Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5744: : Zengshou

"Well, you'd better hurry up with your affairs, but if you have a chance, remember to talk to the Sword Master Grandma about my affairs, not for anything else, just because Grandpa Master misses her." Xing'er said.

"This...I'm afraid it won't work. I have a task now, and I also want to find a grandma. Isn't she retreating? In addition, the uncle Jian Guo has explicitly forbidden me to use the relationship, otherwise I will help You have to follow the rules? Little Master, I don't want it, but I can't." Shen Xiaoyu shrugged helplessly.

I am relatively strict, and everyone also pays attention to strength, especially the children of high-ranking families, and they have to abide by the rules and regulations. Therefore, it is no wonder that the gods are joking and can still hold the bottom line at critical moments.

After chatting for a while, and after confessing that Xing'er should never leave the gourd fairy city, Shen Xiaoyu hurriedly left, Xing'er also began to control the flying cloak, and quickly followed the method I gave her to find special points.

For Xing'er, it is still very difficult to find a special point. After all, the power of the Sky Profound Realm is not a big deal here, so even with the help of the cloak and the guidance from me at any time, it will take enough time. All day long, after all, in addition to the vitality gourd itself, this world also had three Lingxu scrolls, and the world seemed infinite.

This sea worm was hidden very deep and was found in a ditch 10,000 meters deep under the sea. When I found it, I used the password to open the door of vitality.

Entering it, the treasures inside are full of treasures, and there are also a lot of materials, and there are even some swords of high quality.

Everything around is still the same, after all, the treasures that can be placed here are basically without tools, and to prevent any problems with the tree of vitality.

The tree of Taoism is something that I regard as a treasure, and its full of vitality leaves, flower buds, and fruits are also full of vitality.

So looking at this sacred tree, Xing'er was dumbfounded, because even standing here could make her feel a fresh life rushing toward her face.

"Master, if I practice here, will I be able to get better?" Xing'er checked the environment here while feeling the vitality and immortality that was different from elsewhere.

"Yes, this place is within the Taoist treasure, which can resist not part of the laws of heaven. So if you cultivate and refine the vital leaves, flower buds, and fruits here, you can restore your youth and your cultivation. Rapid growth." I said.

"The leaves of the sacred tree... are all possible?" Xing'er was extremely surprised.

"Hehe, don't underestimate this leaf, it is at least one pole of Taoism, and it is also vital, and even if it is one pole, it is not so easy for you to digest. You can take it off now. Try one first, remember not to be greedy." I reminded.

Fortunately, she nodded and asked carefully when picking the leaves: "Master, this leaf is one pole, what about the buds and fruits?"

"If the buds grow well, there are probably two poles of Taoism. As for the fruits, they are at least three poles. These are treasures of longevity." I explained that this thing is that the leaves were in the land of the nine immortals. Priceless.

After removing the leaves, I felt the vitality in it. Fortunately, I put it into my tongue according to my request, and began to meditate to extract the vitality. After all, I began to introduce the limbs and corpses.

After a while, the vigorous vitality power penetrated the body. When Zhou Tian was running, the heavy power even washed her veins, and soon the realm gate of the Sky Profound Realm began to loosen. After all, this vitality attribute It is much gentler than other attributes, and it can even widen the width of the Taoist lineage. It can be described as a supreme quality product in cultivation. Even a leaf is lucky enough to rush into the true profound realm.

I had already planned to make her grow quickly. I had to use the technique of the True Profound Realm as well as the degree to which it should be achieved. I used my mind to guide her into her sea of ​​consciousness. As expected, it seemed like a matter of course. This smart girl speeded up. He picked up one leaf, and took off the second leaf as a spare, and rushed directly into the Sky Profound Realm!

After the vein reached the Profound Sky Realm, although Xing'er's appearance had not undergone earth-shaking changes, with the growth of her life, her wrinkles were obviously smoother, and Xing'er was happy to see herself in the bronze mirror. Exhausted: "Master! Fortunately, are you a little younger?"

"Of course, in this secret realm of vitality, it has resisted the passage of the law of heaven, so if you swallow this vitality leaf, your youth will only look back after cultivation. Although this speed is very slow, as the number of swallows increases, Your cultivation base is getting higher, and it will be a matter of time before you return to your youth. Then do you want to change back to the true thirteen or fourteen-year-old appearance?" I asked.

"Of course! Master, although Xing'er knows that appearance is not everything... but I also want everyone to look more pleasing to the eye..." Xing'er's tears fell down. This is her only chance, how can she not take it well.

"Well, that's the case, you can use everything here. Of course, you need to make progress gradually, and you can't be anxious. This is also the chance and luck that the teacher promised you." I laughed.

"Xing'er knows." Xing'er wiped away the tears, and then contained a second leaf. I also continued to give her the cultivation method from the true profound realm to the good fortune realm, as well as the method of expanding my veins with vitality. So that she can quickly rush out of the shackles of the realm and rush to the peak with vitality.

Fortunately, what Xinger cultivates is Tianyi’s authentic Tianyiyi method, so it has the characteristic of containing all attributes. This vitality attribute is the best cultivation attribute. It can compensate for any damage caused by the expansion of the veins, which distinguishes it from anything else. The side effects brought by attributes, if they were replaced with other attributes, it would take a certain amount of time to stabilize the realm after breaking through the realm. After all, there are many people who are not stable and go back to the original realm, but the vitality attribute does not have this drawback at all.

Xing'er's cultivation is extremely fast and swift, and there are leaves that can be drawn at any time. It only takes a little more than two days for her to enter the Good Fortune Realm from the True Profound Realm, and then break into the Return One Realm.

Fortunately, for the lucky child who has entered the realm of Guiyi at this moment, his longevity can be said to have greatly increased, and there is no life worry, and the appearance has changed from a 70-80-year-old grandmother to a middle-aged woman in her 50s. After all, restoring a youthful appearance and practicing are two different things. It’s not like taking a fruit to jump and change the level of cultivation. The Taoist lineage changes from aging to rebirth, and you have to make gradual progress.

Therefore, the following reincarnation realm and mixed element realm are also difficult. The leaves can no longer satisfy her extraction. In order to continue to advance faster, it is necessary to refine the Taoist things at the level of buds.

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