Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5923: : Hunter

This scream obviously brought in some huge monster. As expected, in the thick fog, a huge shadow, the size of a hill, kept growing from small to large!

Maybe because he rushed over after hearing my call, the goal was very clear!

I took a breath and looked at the sword in my hand. I couldn’t help but swallow. No need to ask, I have no choice but to run away. I don’t want to spend too much energy on this monster, but I’m running wild. , The monster was obviously much faster than me. Before I could run far, a monster the size of a hill fell from the sky!

I watched the shadow fall and jumped out of the attack range instantly!


The huge claw fell on the ground, and suddenly the sand splashed, and the claw was deeply embedded in the crystal land!

Because of this leap, I also saw the appearance of this monster. This thing has crystal skin all over its body, and the pieces are as strong as dragon scales, and its head is chamfered, looking at it. It's also majestic, but the eyes of this thing actually grow on the front end of the two chamfers, which makes people feel that obsessive-compulsive disorder has come out.

It seems that this chamfer is really not used for attack, but don’t look at it giving up the ability to attack by collision. This monster looks at the six limbs but is extremely flexible. The limbs fall to the ground and run, but the front two claws are not Long and flexible, it looks like two huge claws, and it goes without saying what the result will be if you want to grasp it.

Its mouth is still very large, its head seems to grow on its chest, and its round mouth is open, just like an earth dragon. Although there is no roaring, a big mouth with a blood basin does not mean that it does not eat people.

The six-legged beast the size of a small mountain ran rampant, but even if this thing is big and fast, it is definitely not as flexible as I am. I stabbed it several times while moving, and specifically picked the position of its crystal skin. go with!

I know how my offensive ability is, but this thing is much stronger than I thought, plus it seems to grow day and night in this Qiongtian breath, and its leather armor is not penetrated by a golden sword at all. Now, it makes me feel bitter.

However, I have long been familiar with finding weaknesses. While walking and trying the sword, I gradually moved from its **** position to the front. After adapting to its various modes of action, I saw its movements. Coming became slower, because after getting familiar, every move would be easily avoided by me, so I would inevitably be attacked next.

"Little brother! Use this sword!"

But at this moment, a cyan light shot at me quickly, and a sword pierced into the leather armor of the hexapod!

A six-legged beast the size of a small mountain didn't mean to eat pain at all. This sword pierced it, and it was no different from a needle on the tortoise shell. As long as it was not pierced into the flesh, it didn't necessarily care.

The six-legged beast seemed to hear someone coming to help me, and immediately rushed to the place where the sound was made. It seemed that it could not help me, it could only cast its anger on others.

I took the opportunity to draw out the cyan long sword, and a few ladders went up behind the six-legged beast. This sword was really sharp, and I didn’t know what material it was forged, and plunged into the six-legged beast. There was also a weird sound of breaking through the air. I sensed the power of this sword and found that this thing does have the unique Qiongtian aura here, indicating that this sword is made of local rigid gold and iron. It can be said to be handy to deal with the six-legged beasts native to here.

All the way to the head of the six-legged beast, the cyan blood also splashed out. The six-legged beast was of course extremely painful, and hurriedly began to slap and roll to stop me from hurting it!

But I stuck it like a bone-attached maggot, where it rolled, I had already found the attack route, and drew it all the way with a sword. At this time, a woman armed with a spear galloped over. The jade gun in his hand directly shot into the mouth of the hexapod blood basin!


The six-legged beast gritted his teeth and broke the spear, but the woman seemed to have known this, and immediately retreated and left.

The sound just now was made by a man, but now a woman ran out. It seems that there must be another one nearby.

But I can't wait for them to help and continue to divide the hexapod with the sword!

"Little brother! Its weak point is the diagonal eyes!" The other party's voice sounded again, this time the position was quite close, and the language was also based on the ancient language of Chaos Tian, ​​of course, with a strong regional style. It wasn't that Xia Canglan gave me a jade medal before coming, and I couldn't understand what the other party said.

The six-legged beast was killed by me. It was painful and difficult to kill, but it could only be a slap-and-rolling routine. Naturally, I was not good at attacking weaknesses and finding locations that it could avoid. After a short while, my sword pierced it Horns!

Sure enough, after the red horns were pierced, the cyan blood spurted out like an arrow, as if the faucet was opened. The sprays were everywhere, even the size of a hill. If the body is sprayed down like this, the blood will be drained out after a while!

No wonder that the woman just shot a shot without hesitation. Of course, she was not going to shoot into the mouth of the hexapod, but to the eyes, but the monster moved fast and would rather take a blow with the mouth.

The six-legged beast howled miserably, and could no longer attack me again, and hurriedly ran away. Of course, I continued to chase, and when I was running, there was already a man and a woman behind me!

"Little brother, I can't imagine that my sword is in your hands. You can display such strength. Your swordsmanship is really amazing!" The man who threw the sword to me just now was a middle-aged man in his forties.

The one who threw the gun was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman. Seeing the vague similarities, it was certain that it might be a father and daughter.

"Uncle, the horned beast won't run back to the den, right? If we still can't bleed all by the time, we will be in danger if we chase it down!" the girl asked urgently.

"Well, what you said is that it is really hard to guarantee that it will die in a short period of time. This is indeed a gambling." The middle-aged man said and looked at me and asked: "Little brother, what do you think of you? Do you think you can chase it down?"

"What will be in the den of this horned beast?" I am not a know-it-all. In fact, Xia Canglan did not give me information on this aspect. Even I had made up my mind before that I had to step on the spot and ask all the way. But who knows this half Did everyone get lost?

"Isn't the little brother a hunter? I don't know about this horned beast?" The middle-aged man became curious, but soon seemed to remember the fact that my sword couldn't penetrate the horned beast's skin. He also pretended not to know. , Said: "Angled beasts are usually a male and a female, and they may also have young children, so usually we only dare to start when they are alone!"

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