Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5912: : Multi-method

"Uncle, you have to be careful. These dozen or so treasures are really no small things. We are three masters of the realm of the realm of Xianjia who died here before we took down this random door scroll. Of course... we picked at the same time. The best." Sheng Tu Yu pointed to the treasures here, of course there was still a lingering fear.

"Well, I also want to go to the sixth floor to see, this fifth-story treasure, after all, I have to get one..." I looked at these treasures, there is no doubt that the fifth-tier treasures are not just It has reached the level of Taoism, and the lowest is three poles. Of course, these three poles are auxiliary-level treasures. Most of them are magical, and most of them have reached the four-pole standard, which can be said to be under the chaotic world. The highest level of Taoism, so I took a look, smiled and asked the immortal emperors who were looking at the treasures here: "Don't you try?"

Before my words were over, everyone shook their heads, each with a sullen face, showing that they were not good.

"City Lord, we are just following you. We are fortunate enough to walk the horse and watch the flowers. Even if we want to get one back in our heart, we can inherit the family, but we really dare not make fun of the creatures of the entire territory... , But everyone is pointing to us to ask for life..." Jiu Fangyu said sincerely, and it was indeed the standard answer.

When Gu Longjun heard this, he suddenly felt that what Jiufangyu said was nice. After thinking about it, he said in words: "Boss, Jiufanghuang is right, but my little brother is also powerless. I have to guard this eastern border for you. Even if the East God seat is leveled for you, you still have to be careful of some harms that do not have eyesight, so my brother will not behave in front of your old man this time..."

"Uncle, my nephew's house...There are still some treasures in the house, even if you take one, you can't do anything..." Beihu was proud of it.

Sheng Tu Yu coughed lightly and said: "The random door is already the greedy gain of the Sheng Tu family, but there is no face to choose one, so my nephew decided not to take any more this time..."

I laughed secretly in my heart, these few are all cunning, but now I don't think it's down to the sixth floor, I also feel that I have come for nothing. I took a flag in hand and immediately injected the Taoist vein.

Everyone has seen me pass all the way through the generals, this fifth level is certainly dangerous, but on the contrary, they have no original surprises or even exclaims, watching me cast spells calmly.

As soon as this flag started, the wind and clouds suddenly rose, and countless lines were madly open. I even felt the powerful and terrifying Taoist power surging against my suppression, including the dozens of guardian spirit lines, like crazy. Rushed at me, because this flag belongs to the nineteen guardian spirits, so once it breaks out and I can’t suppress it, it will immediately be swallowed, and in the end even my veins will be swallowed by this flag Up.

So I immediately activated the law of time and forcibly responded with the four-pole time law. Even though the law of these situations is quite complicated, my law of time is independent of any energy law, so these guardian spirits are not before they come out. It was suppressed in the flag, and even the mixed and mutated laws of this flag were put out on the spot.

The flag finally fell into my hands quietly and turned into a treasure about the size of a palm. This is a super treasure of attack type. After all, this kind of artifact level thing is relatively complex, so I didn’t study it thoroughly. It, plus the door opened, I dropped it into my sleeve pocket and entered the sixth floor.

At this time, the space on the sixth floor has changed greatly.

It seems to have appeared in a certain level of ancient tombs, there are weird runes everywhere, and eight formations are arranged around, and on each formation, there is a baby floating on it, or a knife and gun. Swords and halberds, or bottles, pots and crocks, but they undoubtedly exude a unique atmosphere of laws, and even have various attributes that are different from any previous treasures!

I secretly calculated the fifth level. There are about 36 pieces. I counted them right with Sheng Tu Yu. When the scroll was not taken away, it was also the number of 36, so I can figure it out. Once the treasures of each layer here are taken away, they will be automatically filled in quickly.

And the sixth floor seems to be the same, but these eight treasures seem to be top-notch, making me feel dangerous for a while.

After a glance, I found that the eight platforms here are connected to the big array, which seems to be an integrated big array.

"Shengtu Emperor, what do you think?" I asked with a smile.

Sheng Tu Yu was stunned, and then said: "Uncle, I have been here. There are also eight treasures. It may be about to bottom out and it has been reduced by so much. However, the treasures here, no matter what they are, are It’s not only a little bit stronger than the thirty-six items above, but the degree of incomprehensibility is also reached to the top. According to the expert who solved the formation that I brought before, the eight treasures are extraordinary. They are all cracked, I am afraid it is difficult to enter the next level!"

"Oh, that means, I can start to win eight pieces alone?" I smiled suddenly, picked up a feather fan, and started the suppression without hesitation!

After injecting the veins and activating the law of time, a young man in white who also existed as a quadrupole floated out, and the fan in my hand appeared directly in his hand!

I stunned, and secretly said that this is much more interesting.

These eight platforms are about half the size of a basketball court. At the moment when the opponent appeared, there were runes of light around them, locking this platform, I am afraid that if I didn't win this brother, I would not be able to get out. .

This fan fell into the opponent's hand. After waving it, thunder and lightning flashed, and the earth, wind, water and fire suddenly swept across the world. If I hadn't had the law of time, its powerful law would isolate my law of time!

This shows that the other party's Taoism, at least the four poles are floating up, and the eight treasures basically represent the extreme of Chaos Heaven by this time.

The roots of the treasures are almost the same, but after several mutations, they become another existence, including this lupine. The Tao is extremely complex beyond imagination. This is typically a mixture of several laws. This kind of treasure exceeds All the treasures I have seen.

Because it stands to reason that a kind of treasure can hold the same law of heaven and it is very powerful, enough to become an indomitable existence, but if there are two kinds, or even three or more kinds of Taoism, then count its Taoism as weak and unite. They are all extraordinary!

However, in theory, such treasures must be contradictory, because different laws repel each other, even the most powerful treasure makers can hardly overcome this difficulty!

But as soon as I played against it, I found that there are at least three laws of this fan!

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