Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5969: : Pain

"Ferocious Beast Season!" Old Man Meng stared roundly, then looked to the left and right, and quickly said loudly: "Everyone quickly withdraw to the city! Hurry up, don't hesitate!"

When all the hunters heard this, they immediately climbed onto the Wind Beast, and then pulled the reins and ran to the big city like crazy, but even if the lord was here, the hunters didn’t improve their expressions. Obviously they knew what was next. What will happen.

I can see Lan Shi and Chu Jiao also have a gloomy look. Obviously, they all know the terrible season of the Fierce Beast. As for me as an outsider, they think I definitely don’t have this experience, so Lan Shi quickly said: "Brother Xia, Fierce Beast Season is here...Aren't you afraid? That's a fierce beast all over the sky..."

"I've seen it." I said lightly, and then said to Meng Xu: "Our legendary hunter is easier to run than other hunters. There are still so many goods here. We can't leave it here. It's better to stay. After a batch is broken, fill the gap here so that the hunters who carry the goods can have the opportunity to bring the goods back to the big city. Of course, irrelevant, low-value goods, such as flesh and blood, are discarded on the spot!"

"Okay! The old man has this intention!" Meng Xu clapped his hands when he heard it, and then said loudly: "It is irrelevant, low-value goods, such as learning meat, to be discarded on the spot! Hunters below heroes stay. , Led by our three legendary hunters, we will break the queen together!"

Old man Meng’s words are still quite useful. After all the hunters obeyed their orders, they lost a lot of cargo. Everyone kept their cars simple and the speed was of course very fast. However, we counted as less than ten hunters above heroes. The old man looked a little bit miserable when he saw it.

The direction the earth quake came from was already thick smoke billowing, as if there was the momentum of black clouds destroying the city. This horrible scene was like a natural disaster that was irreversible, leaving the dozen or so hunters present with an expression of incomprehension.

"City Lord Meng, you won't be kidding, are you? This is the Fierce Beast Season, and I'm looking for death after being broken!" Lielong couldn't help saying.

"Lielong, you see what you said. Didn’t Xia Legend say that? First buy some time for the other hunters, so that they can buy time and run back to the big city first. We also have to escape, but we will escape later. , Nothing will happen! It's not true that you don't escape and stay here!" Meng Xu retorted.

"Legend of Xia is right. We have to cut them off now, according to the speed of this fierce beast season and their baggage conditions. After we keep going, none of them can run, and we can’t lead them. , It is better to separate the drainage and kill some of the heroic beasts who led the beast season, so that the beast group will either collapse or be blocked! It will be beneficial to our big city!" Zimou's thinking is the same as mine.

"Zimou, that's what the old man said..." Meng Xu reminded him. Zi Mou gave him a white look and said, "Lao Meng, my ears are still not back."

Meng Xu coughed lightly and said loudly: "Listen to the old man! Everyone specially selects the heroes and beasts who take the lead, and drains these murderers as much as possible! Don't let them run toward the team with the burden!"

The hero hunters responded immediately. Chu Jiao, Lan Shi and I had a look of contempt, including Zimou, and couldn't help shaking their heads. This old man knows how to buy cheap, but his words are useful. After all, doing things for people is simple. , It can drive more people.

I don’t mind these imaginary ones. I looked to the left and right, and said, “City Lord Meng, I’m afraid we have to separate. The Fierce Beast Season must be a mixture of fierce beasts, vying for each other, we need to kill them. Fierce beast, so you can be in the middle. Chu Legend and I are on the left and right flanks. As for the other hero hunters, it is best to follow our neighborhood and become our support. In this way..."

"All hero hunters! We are divided into three teams to follow me, Legend of Xia and Legend of Chu! Let us dominate and lead. Don’t mess with Fang Cun! Legend of Xia leads a team to the left! Legend of Chu leads a team to the right! Now immediately Action!" Meng Xu said loudly.

I smiled and led Lan Shi to prepare to go to the other side, and Chu Yu quickly followed. I took a look and said, "You can go back, but you can follow me, but follow me carefully."

"Yes!" Chu Yan said happily. In fact, she was thinking about how to deal with me just now, but she didn't expect me to agree so readily.

"Why don't you follow your parents?" The guy Lan Shi didn't know what to say.

"My mother...My mother asked me to follow Legend Xia! Why? Can't it?" Chu Wei said angrily.

"Okay, why not? But don't hold us back!" Lan Shi said with a smile.

"Why don't you say that you are dragging Xia Legend's legs?" Chu Wei immediately stunned, and Lan Shi was dumbfounded with anger, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, you two follow me closely, and you must not run around." I shook my head and smiled, leading them to the left area, and Chu Jiao, who was running against us behind him, took her husband with him. There is a heroic hunter, Lielong, who is going to the right, which is equivalent to a legend with two heroic hunters.

As for Meng Xu’s left and right are Zimou and another unknown hero hunter. This arrangement is probably also Zimou’s plan. After all, in the three-person team, each team has a lead hunter, which can also be guaranteed. There is not a spool to the end, just like this old man, who has a very carefree temperament. It is estimated that no one can convince him that if he is to choose one, Zimou can barely do the job.

Before we came to the predetermined area, billowing dust and smoke came in front of us, and there were so many black shadows in the smoke and dust. I really don’t know how many fierce beasts were mixed in it. To say nothing, there would be tens of thousands. To the left and right, you can hardly see the side, even if the big city is big, these fierce beasts can easily be overwhelmed!

It shouldn't be the first time that Lan Shi and Chu Yan have seen the Fierce Beast Season. Even in the face of this horrible scene, they did not panic at all. It can be said that this alone can establish their qualifications as a hero hunter.

I took them to move forward, and after a while, I pulled up the reins of the wind beast and started to trot towards the big city. This proficiently dealt with the scene of the beast season, so that the blue stone was amazed: "I can't see Ah, I just wanted to ask, do Brother Xia have experience in this area?"

"Haha, fortunately, I have encountered hundreds of thousands of beast tides before." I said, thinking of the past in my heart, but in fact, it was still in pain. The beast tide meant death.

"Why are we trotting towards the big city?" Chu Wei asked quickly and curiously. Obviously, she had seen the animal tide, but she didn't know how to deal with it.

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