Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5953: : Heavy crossbow

I looked at her up and down, and then said: "Becoming a ghost Gu is a helpless act. Why would you want to give up your original body? Besides, becoming a ghost is equal to a new birth in a certain sense. Accept it? Not only that, the barbaric world is repulsive to alien beasts, just like fierce beasts. If you are still a legend of Chu, you can keep your husband safe, but if it’s an alien beast, then maybe one day Exposed, surrounded by hunters here..."

"Senior, I know this... But I can't let my husband become a stranger by himself, besides, I am unable to live without being a stranger, and I can't protect my husband. It's better to become a stranger at the same time. That's the beast, and I will never regret it." Chu Jiao's determination is definitely not the only way, maybe there are other reasons to live in isolation, but in any case, this is their choice.

No one can decide who's life, and the journey along the way is the result of countless self-decisions.

I did not influence their thoughts. Now that they have decided, I will also help. Of course, the exchange of equal interests is still necessary, so I said: "Well, how you choose is your choice. Since you want to To save your husband, you must also become an alien beast. Then I only need you to meet my two requirements. The first is that I want you to guard this space, and without my consent, you are not allowed to step in, because you have become an alien. From the beginning of humans and beasts, it already belongs to me. This is the condition to save your husband."

"Okay, I promise this condition! Senior, please express the second condition." Chu Jiao nodded.

"The second condition is that you need to help me certify a legendary hunter, because I not only want the uniform of Qing Molin, but also need to use the power of the Hunter Bureau to find my aunt. After you agree, I will also let you become Alien beast." The second condition is also very important. After all, with an aunt, I might be able to find news from other towns.

"Senior's conditions, I have agreed." Chu Jiao can't wait.

However, at this moment, there was a rapid running sound outside, and the blue stone's loud voice: "No! Brother Xia! Legendary beast! Legendary beast!"

Chu Jiao and I looked at each other immediately, and didn't know how well the legendary beast would come out.

"What's the matter?" I asked quickly. The underground caves here are spacious, and the echoes are unobstructed, so even ordinary sounds can be easily heard over the blue stone.

"Outside! Outside the valley! What Chu Yan said! Said that a legendary beast came! It is looking for it here!" Blue Stone's voice came from afar.

Chu Jiao saw that I was puzzled, and hurriedly said, "I have set up traps in several locations in Taniguchi. There are general small, medium, and large traps. As long as they are triggered, they will shoot out smoke. The smallest can be aimed at the early warning hero level beasts. , The biggest is the legendary beast. It is like stepping into a legendary beast trap. Non-legendary beasts cannot be triggered. This time it is the child of Chu Wei who warns, I am afraid that the legendary beast is really here!" Chu Jiao said hurriedly , His face was already pale.

"How far is this trap from here, and what legendary beast is it?" I hurriedly asked the blue stone that rushed down.

"I think it must be the Royal Sky Armored Dragon! That body is too big, and I can see it just by the shadow! Half of its body is exposed above the miasma, and its huge fleshy wings, It's almost reaching the sky!" After Lan Shi charged down, his face was paler than Chu Jiao.

"Yu Tian Jialong? How is it possible? Didn't it just kill a head before?" I was also shocked.

"Hero Lan, is the one he killed before is bigger, or is this one bigger?" Chu Jiao calmed down instead.

"This head is too big! In short, the two legends will go up with me first! This fierce beast is like a big moving mountain, wherever it hits, it will burst and crack. Don't destroy this valley! Don't say we are still in the middle of the valley! The cliffs have collapsed when they hit me!" I said anxiously, Lan Shi.

"Legend of Xia, the one you killed before was probably the female dragon. This time, the one who came to Death Valley should be the male dragon. The female dragon died in you and the male dragon couldn’t find it. He thought it was here in Death Valley. I just found it. This overwhelming man must make a mess here. I have encountered this kind of thing before, but it was a heroic beast, but I didn’t expect a legendary beast. The same will happen to fierce beasts, so now...what shall we do?" After Chu Jiao looked at me, she immediately looked at the room where her husband was, and the space cracks here.

I secretly said that this is reasonable. Fierce beasts are also divided into males and females, and they must reproduce. Female dragons smelled an unusual aura and came up to hunt, but I killed them. The male dragons naturally wanted to find the female dragons, and perhaps also smelled them. The breath of Death Valley, so instead of heading directly to the big city, he came here first to look for the female dragon.

I thought for a while and said, "You are here to do a good job of transferring, I will go up and lead away, or kill this imperial dragon!"

"But... this male dragon is better than the female dragon!" Chu Jiao said hurriedly.

"Okay, do as I said. By the way, I'm going to borrow that blazing dragon armor first." I said.

Chu Jiao nodded and said, "Please be careful, Xia Legend! Don't hurt yourself by accident."

In addition to the sturdiness of this legendary armor, there are many organs inside. The small one has a binding organ that fits its own size, the middle has a pop-up weapon and a defensive organ, and the big one is like a blazing dragon, green The weapon mechanism is like Mo Lin's spear, so it's not built on materials. After activation, it becomes a big killer, and it is also the basis for humans to deal with large beasts.

Chu Jiao quickly went to save her husband, and Lan Shi and I rushed to the entrance of the cave mansion on the mountainside. At this time, Chu Yan was already panicked. She was wearing a master uniform, riding on her death-seeing home The old wind beast, at this moment, didn't know what to do. Seeing the imperial dragon, which was huge as a mountain, was approaching here, his face was desperate.

The deep valley below the mountainside is full of miasma, covering up many bones of giant beasts, as well as hills and gullies, but the imperial dragon a dozen miles away, half of its body is exposed to the miasma. One can imagine the horror of this behemoth.

There are also many heavy defensive crossbows on the mountainside, but even if they are put up together, they will be like the hair sticking to the steel if they are shot out, which will not have any effect at all!

I took a deep breath and returned to the cave. With the help of the blue stone, I put the blazing dragon soldiers on my body one by one. After every part of these soldiers was put on, the binding mechanism would fit my body. Tighten it so that the whole set of equipment is like tailor-made, which is not available in the master uniform.

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