Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5914: : Wei An

The Four Sovereigns did not dare to try, it was indeed a bit of a lack of strength, but there were still many masters in Tiancheng, who just happened to take everyone to fetch the treasure for the purpose of proving the Tao, so next I broke the connection.

The reason why I am not worried about the treasure not being able to reach my hands is because the rune context and the law context connection of this treasure are already clear. For me, a second one can be copied, although the material will definitely be missing. But the biggest advantage of this treasure lies not in the material, but in the derivation of context runes.

At the third level, treasures can still be regarded as treasures, but starting from the fourth level, treasures are no longer considered treasures. After several mutations, Taoist treasures will gradually break away from the constraints of materials, because in battle, most of them can already be. If you use Dao Ji to attack, the general spell response is useless, so this is also the reason why the rune context of the treasure is more important.

Just like in the creation world, the existence of Taoism is actually a kind of formation and connection of a vein for me, including the creation of birth spirit, which is a derivation of a vein.

But in the face of the power I possess, it is not difficult to create a born spirit. Even I can use my own hands to resurrect Yun Shangxian, Qing Li Mo, and Liu Daoche. But what is the use of being resurrected? The most important thing is not the body, nor the life itself. The important thing is the soul formed by a person's spirit and personality. If the soul is gone, what is the use of the body?

Back on the platform, the treasures slowly floated one by one from under my feet. These are the six treasures I got from the first floor to the sixth floor. It seems that for the tomb robbers who know how to stop, this is the emperor. Not stingy about treasures.

But in other words, he should actually like to have more people go in for treasure hunting, only in this way can his research continue.

Looking at the super feather fan with the three laws in my hand, the Four Emperors certainly admired it, but envy was envy, and he did this to save his life, even the first layer of treasures did not dare to touch.

Kunpeng quickly summoned me. For such a platform, its claws followed a slightly larger flat stone, and it instantly pulled me to the Imperial Study Room.

Haosheng comforted the four emperors, and then I sent them away. Looking at the super baby like a platform, of course I couldn’t help but feel happy, don’t look at it floating like a flying saucer, this is a super thing The treasure of the treasure, and after knowing that I brought this treasure back, of course people began to come one after another.

A group of immortal families surrounded this large stone formation, of course, they found it extremely fresh, and the disciples on the back mountain wall saw it, and they surrounded the tomb of the emperor, and everyone expressed their opinions.

This thing is a cemetery. Everyone started talking about auspicious and unlucky ones, and talked about trying to break the formation. After all, after listening to my journey, everyone aroused interest.

"The gambling mode of the Imperial Tomb is very cruel. It is equivalent to a small mutant Proving Dao Tian. Failure will become a treasure here. Victory will be able to take away the treasures you have fancy. There is no way to deal with greed. Of course, Besides, it is also a good opportunity for the preachers to prove the truth, because the treasures in it can supply thousands of people to try the preaching.” I laughed.

"Master, do you plan to use this thing to lead the immortal family of Jiuzhongtian to the Creation Heaven?" Long Qiuyou next to me asked curiously.

"Well, that's the meaning, don't you want to listen to your opinions now?" I laughed. In fact, the emperor's tomb is not as happy as the others. Even if it is precious, it should not be put away. The wolves of the world need something to break the game, and this imperial tomb is an important part.

You must know that I want more people to prove Dao Chuangshitian and contribute to my new world and new heavens. But a piece of Daoji coral is obviously not enough, and I even sprinkle my treasures on other immortals, not to mention it. The treasures of sermons are hard to find, even if I put them in their hands, no one really believes them.

As the saying goes, the donation is worthless, and the truth that I have strived for is so loving, and it is much better for them to grab the treasure by themselves than to take it for them.

Not to mention that it is them who want to preach. What's wrong with giving them a way to survive?

"Master's idea is good, but I'm afraid everyone thinks that our Celestial City is destroying the Taoist Realm Immortal Family." Ye Xianyuan shrugged.

"That's no way, right? If you don't let the Xingdao Realm Immortal Family leave Jiuzhongtian, Jiuzhongtian will never be peaceful, and the master is also using the immortal, this is the best of both worlds." Shen Jinzhao Shen Ning. Tao.

"Yes, now that you have reached the realm of the Dao of Enlightenment, what do you do to stay? Do you want to be the king? This is the only opportunity for them, and they can't be an organization like a trance seat, right?" Xiang Ling also I took the opportunity to come over, after all, she wanted to see such a big thing.

Han Shanshan is also present, she can't lose her part in matters related to treasures: "Now that the immortal family who is expelled from the realm of the realm goes up to prove the realm, Zhengshou has no chance. Isn't it just luck that can't stop it? But right now the **** seat is not broken. , The world is not safe, this thing cannot be exhaustive for everyone to participate in, my thought is, either to warm up first, sister first go and see."

"Auntie Han, if you go in, what else is there for us?" Shaozi said helplessly.

"If you don't study it clearly, let everyone come. I'm afraid that something is dangerous." Han Shanshan smiled.

The Si Xiaoxian on the side said, "Sister, I think you are going to search. If all this is done, it will attract everyone to come? Of course everyone wants something that has not been explored. The tomb of the Emperor Jin, but having said that, in my opinion, if the Emperor is not there, or there is no such Emperor, there should be some kind of intelligent equipment, like an intelligent treasure refining device, which can be endless. To make a baby."

"It makes sense, so I should explore it more!" Han Shanshan raised her hand and said, as if she was about to break in and take a look.

Of course I grabbed her and said, "Okay, it's still the original ecology. This kind of thing is also about luck. If we have to make it clear, if we don't eliminate the danger, then say yes. Tiancheng is deliberately setting up a bureau to destroy the Taoist Immortal, it is better to let it go out and let everyone in. If anyone wants to try it, try it, it's nothing more than what you want."

Of course Han Shanshan still wants to explore this treasure, but I don't give any disciples or relatives here to try it because of danger, because after thinking about it, I still compromised. This is a bet with my life.

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