Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5917: : Shutdown

"Brother Tian, ​​how is it? Sister Shanshan said that this is a venous cancer, and we can't solve it with the current technology, medicinal stones, and abilities we have." Zhao Qian heard from my tone that it was difficult.

I did feel that the problem was difficult. It was different from the several self-elimination exploration energies I encountered. The particles attached to the veins were not separated from the veins, that is, they were not formed independently. So I said: "Cancer of veins? The name is appropriate. It is not only affected by external energy, but also has the self-adaptation and use of internal veins. That is to say, they are not formed in a short time, but after a long time, it can even be said that almost All veins are infected."

"Ah? Brother, what can I do then? Can't even you be saved?" Zhang Xiaofei's eyes widened and he was also shocked.

"It's not that it can't be saved...but why is it involved so deeply? How does this energy exist? This makes me even more interested." I couldn't help but Shen Ning.

"Brother Tian, ​​if we don’t worry about how this exists, let’s save Aunt Xia first. Otherwise, I’m worried about what Han Shanshan said. This kind of context is always a certain restriction, and if it is not suppressed, it will We have checked the existence of these black particles a few times, and the veins are beginning to age." Zhao Qian said anxiously.

"Well, my first investigation is not as detailed as yours. Let me try it again." I thought about it, and then forcibly dived into it again. This time I felt more deeply. After a long while, I already had Xia Canglan's Vessel explored seven or seven eight: "This kind of energy particles can be said to be nothing but energy particles. Everyone knows the concept of magic power. It is formed by the immortal energy entering the body, but at the moment these particles themselves seem to be the same as those of the nine heavens. The magic power is different, so it seems a bit unique. That is to say, the aunt first cultivated with our Nine Heavens Immortal Qi, and then after being trapped in a different world, she cultivated other immortal Qis. Or she didn't practice at all, but with a certain kind of survival consciousness, or even pure breathing, she completely absorbed these alien celestial qi, thus changing the vein of her original practice."

"Brother Tian is talking about the Great Heaven Sword or the Chaos Heavy Qi of the Zhenjie Ding!?" Zhao Qian asked in surprise.

"It won't be Chaos Heavy Qi. I tried it. This type of mana is different from all the mana we have encountered. This kind of mana should be used to dismantle the existence of Chaos Heavy Qi. Only when I tested it for the second time Affirming this, perhaps this place is unusual, but it is certain that it may have a great relationship with Jiuzhongtian, and it should be a very primitive part of mana! Otherwise, it would not be so harmonious with the context. The growth has already erupted, cannibalizing or destroying my aunt’s veins.” I said.

"But my aunt's veins are getting old, but she hasn't stopped it. In recent years, she has also cultivated. Although the cultivation has stopped, we are still working hard." Zhao Qian said.

"When you say this, I think you are too demanding of your aunt's own abilities. This is a kind of immortal energy that restricts the level of cultivation of the veins, and each stage of the veins will increase your lifespan, but if it is cultivated Stopping, Shouyuan will age with the passage of life. This is the passage of nature." I smiled helplessly. This is actually normal birth, aging, sickness, and death. Zhao Qian's cultivation base is constantly advancing and improving throughout the year. Longevity has passed.

"Hehe, you kid, why do you explain natural aging so complicatedly? That is to say, this is correcting the fairy family back to the natural atmosphere, right?" Xia Canglan asked.

"Auntie, this is the case. It limits your level in the Nine Immortals. When you exceed this stage, these immortal powers will disintegrate and disintegrate the immortal power and growth you have obtained. In other words, your cultivation is affected by these different world energies. It’s limited. If you judge your cultivation based on this kind of energy, you have already cultivated to the peak. The excess, just like our Dao Realm, will overflow and disappear, like a basin of water. Part of it will be full." I tried my best to choose words that are easy to understand.

"Then what can I do now? As long as this aura is eliminated, the aunt will be able to recover? Brother Tian, ​​you can, right? If it doesn't work, the aunt will not be beautiful as time goes by." Zhao Qian said quickly.

"You kid, you still make a joke about your aunt now. You don't even think that your aunt now looks like a middle-aged woman in the mortal 30 or 40 years old. How young do you think?" Xia Canglan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Everyone also felt amused for a while, but this harmonious exchange also made this terrible vein cancer less scary. I thought for a while and said, "If I guessed it right, it's probably the importance of the formation of the nine heavens. The reason is that I have been looking for this thing for a long time, because the Zhengdao Immortal who led all the immortal families and founded the Jiuzhongtian must have used a certain existence, so that the Chaostian and the Jiuzhongtian came into being, and the aunt made a mistake. Bump, it happened to be near that thing."

"Ah... you say that, we are even more confused." Zhao Qian stared.

"This matter, I am afraid I have to find Jiang Shunhua, after all, I don't know much about that era." I said, and Zhao Qian has already begun to transmit voice, I guess Jiang Shunhua has been found.

I am actually very happy to encounter this, and I really didn’t expect Xia Canglan to encounter this legendary creation of the nine-layer heaven. This is the missing part of the nine-layer heaven. If you find that thing, you can activate the nine-layer heaven. The elimination of the chaotic air limits the cultivation level of the immortal family here.

This thing is definitely not a horrible negative existence, because it itself is part of the order of the Nine Heavens. If it weren’t for the horrible things like the Great Heaven Sword, the thermonucleus, and the creation catastrophe, it wouldn’t be let go. A lot of chaotic aura, of course, this is just one point, the most important thing is that the immune function is not working, so if the leaked aura can be retained in the Nine Heavens, everyone's cultivation will grow without obstacles.

The reason for the lagging of the immune function may also be related to the Huashenjun. When it comes to this, it has to be related to the new fairy qi of the sky. If it were not for the immune system to stop, the new celestial spirit would definitely not Proliferation, so to restore Jiuzhongtian to normal, maybe Xia Canglan's close presence is the key to restarting Jiuzhongtian's immune function!

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