Eyes of my level can see through, so I immediately concentrated my eyes and raised Daoji Eyes to the same four poles, and only then did I see the female body clearly. The true colors of the Chinese clothes, and the true colors of the surrounding colorful flowers!

Women’s facial features are three-dimensional and impressive, and those bright eyes have unquestionable power, and the bun is shining with many beautiful flowers, and the clothes are also beautifully embroidered with flowers, which looks impressive. Yiliang.

I can almost tell who she is, this one should be Emperor Qingzi's head fairy, Baihua Fairy!

Whoosh whoosh!

A ray of bright light, accompanied by infinite flying flowers, immediately covered my side. As soon as I saw this thing unexpectedly rushed in pieces, the sword of the new law in my hand also activated the power of sword, and swept all the flowers around. open!


The heavens and the earth shook, if it weren’t for my Daoji Eyes that had opened to the four poles, I couldn’t even see the magnificent Daoji attacks, and the entire space was shattered like an earthquake. The cracks of the earthquake caused turbulence everywhere!

But after the explosion, these flying flowers continued to derive. From the magnificent color to the violent red, the number also changed from hundreds to thousands, as if the aftermath of the explosion was about to be annihilated, and the continuous layer upon layer approached me!

"Look, die!" I finished coldly, and the last of the nine magic tricks immediately blasted out. I saw a ray of light rushing towards Baihua Fairy, and then all the surroundings were covered by Qiyun Silk, and they continued to melt into In my creation space!

All the Zhengdao Immortals fled to the outside, and the infinite flower attack of the Baihua Fairy gave me an instant breakthrough, and immediately moved his position, otherwise, under my range and attack, everything around me would be reorganized!

The open sky that extends in all directions, the flying flowers that surrounded me by the fairy of Baihua have all been redefined, but when I removed all the attacks of the open sky, the fairy of Baihua was gone! The prosperity that surrounded me, of course, disappeared together.

"No wonder that even Proving Daotian is insecure during this period. This place will become the entrance to the lower realm for me, and indeed there are mortal immortals like you who mess with the lower realm.

"Little Lord, your orthodoxy has not been completely lowered, so you don't have to continue to be true to Fanxian."

"Sure enough, something really happened in the lower realm. We have just been in the lower realm. Many things don't fit in, so the little lord is not in a hurry."

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