Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5945: : Blazing

"This is not clear. What's weird about selling this heroic outfit? After all, they are also legendary, right?" Lan Shi wiped off his beard, then shook his head and followed me in, full of barbecue smell. Living room.

After a while, the girl came in carrying a large bag of things, and saw that we were actually having a barbecue in this refining bureau, and she said with some dissatisfaction: "Is the refining bureau already so casual? It's a misnomer, or change it. The restaurant is ready."

"Haha, it makes sense. The ground-fire roast meat here is good. Don't even say, this meat is the royal dragon meat from my legendary brother Xia! The meat is fat and refreshing! Miss Chu doesn't plan to try it?" Lan Shi He grinned and touched those fat hands to the waist of his pants, and then he was about to touch the girl's bag on the ground.

"Hehe." The girl couldn't say anything when she watched this scene. Most of the big guys here are just like that. They don't have to worry about whether they are a gentleman or not. It's normal to be dirty. Even if you don't, you will be like someone else.

I saw that the girl heard that it was Yutian Jialong meat, and she couldn't help but swallowed her saliva, and said: "Ms. Chu is a guest. We do business as we do, and friends take care of it. You can also try it. This blood drink and barbecue are all from Yutian. Tianjialong is indeed a legendary delicacy."

"As if I haven't eaten it before, my mother hunted and killed Qing Molin and stored dried meat in her room. I often eat it during New Years and festivals! It's just a fluke to beat a legendary beast, why should I be so swaggering? "The girl seemed to have some opinions on me.

"The girl is afraid of misunderstanding. Dacheng's welcoming legend is handled by the Hunter Bureau. I don't want to be scornful." I smiled, the girl at this age spoke openly, but she was already a master at a young age. The hunter, not trained by his mother, but also quite experienced. This dragon and phoenix must be different from the average hunter.

This tall girl with an arrogant expression eased her face a bit, but she was sitting there but didn't intend to move the blood and meat on the stage.

The guests are more picky, and the host can’t be inhospitable. Moreover, this girl doesn’t look like a bad person. She is more like she came from her own embarrassment. Otherwise, she won’t have so much resentment towards my new legend. My mother is a legend, but when I came, it was old news. Who could think of her mother.

However, I have heard from Lan Shi and Zi Mo that the hunting of Qing Mo Lin was a matter of decades ago. At that time, Lan Shi was still young. The residents here are generally unclear and normal, except for the hero hunter level. People will pay attention to these predecessors, and ordinary people naturally don't know.

In addition to the fact that the girl has been frustrated repeatedly these days, and experienced the scenery of my entering the city, it is not surprising that I am a little angry. I took a plate, took some meat and blood, and put it at her table: "Miss Chu, The legendary delicacy is different day and night, this Ankylosaurus meat is really good, I really want to try the Qingmolin dried meat that my father hunted."

The girl looked at the food on the plate, she was already eager to eat it, but she didn’t feel embarrassed again, but seeing that I also mentioned Qing Molin jerky, she took the opportunity to say, "That jerky is very easy. It's delicious. Since you want to eat it too, I have the opportunity to come to Dacheng in the future, so I will bring some for you to try. Today...I will try your Ankylosaurus meat for the time being."

"That is, I will also be divided into blue ones at that time!" Lan Shi laughed aloud, while laying out the equipment one by one, his eyes brightened by this look.

Although these equipments are not made of Qing Molin's materials, they are also very powerful hero-level equipment, but looking at the materials and fit of the armor, it seems that they belong to two different beasts. The parts are old, and some parts are new, so they look messy and unmatched. However, according to my experience, even if these materials are not Qing Molin, they are at least legendary fierce beast materials!

And let alone the other parts, this armor must have been worn and polished. It should have been deliberately made from legendary to hero level, so Blue Stone would have that expression.

As a result, what we guessed before is not even available online, so after touching the mechanism and patterns on this, Lan Shi suddenly said to me: "Brother Xia, you come out with me, and we will negotiate a price. Give it to Girl Chu, and the girl will get full first."

There was a gleam of doubt in the girl’s eyes, but she had to let us communicate privately, so she ate the meat patiently. At this entrance, her eyes glowed, and it was really delicious, of course. The mother of the legendary hunter, she can't help but be more reserved.

After Blue Stone pulled me out, he said excitedly: "Brother, this equipment... seems to be the legendary equipment of the blazing dragon of the hunter bureau! Although it was deliberately changed to the current style, adding some unnecessary The decoration of the material, but I dare to pack the ticket, fit it from its mechanism, and the material above, which is the set that Chu Legend received back then! I just don’t know why it was split like this, and it was deliberately mixed into other hero parts! "

"I also saw some clues, but why did this happen? Can the legendary equipment of the Hunting Division also be sold? What does this Chu Legend think? What is going on? Is it the kid who stole it and sold it?" I was curious. Asked.

"Of course, the legendary hunter has the right to sell his own equipment. As for stealing it, it is not necessarily true. If it is stolen, the little girl’s delicate skin and tender meat is just a master hunter. How can it be possible to create other elite-level equipment? Parts? Parts and parts need to be connected by a precise mechanism. If there is a slight error, it will not be buckled! So it is very likely that Chu Chuanqi personally participated in it, but I don’t know if she doesn’t need this equipment or something. Why are you so willing to take apart a set and sell it?" Blue Stone was also a little confused.

"Is that set of equipment better than the current mix?" I asked.

"Of course! If you can get the suit of the previous generation of Blazing Dragon, it will definitely be ten times better than this barely mixed and matched!" Lan Shi gritted his teeth.

"Well, will it be a set of damage, so there is no other way but to mix one or two parts with other materials?" I said Shen Ning.

"How is it possible? The materials that can be used to build legendary equipment are basically the strongest and most durable material on the legendary beast. Unless it is an epic-level beast, even if the legend is headed against each other, as long as it is not too excessive, It won't be broken anyhow! Because of this, the legendary equipment has a saying that A is present, and A is destroyed!" Lan Shi quickly explained.

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