Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5724: : The wind comes

The collision caused by a face-to-face is just like the same breath. Everyone thinks that the sword has a problem and exploded. Even a group of swordsmen did not see the clue. After all, fortunately, in their eyes, it is just a lonely premature aging. Son, swordsmanship is also ordinary, it is impossible to become a master swordsman overnight.

"Teacher! Every disciple in the small sword field has to win five games alone in order to go to the big sword field to compete with the next promotion. The disciple still owes three points, can the disciple come in the next game!?" Hai Ziyu volunteered Said, and the sword master surnamed Wang is already the same as hand-picking her, of course he will not object: "Also, you are Xing'er's classmate, so let you learn from each other, and you have to pay attention to the end, even if the strength is against you. It’s difficult for a disciple of a certain level to move freely."

"Disciple got it!" Hai Ziyu watched Yang Pingping lifted off the stage with a look of horror. She proudly lifted the sword and came on stage. She also had a real sword in her hand, and she was not ashamed: "Fortunately, Senior Sister, Senior Sister is not Ping'er. You should know how sharp the sword in your hand is. This sword is eyeless. You have to be careful. I also advise you to change to a real sword."

"No, senior sister, please bring out the sword." Xing'er has experience in the first game and is more confident in her swordsmanship. Swordsmanship is also a long training process for the immortal family, sword power and sword spirit. Sword and sword intent are indispensable, and once all these are reached to the extreme, even if the Qi Sword meets the True Sword?

Of course, the demolition between the master and the master really requires a good sword, but it is obviously not up to the level that Xing'er can use a real sword. To me, the opponent's sword is actually no different from paper.

"Huh, mean maid, but I happened to win, this time to see how I can deal with you!" Hai Ziyu couldn't help but pass the sound, but fortunately, she didn't care at all. Under my training, she has calmed down a lot, even her mentality No changes.


Hai Ziyu is different from Yang Pingping just now. This time she didn't rush over quickly. Maybe she was throwing a rat trap, or she was not good at close hand-to-hand combat, so she planned to use a ranged attack to defeat Xing'er.

There were more than a dozen sword qi in an instant, floating beside Hai Ziyu, but fortunately, he was not a wooden person, and immediately rushed towards her!

Seeing Xing'er rushing towards him, a dozen sword qi immediately resembled a taut bow and arrow, and immediately trembled, as if to burst out at any time!

However, at the next moment, all of these sword auras suddenly disappeared without a trace. Under the pressure of the sword, Hai Ziyu suddenly became half short, not to mention the use of sword aura to strike Xing'er. Er didn't hesitate to continue rushing towards the opponent, there was no feeling of stagnation at all!

The Twelve Heavenly Swords Zhongzhen Sword Type is derived from this sword pressure system, so the next moment everyone just saw Xing'er quickly out of the sword, and Hai Ziyu encouraged to lift the sword to resist this scene. In the previous scene, the exact same sword was broken on the spot, and the same whole body was sifted into the broken sword!

The densely packed sword fragments embedded in Hai Ziyu's body, beating this beautiful girl into a blood man!

Xing'er looked at Hai Ziyu who was blasting out, and after he said ‘acceptance’, he did not intend to pursue the opponent.

"This... can't it be this sword?"

"What a coincidence? This sword is also fake?"

And this time, of course, everyone will not continue to believe that the sword is fake. The Qi sword smashes a good sword. No matter who the disciple here can explain it, more than a dozen swordsmen are also showing weird looks at this moment. Even the sword master who was good at it immediately got in front of Xing'er and motioned for her to show the Qi sword.

"Master, what should I do?" Xing'er surrounded the sword master. Of course, I became restrained in an instant. I smiled and said, "As long as there is no murder, no one from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Clan will dare to treat you clearly, so he can just get angry. Show them the sword."

Fortunately, the Qi sword immediately condensed the Qi sword. Of course, this Qi sword is not the culprit of destroying the true sword. It is the point line of the sword that destroys the true sword. Therefore, the Qi sword is quickly broken by the inspecting sword master. There, fortunately, fortunately, the sword did not open up, not even the sword intent and the sword realm were displayed.

"Weird, there is no problem with the Qi sword. It seems that there is a problem with the real sword." The sword master who checked was inevitably surprised, and the sword masters on the side were all surprised, including the female sword master surnamed Wang, who was also shocked at this moment. But since this Hai Ziyu was also injured, she inevitably had a pale face and said angrily: "Ding Ruoxing! You have repeatedly injured your senior sister, but you don’t have the slightest sympathy, so vicious, you will be kicked out of the game as a teacher. Lest you hurt other disciples again!"

"Teacher, you said that the sword has no eyes, and that it is inevitable to accidentally get hurt. Why didn't the disciple touch the bodies of the two senior sisters with the sword, it should be the sword that was broken and scratched, but instead they were expelled from the game? What hasn't been done well?" Xing'er quickly asked back. Of course, I taught her to say this. Xing'er was already panicking for the crowd watching now.

"Do you dare to talk back!?" The female sword master surnamed Wang stared angrily, obviously planning to double mark, and even if the sword master on the side knew that this was the double standard of female sword master surnamed Wang, he did not speak, after all, offended a disciple. It's simple, but it's not fun to offend the fellow.

"The disciple didn't dare, but the disciple used the Qi sword, but the two elder sisters used real swords to fight, and the disciples danced on the tip of a sword, so they must also have the consciousness of being hit by a counter-strike! Did you hurt two senior sisters? Teacher, of course, you can make such a ruling, but I don’t know how many uncles, uncles, and brothers and sisters here determine this matter? Do you also think that the disciples are defeating the strong with the weak, and the real sword Is the sword of qi supremely honorable?" Fortunately, his teeth became sharp.

This is of course not what she wants to say, but what I asked her to say. It is not enough to become stronger in swordsmanship. If you want to turn against the wind, you can no longer be controlled by others everywhere.

This vocal retort made the female swordsman surnamed Wang so angry that she didn't know what to say, she immediately stretched out her hand and slapped it, but fortunately she had already practiced an instinctive top-level swordsmanship, and she immediately stepped aside. , And one of the sword masters hurriedly stopped the female sword master surnamed Wang: "Junior Sister Wang, don’t worry. I remember that this disciple should not have such a temperament before. This time is quite unusual. Could it be that I won the Heavenly Sword Fairy Gate? Which senior’s chance? You have to deal with it carefully."

Although this sentence is unintentional, it is not completely unintentional. After all, the swordsmanship Xing'er showed is too weird, and the Heavenly Sword Immortal Gate is the strongest school of swordsmanship in the Nine Heavens. This disciple runs around and will inevitably encounter Some swordsmanship is great, and it’s not surprising to get some preaching; and fortunately, he suddenly becomes hardened, making it clear that there is an expert support behind him, otherwise how dare to talk back to the elder?

They are just low-level swordsmen. It's nothing to offend a disciple, but if you offend a terrific senior, it would be terrible, not to mention that the double-labeling is unfair.

"Brother Li! You..." The female swordsman surnamed Wang originally thought that the other party was looking for faults to stop her, but when she turned her thoughts, she was shocked. Seeing Xing'er with a weak and strong expression, she suddenly It also seems to have understood something, this is groundless, not necessarily without cause!

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