Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5820: : Switch

"Well, I'll try the swordsmanship of Junior Sister." Ye Xianyuan has always been led by Longqiuyou, and the swordsmanship is still good, so I want to try it. Of course, even if she wants to try, the others are The younger brother and younger sister under her couldn't let her go first. Then Quan Ruo cheeked and raised his hand: "How can I let Senior Sister Ye go first? Even if we know we are defeated, we can't be fake! Come! This time! Change me!"

Quan Nai stood up immediately and quickly stood on the stage. As a result, this guy's swordsmanship was similar to that of Zhao Jing and Jiang Yushu. After the polite meeting ceremony, it was the result of losing in one move.

At this time, it was Fan An, Fan Ya, Fan Xiao, and Fan De. They started earlier than Taiweilan, but later than Meng Daozhi and Han Xuan. So although they are young, they have qualifications. There, so I still have to go.

However, there is no doubt that these four disciples have all received a ticket to face the wall and are out of the game. Against Xing'er, they are completely the result of passively attacking the sword. The disciples of Jie Jianmen were beaten.

Of course, Shaozi's complexion was not very good. Seeing Ye Xianyuan playing, everyone thought she was upset.

"Shaozi, what's the matter? I think there is a crisis?" Xiangling chuckled, and Shaozi's eyebrows relaxed, and said, "What crisis?"

"Hey, of course this little junior girl who turned out to be born?" Xiang Ling smiled.

"I don't know where Master picked such a powerful little junior sister. It's really weird, Master Sister, I'm afraid you are the only opponent. I don't think anyone else can do it." Shen Jinzhao also took advantage of this gap. Add oil and vinegar.

"Don't talk so fast, Junior Brother Han hasn't played yet." Jiu Fangsu patted Shen Jinzhao's arm with an expression indicating that he should not provoke his senior sister.

Shen Jinzhao shrugged and said with a grin: "Yes, Junior Brother Han hasn't come yet. After Junior Sister Meng, it's time to go to Junior Brother Han."

Han Xuan looked at the people around him in a stunned look, and said, "What can I do... My swordsmanship is ordinary, isn't it what you said..."

"Are you still ordinary?" Long Qiuyou shook his head and smiled: "Same as heaven and earth is a good sword technique."

Han Xuan scratched his head and said, "Brother is right."

"What's right, if you don't understand, just nod your head there." Shen Jinzhao stretched out his hand and patted Han Xuanyi's back, and finally gave Jiu Fangsu a stare: "What about death?"

"Don't dare... I just like Junior Brother Han." Shen Jinzhao folded his hands together, with an expression of fear of his wife.

"In the next game, let Junior Brother Han go up and try it." Long Qiuyou laughed, and all the disciples nodded, still watching the show.

I smiled. This Han Xuanyi was my disciple who was repossessing land in Tiannan. His swordsmanship obeyed nature, but he was extremely compatible with the two ways of Yin and Yang. He was a magical child. Of course, his temperament was not lively enough.

Everyone was discussing the next game to let Han Xuan play, but it was decided that Ye Xianyu had already lost the battle. One inch and nine swords to force the opponent out of the field is equivalent to pulling the minds of all the disciples. On the throat.

"Nine styles of strange tricks, I'm afraid I've learned all of them...Thirteen styles of the sky sword, I'm afraid it is no exception, tsk tsk..." Shen Jinzhao also felt that he was suspended, but then Fan Xiao said nothing The gods were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths, and the other disciples were silent: "On this way, we see that the nine-stroke tricks of Xing'er Junior Sister are quite satisfactory, and the eight styles have not changed too surprisingly, but the 13th style of the sky sword But it’s different. It’s the thirteen styles created by the master, not the thirteen styles of Heaven’s Punishment Sword of Qiankun Dao Zun.”

"Which thirteen formula is that?" Long Qiuyou asked hurriedly.

"In addition to the original thirteenth form of the sword of punishment, the master removed the yin and yang sword body, and added the two tricks of Wanjie and Mie... Until now, I haven't seen the younger sister use it, maybe even pressure No one can force her to use it under her hand." Fan Xiao said.

"Well-solution and extinction?"

Everyone took a breath of air and looked at me. I was expressionless and too lazy to explain. It is much better for them to experience it by themselves than for me to explain.

"Well, we haven't seen these tricks, so we don't know how the younger sister will use it..." Fan Ya explained.

"You can't let Little Junior Sister win anymore. This round of war is simply too ugly. We are all Master's disciples. If we lose again, we will lose our heads." Xiangling flexed her hands with an expression ready to go up.

"Second Senior Sister, this is not a question of wheel fighting. Didn't you see that Master did this deliberately? It is also known that he cheated himself, so let us wheel fighting and acquiesce." Shen Jinzhao said with a smile.

"Just as much as you know." Xiang Ling snorted, then stared at Shen Jin Showa Jiu Fang Su, and said: "Yes, in the next game, your husband and wife are two to one, right?"

"How come? Isn't this bullying the younger sister?" Shen Jinzhao suddenly shook his head, and said: "I have heard that the boy and Xing'er in my family are very familiar. , Saying that Susu and I hit his junior uncle, wouldn't it be a huge blow to his young mind?"

I looked at a few disciples and shook their heads, but this time fortunately, the impact on them was really huge. I was actually not okay to catch them and deflate them. Instead, I wanted to select disciples who would preach with me. The understanding of the law, otherwise they would not even be able to do so, even if they were sent up, it would be just a gift to the old monsters in the sky.

So the question of this comparison came out. At present, there are no disciples who can prove the Dao. Of course, those who lose will not be useless, but they are still in poor condition.

So not to mention Xiangling who thinks he is going to win a game, I also feel that someone must stop Xinger from winning.

As a result, I was wondering if I would temporarily mention these closed disciples so that they would not be ashamed. There was a scene that surprised even me.

Han Xuanyi, who had a low sense of existence, unexpectedly frequently used ingenious tricks in the sword fight against Xing'er this time. The Yin-Yang swordsmanship made him use the rules, which really surprised me.

Han Xuanyi uses two divine swords, one black and one white, so when the sword was taken out, the sky suddenly switched between one black, one white, one yin and one yang. This time and space switching made Xing'er feel the pressure for the first time. , After all, this is not a pure attribute attack, but an attribute transformation attack with a flipped rule.

"This is the switching rule?" I saw this sudden switch, and I knew that this was not the Yin-Yang rule, but the switch brought by the Yin-Yang attribute in the rapid release of the sword, which caused Xing'er to be extremely uncomfortable, so fortunately He has not dared to use magical powers to destroy this sword technique.

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