Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5907: : Open picture

I smiled in my heart, secretly saying that this is indeed the seed of the Shengtu family, and it is also a purebred Tibetan mastiff. In this case, I still don’t forget to bite the opponent, but then again, the Shengtu family does have the capital to dare to bite. Who is winning? Tu Hao's military abilities dominate the four emperors?

It just has the ability to pick things up, and even if it’s good for the other three, it’s impossible to be so good that everyone can call it a brother, so deliberately provoking a disagreement is the smartest way, because he can’t beat it, but it’s not necessarily good. I don't help. This information says that the victory of Tu Yu is true of Xiao Zhou Yu, but it is not false. This kid is indeed much better than Beihu Ao.

But even if the North Fox is a little proud, it doesn't matter to me or even the North Fox family. This place where merchants gather, does not require a too feminine manager, and the temperament to talk about things is actually better. Groups of businessmen embracing each other can be considered a certain success factor. After all, who would do a profitable business with Shengtujia?

Shengtujia's knife was too bloody.

"This emperor didn't say that. Did the Northern Fox Emperor want to go wrong?" Sheng Tuyu looked at the Northern Fox Emperor with a shocked expression, with an apologetic expression. In fact, this goal was achieved, so why bother to spend more. Talking makes others feel uncomfortable.

Beihu Ao was so angry that he was about to ridicule a few more words, but he didn't dare. After all, he suddenly remembered that I was next to him. He didn't dare to lose his temper.

And when he was struggling depressedly to say something, Jiu Fangyu smiled and said, "Well, what's so controversial about this? Give more, more benefits, less. Point, there are few advantages. Since Emperor Shengtu said so, he has his own reason, and the Emperor North Fox does not need to over-interpret it."

Beihu Ao has gained a step, and he sees it as an ally on his side, he immediately gave his hand in reluctance, but he gave the face to all the faces: "The words of the emperor of Jiufang are really good, not like some immortal emperors. Hey, I really don’t know what I usually do. I’m afraid it’s a special teardown, right?"

Sheng Tu Yu smiled casually at the corner of his mouth, but did not answer.

Gu Longjun doesn’t matter, but he is not the one who suffers from dumb loss. This victory over Tu Hao still remembers the friendship of the past. Everyone cooperates with each other against the North Fox family and the Jiufang family, but now this junior has defeated Tu Yu as an enemy or a friend. He couldn't tell the difference, so he darkened his face and said with a smile: "Everyone is arguing about this, but forgot the main point. I don't know what good things Shengtu Huang brought, but don't be like what he said, it is meaningless. This stuff, if it’s like this, it’s fun. The boss always has one thing for one, the other for two. He is open and honest, and he will never talk nonsense with others and play those little conspiracies? It’s no wonder that the Emperor Shengtu is unstable. The big guy won't remind me."

I glared at Gu Longjun, and he was so scared that he hurriedly smiled and said, "Boss, I just think this kid shouldn't be unreliable, just point him..."

"Okay, what do you both harm each other like a woman with a long tongue? I'm not a court here. I have not had enough noise in these two days waiting outside? If it weren't for my tight time, I wouldn't bother calling you together "I said lightly, but in my heart I also secretly said that Gu Longjun can really flatter his eyes.

Seeing that I looked at him, Sheng Tuyu hurriedly offered his treasures with both hands, and said, "Uncle, I said my nephew was carefully selected, but I dare not say, after all these days, I really can’t go back to Shengtu to hunt for treasure. , So all the courtiers worked hard to find the treasures, and then the treasures selected by the nephew, can’t be found in the fief like everyone can go back to, so if it’s not very good, please take care of it, and wait until the nephew After returning to the fief, I will personally find treasures to offer to my uncle..."

I secretly said that this kid was handy when he picked up the vegetables. It really meant that the other three emperors wiped a sweat, but he himself should also know that his character cannot please any immortal emperor, so he is all enemies. This is indeed very powerful. Of course, the Shengtu family would not be careful in the future, and I was afraid that they would fight the group. I had to remind Ling Tian to wake up. Don't let this kid really kill the Three Emperors.

"Hehe, I'm not a rare treasure of yours, and I won't be as important as you, but this treasure is indeed not as good as the other two. As for the Jieyuhua recommended by the ancient dragon emperor, I will not compare it." Said deliberately, and then picked up the scroll with extremely powerful strength in Sheng Tu Yu's hand.

At this moment, Sheng Tuyu really broke out in cold sweat. After all, I said no, I didn’t. It was not as good as the other three. He also knew that, otherwise he would not have been walking on the chain bridge just now. This is a sword walk. Slant.

The other three emperors suddenly had more or less the mentality of watching a good show.

I shake off the scroll. It is not a calligraphy or painting, nor is it a space-like picture, but a blank scroll with nothing on it.

Sheng Tu Yu looked at me frowning and quickly explained: "Uncle, this immortal picture is quite useful. It is the treasure of the Taoist space. Uncle, you often travel around the world, but this picture can be shown in the picture by the world and then transformed into an identity. Shuttle into this picture, you can go directly to the mystery! That is to say, wherever your uncle thinks of, as long as you have been there, or have seen it, you can directly introduce a thought into the picture, and then you will be there instantly Up!"

"Oh? Is it so magical?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, it is so magical, so this is the top auxiliary treasure." Sheng Tu Yu said.

"But I have Kunpeng now, so I don’t have to use this map to freely shuttle elsewhere. Isn’t it unnecessary to use this map to do things that Kunpeng can do? This dog still needs to walk, if the Kunpeng **** knows that I use This thing, don't you want me to complain?" I laughed, this fairy picture is a random door that can instantly go to the place I have been.

I also tried it. I thought about the Heavenly Gate in the South of Heaven. Sure enough, the archway of the Gate of Heaven that day appeared in the empty scroll of white paper. I stretched out my hand and went inside. When the guard saw it, he rushed over in fright. I hurriedly closed my hands. The disciples who were watching the archway in this picture were still looking for the hand I had just reached in. It was really interesting.

In the scene before me, I was actually hunting for joy, but I deliberately embarrassed Sheng Tu Yu.

Sheng Tu Yu is very embarrassed. I don’t think I really value this treasure. Of course, he’s also racking his brains on what to do. After all, it’s Jieyuhua first, then Taoji coral, and then the cornucopia. These are all great, he Compared with the random door scroll, I would say it is a coincidence. If it is a coincidence, it is really worthless.

The three emperors immediately felt that they had watched it lively. After all, his treasure was really praised, and it should have been unlucky to win Tu Yu, who danced like a monkey.

But I’m pressing, I really don’t know how great a person’s potential will be. Sheng Tu Yu thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Uncle, my nephew has a secret. I'm afraid that I can resist all the treasures here. You can open this picture if you don't believe my uncle Go to Guanzhi with my nephew..."

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