Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5964: :skill

It should be a normal hunt for the Huofenglong to hunt the scavenger this time. This actually means that its lair is nearby, but now I don’t have time to look for it. There are more important things to do, plus it’s already on its body. After positioning, I am not afraid of where it goes, even if it flies to the ends of the world, I can find it.

With so many hunters coming, it means that the Yutian Jialong has almost been unloaded. There are so many hunters here. As long as you remove most of the useful materials, you can still do it, otherwise even the internal organs and meat Take it away, the size of a big mountain would not be enough for another hundred and eighty hunters and wind beasts.

"After smelling the smell of blood, there will be more and more scavengers. In addition, the miasma will gradually regain, and there will be no work in this place later. We should hurry and leave this death valley. The materials that can be peeled off are basically I got it, now is the best time to return." Lan Shi reminded.

"That tells everyone to hurry up." I nodded, but Chu Wei suddenly hesitated, looked at his mother and said, "Mother... isn't our Qingmolin jerky still available... this is buried in the valley? in……"

"Wu'er! That thing has been left for decades! I can't eat it! Last time, didn't you eat it secretly and broke your stomach! You suddenly asked what this is for?" Chu Jiao said with a strange expression.

"I just want to take some to eat on the road..." Chu Wei stuck out his tongue with an embarrassed expression, and Lan Shi and I secretly said that it was dangerous. Fortunately, Yutian Jialong came just now, and this girl didn't have time to get the meat Come to entertain us, otherwise it will be troublesome to fight the Yutianjialong while diarrhea.

"You, you have to get rid of the habit of overeating, otherwise Xia Legend will be afraid of you." Jing Ning couldn't help teasing.

"Father! I eat and drink normally!" Chu Jiao snorted lightly, but Jing Ning's face was smiling, and she began to explain her life, such as what to pay attention to, what not to do, and so on. How can you say disharmony in your family?

In fact, when a child goes out, which parent will not feel distressed, even if it looks like it is pushed out, it feels more distressed in my heart than anything else.

Although Chu Yan's behavior was carefree, more straightforward than slender, she was not heartless, but now she was excited about being able to leave home, so she couldn't feel the adult's heartache.

We took a team of hunters back with a full load and hurried back to the city, but the Death Valley behind us was gradually covered by miasma again, and plunged into a gray and yellow mist.

On the way, the group of fierce beasts followed far away. After all, everyone was addicted to eating the Yutian Jialong meat. Under the taste, in addition to the ingredients, they also scraped a lot of the most delicious parts. This fishy Of course, taste also attracted the fierce beasts.

And it seems that the second super-large legendary beast was killed by me, which caused the heavy cloud of blood to fall in the second game. The season of the beast seems to be more and more imminent. If these beasts have not rushed to the big city, otherwise I They all feel that they are in the fierce beast season now.

However, on our way back to the city, suddenly a huge black shadow hovered in the air. The sight on the sapphire stone ground was especially interesting, so the hunters all looked up to the sky, including me in a hurry. Looking up, I thought that the gods would be descended from the sky again, but the dark shadow was not small, and it looked like a huge beast, and everyone pulled out their weapons one after another.

"Could it be that the Wind Dragon has gone and returned?"

"Isn't it? Didn't you just beat Legend Xia away?"

"Yes... but this thing is following us..."

"This seems to be a dragon... how do you feel like seeing it somewhere?"

Just when everyone didn't know what it was, suddenly this weird flying dragon rushed down towards the leader of me and Chu Jiao!

Chu Jiao and I looked at each other, and hurriedly pulled the reins of the Wind Beast under the seat, posing a challenge, but the flying dragon glide directly past, leaving a black figure jumping from the back of the flying dragon!

I was taken aback. This man not only roared, but also stabbed me with a spear gun. Of course I would not be afraid of him. Pulling the reins directly caused him to blast off the ground. The powerful impact force brought the earth to the ground. There was a deep pit!

"Hehe, I escaped very quickly, why don't you take a shot?"

In the smoke, an old voice came, and after the other party said, he rushed towards me with his spear.

"City Lord?!"

"It's the city lord and Xiaofenglong!"

I was taken aback, secretly saying that this is interesting, this city lord didn't run to report the news, why did he come here to join in my fun? But thinking about it, in the thick smoke, a spear rushed straight to my face. Now that I knew his identity, I didn't plan to fight with him. The Wind Beast evacuated the place and avoided the attack directly.

Chu Jiao knew that I didn't want to fight this city lord, so the Blazing Dragon Slash in her hand popped out and became two meters long. She instantly took over the black long spear, the two legendary weapons collided, and sparks were all over the place!

"Legend of Chu? No, why are you here? You are not..." This time the opponent played against me, as if they were more surprised than when they met me, so they stopped quickly.

Chu Jiao had no expression on her face, and said lightly: "City Lord Meng is very interested. Instead of guarding against the Beast Season, he has come here to play. It seems that he is still childlike."

"Hey, Chu Chuanqi joked. The Fierce Beast Season is already inevitable. I have also finished my work. I just came to see the situation on the front line. Maybe I can pick and kill a few legendary fierce beasts?" He was sixty or seventy years old, but he was not like a little old man. Instead, he was five big and three thick. Even with that armor, he was mainly rough. It can be seen that he was very strong when he was young.

The most important thing is of course the armor, dark and heavy, with a hint of danger. It is definitely not a kind of beast that can be forged. The spear and spear he uses are the same type as my weapon, and even the armor. The similarities are all very well-fitting, almost fitting to the flesh. For the average hunter, the choice can be described as bold, but his armor is more refined, and the order is one level worse. Keep away.

My armor is selected for general-purpose armor, and the weapon is also selected to pay more attention to skill. From this point of view, this city lord is also a skilled master, and he also takes into account the distance and attack. Obviously, this is not just for dealing with the beasts. , It may also come specifically for hunters.

"Then I don't know if City Lord Meng is here, what is important?" Chu Jiao asked.

The old man looked at me, and then said: "Naturally it is for him."

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