Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5941: :tenacious

"Oh? She left our savage world?" Zimou looked surprised. The legend was too far away for their heroes after all. Not in a circle, it is difficult to know what happened in the shocking circle, but you can I knew that Xia Canglan's departure was not widely spread. It might be the traffic and communication situation, or the news was buried in old news.

"But now I'm back with me again, so I have to find the lost aunt, but I don't know if Chief Zi can find her in any way?" I asked quickly.

"This is easy to handle. Although the city owners between our big cities are somewhat contradictory or uncooperative, the Hunter Bureau has no such concerns. In order to ensure the smooth and friendly actions of the hunters in the major cities, the Hunter Bureau has unified jurisdiction. The big hunting area, the rules governing hunters, is like when our hunters enter the city, they will all sell half of their animal blood to our hunter bureau. This brings us closer to each other, so the big city has a share , Hunters are inseparable, we will immediately send hunters to each city to inform the news, as long as the aunt enters the hunting bureau of each city, we will notify you of looking for her, so that we will report every time. How is the communication?" Zimou said proudly.

"Of course it's good, there is Chief Lao Zi. By the way, what you meant just now...we go out hunting, no matter which hunting area we go to, we must give half of the animal blood to the Hunting Bureau after entering the city?" I secretly said that this is new, but fortunately, I filled two large pots, which is pretty good.

"Haha, it's not mandatory. If you throw away your helmet and abandon your armor, you don't need to do that, but filling two pots of animal blood is not too difficult for the average hunter, right? , The impact on oneself is not great. The animal blood obtained by our hunter bureau is also used for the residents of the city, which indirectly makes the city people able to accept the hunter who enters the city? Otherwise, what about the residents of the city? Will welcome you?" Zi Mou said with a smile.

"It's really a clever method. In this way, the residents of each city are naturally drinking blood and thinking about their origins, and will not reject hunters in other big cities." I suddenly felt that the hunter bureau's move was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This will allow the hunters to learn from animal blood. Getting a part of the income can prevent people from dying of thirst. This is indeed a way of recycling.

In this barbaric world, most of the beasts cannot be hunted, so the ordinary people in the city have their own survival careers in exchange for jade coins, but there is no water source in this barbaric world. You can't die of thirst for the moment, so no wonder hunters bring two A big pot to hold blood, that is to feed back the people.

After we ran outside for a few laps, this beast wave seemed to be only a small scale, so Zimou also suggested that I go back to the city with him first. Even if the legend is not certified, it is worth the wait. After all, the lord of this big city This time, other cities are asking for the help of elite hunters, and it will take time to return. I will stay here for a day or two, surely it will be fine, right?

This time, because of the influence of the Little Fierce Beast Season, it indirectly disrupted the hunter team that welcomed me. Many people went out on patrols, leaving the gates of the city empty because the huge stone bridges over the moat sank into the water. This is to prevent The fierce beast crossed the big city. Although it could not prevent the flying fierce beast, it would definitely not be able to pass the small bully beast, at least it could reduce many casualties.

Seeing me and Zimou standing at the gate of the city again, the huge stone bridge rose from the dry moat with no water at all amid the rumbling noise. The moat did not have a drop of water, and all of them were similar to the beast wall below. The poisonous thorns and thorns, if the little bully fell, it would definitely be dead or alive, and there were still a lot of bone fragments for the bedding.

After entering the city through the huge stone bridge, there were a lot of people, and they all cheered spontaneously. As a new legend, my reputation must be spread far, and as we entered the city, Blue Stone and the Fierce Dragon returned together. , Pulled a lot of spoils into the city.

The people are simple, singing and dancing to celebrate my arrival. I can see that it has been a long time since I was so happy. The residents here are more rugged. Although they are not wrapped in animal skins, they are very savage. The clothes and Most of the equipment is made of fierce beasts' soft leather and scale armor, which is the delicateness of women, and it is impossible to have such softness as silk and satin that can reflect the graceful body line.

But what surprised me was that the skin of the people here is very good, and relatively speaking, it is slightly fair. This may be related to the habit of eating and drinking blood here. The meat of the fierce beasts here is delicious, and the blood is soaked and decomposed by jade, it is also extremely delicious. It is inevitable that there are still some beauty effects in it, so I will not feel abrupt when seeing these people, and even seeing the girls smiling beautifully in clusters, I also think it is a rare scenery.

There are many shops and residences in the city, and most of them are not high, but they are certainly not as well-carved as in the city of Tiancheng. Some buildings are even decorated with giant beasts’ bones and skulls, or decorated with amazingly representative beasts. It makes me feel very fresh. Such a big city has extremely personal characteristics, but it is a good place to travel and experience the exotic customs.

According to the regulations, I also donated half of the animal blood, and it was still a pot full with jade, so I got two jade rewards. The price is really cheap, but it should also take care of the people. The limited capital of the Hunter Bureau is recovered and even sold at the price of mineral water. After all, based on the calculation of jade, not everyone can afford to consume it, but if it is missing, it will kill people. It is a good organization for guarding the nanny.

There is no hunter bureau in the barbaric world, and there is no hunter, which is almost unthinkable. This is also an extension of human beings' tenacious vitality in a certain environment.

After the material sales were handed over to Bluestone, I also went to the Hunter Bureau to report. This legend certification can not be done, but the master certification can’t escape, and in order to make up for the injured heart that I can’t immediately certify the legend, Zimou found the Blue Stone who had played a game with me, and asked him to recommend me to be a hero hunter first, so that I could wear hero-level equipment instead of using hero weapons beyond the rules.

"Speaking of which, didn’t Chief Zi say that he wanted the city lord to personally certify my legendary hunter abilities, but also to test whether it’s an alien beast before giving me the emblem of the legendary hunter? Why is it so easy now? I have become a hero hunter? Is it enough to just find a sponsor at the same level?" Of course, I was very inspired. In fact, it was because there was no need to test whether it was a catastrophe. This was beyond my expectation.

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