Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5700: : Want to fall

But Li Poxiao's immortal transformation is almost endless, as long as there is energy to detonate, it is the area of ​​his immortal transformation, so he is most suitable to deal with these Taoist bombs!

Of course I won’t let the thermonucleus explode, but these things are not wishful thinking. If the thermonucleus does explode accidentally, it will be difficult to hide. So in order to prevent any accidents, I immediately ordered Kunpeng to fly to the gourd fairy city, at least Taking the vitality gourd back, it is still important to escape now!

After Kunpeng flew away, I was also ready to attack these three evil immortals. He turned himself into a bomb for revenge, but he also dragged everyone into danger.

"Xia Yitian! Do you dare to hinder the old man, the old man even exploded with you!" Na Lingxian saw that I was preparing to join this fight to save the thermonuclear, and it was inevitable to threaten it.

This is actually an extremely helpless pattern. If the three evil immortals are allowed to attack Hua Shenjun, it will undoubtedly die sooner or later, and Li Poxiao and I cannot attack Hua Shenjun. After all, the thermonucleus he kidnapped, and now the three evil immortals have a chance to kill Hua Shenjun. , We can't ignore it anymore, we have to drag Hua Shenjun.

But before I was about to launch an attack, several sword lights rushed towards me, and even more attacks rushed in from the gap in space everywhere!

"Huh, is it coming back so soon?" I swept my gaze towards the crack area. At this time, Sheng Daotian's old monsters are again in the lower realm, and it is not the time yet, but it also means that the other party may have been there. Monitor us.

I avoided the attack, and Li Poxiao was also affected by the attack, so he quickly proposed: "You go to destroy these Zhengdao immortals, I will solve this problem."

I nodded and rushed into the crack area immediately. In front of me, dozens of immortal families had successfully come down from Zheng Daotian, and some immortal families had also completed the descent.

The heads were not the Baihua Fairy and the Taishang Fairy, but an old man with a crane hair and a childlike face. This old man was like a cloud coat, wrapped in a layer of clouds, and behind him there were three immortal homes of men and women who descended from Taoism. An expression respecting him.

"The mortal under the heaven of the Dao, don't leave one." The old man smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the dust in his hand flicked towards me. In an instant, thousands of rays of light were shot from the sky, and one after another slanted toward me!

A group of immortal families proving Daotian followed by smashing a bunch of spells at me. Most of these attacks were Dao Ji attacks. It can be witnessed that Daotian rarely uses this lower realm technique.

A bunch of weird new laws blasted over, which inevitably left me with mixed tastes for a while, but the creation method was almost immune to all attacks below the four poles, most of the attacks were almost ineffective to me, but the blast of light was still a little powerful. , It can be seen that the old man is strong!

Seeing me rushing towards me, but looking like a lonely person, the old man was unavoidably shocked, but as a little boss, of course this proving Taoxian did not retreat. The dust in his hand continued to wave, and the surrounding rainy threads shot at me. Come here, there seem to be hundreds of millions of them!

"In front of this immortal monarch, how can you allow your junior to be arrogant!" Old Xian yelled softly, thinking that these lines would definitely make me want to die, but then he was surprised that it was difficult to attach!

The thin silver thread blasted on the song of the Kakajima in my hand, only made a sound of Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Dong Dong sound , The old man will inevitably open his eyes!

"Since you have the heart to kill me, you will eat my axe first." I smiled coldly, raising the axe high, and the old fairy woke up and prepared to fly away, but after the Dao Ji ability of hitting and singing was activated, within the range All Taoist spells and attacks will be ineffective, so the next step is to fight melee!

The cloud clothing on the old man also completely annihilated the axe's ability, and the simple Taoist robe he wore seemed completely defensive, which also made me smile contemptuously.


The old man instinctively used the dust to resist my powerful close slash, but in the end there is no doubt that the magical weapon that this robbery tentacles is concentrating on, how can it be the true Taoist magical opponent? Going down with an axe, the old man's brain burst, and he directly split me in half, and the core Dao nucleus was instantly crushed, and there was no chance to avoid it!

The power of the song is that it can eliminate the new laws below the four poles. Although the old fairy’s silver wire attacks are numerous, the number makes them mostly two or three poles. Let alone useless with the axe, it hits me. In fact, it has no effect.

"Ah! Immortal Shoutian!"

A group of immortals looked at me as the leader of the army, and they were shocked. They were in a mess. The one I hit did not stop. Then it became a journey of slaughter. The axe's ability is against the sky, and it has the ability to fight against the four-pole Dao Ji. If there is a Dao Ji power that exceeds it, it can also be used. Therefore, the area covered by me, these lower realm Dao immortals are all short-legged The frog, couldn't even jump out of the puddle, and was crushed to death in the water.

These lower realms of the Daoist Immortals were also aggrieved, and one round of attack completely wiped me out.

But my success here does not mean that Li Poxiao’s side is going well. Li Poxiao’s immortal transformation will eventually need to explode before he can have enough power to condense once. This means that there will be an explosion every time he can’t stop it. The pressure on King Huashen suddenly increased, and he struggled with life and death several times.

But at this moment, the **** of Hua Shenjun is also free, and the destiny nucleus on his body has also been divided into several waves, trying his best to maintain this thermonucleus from being detonated by the explosion, but even so, if the continuous Taoist bomb explodes, he will eventually support it. Can't help.



Thermonuclei faltered in a suicide explosion. The unstable state can be clearly seen from a distance. Each time the thermonucleus is sunken into a hole in the explosion, and when the explosion occurs continuously, it will push each other and the storm will roll. It seemed to be overwhelming, and at this time, the **** of the gods was constantly dividing the core of the destiny to control the hot core not to detonate, and it was really embarrassing.

When he met someone desperate, his idea of ​​kidnapping a thermonuclear seemed a little awkward. It was really going to explode, and he must be done. So seeing that I solved the enemy and rushed out, Hua Shenjun couldn’t help but shout. : "Xia Yitian, at this time, should I make up my mind?!"

I snorted coldly, with an axe in my hand, and a sword with a new rule, immediately began to cut off the Tao core of the three evil immortals. Now the three evil immortals are only a curse. It is time to destroy it. At least now, the Huashen Monarch has also weakened to a controllable range. His destiny core may be only twenty or thirty remaining.

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