Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 5994: : Raw

Du Legendary glanced at the old lady, and the old lady said with her eyebrows: "We can help, but we will not die!"

"I won't die, this time Xia Legend led the team. He is the strongest legendary hunter I have ever seen in the Hunter Bureau, so I will definitely lead you legends to win this victory!" Zimou laughed. This means that all legends must participate.

"Didn't Meng Chengzhu lead the team?" Huang Old Lady asked coldly.

"Hehe, I don't dare to lead the team, this time killing the mountain and river ant queen is such a big thing, it must be the legend of Xia." The old man Meng smiled thiefly. This old man is not willing to rush forward, maybe there is something in his stomach. Bad water.

"Legend of Nagqu and Legend of Chu also join my team, I need your help this trip." I am also used to leading troops, as long as it is a legendary hunter, even if it is placed on the flank, it will be a great help.

"Yeah." Qu Meng nodded, and it was natural that Chu Jiao wouldn't help.

In this way, I took Huang Lao Lao, Meng Lao Man, Du Chuanqi, Qu Chuanqi, Chu Jiao and the others quickly set off. Before leaving, I also brought on the special reins of the beast trap, just to capture the Wind Dragon. .

And not long after we left, the big city blazed ablaze. It could be seen that the fire oil in the moat was ignited. Therefore, the whole city was smart for one day and one night. If we could not kill the mountain river ant queen, the big city would have to give up.

Because mountain ants are good at digging and moving mountains, even if there are bunkers underground in the city, it is impossible for everyone to escape the hunting of mountain ants.

"This time the fierce beast season has been wave after wave. According to Zimou, the legendary fierce beasts around the distance from the mountain and river ant activity area to this big city have been hunted, first the female imperial dragon and then the male beast. Then came the Tuicheng Beast and Jinglong Pig. These are basically legendary beasts that have been witnessed or recorded in the surrounding area. As for the legendary Wind Dragon, no one has actually witnessed it. This time we have to be more careful. Maybe Biaofenglong will come too." Chu Jiao reminded me.

"The legendary Wind Dragon? Does such a Wind Wind beast exist?" Everyone was curious, and even the old man Meng, who was flying in the sky on the Wind Dragon, descended.

The legendary Wind Beast, no matter it is interested, Old Man Meng hummed softly: "Now that Legend Xia has a crescent moon, this Wind Beast Dragon can't let it go? Or let a legendary beast attack the city. No one can hold it in Dacheng."

I nodded and said, "If the Wind Dragon appears, I will drag it by myself. You can separate the team to investigate the location of the mountain and river ant's queen, and light up the smoke. Then I will catch up."

"That's the best." Old man Meng smiled gloomily, and then asked in a weird manner: "Speaking of which, do you think there will be epic beasts coming to attack the city? After all, there is Epic Xia, the old man really wants to Watch the battle between the epic hunter and the epic beast in your lifetime."

Everyone looked at me, and Chu Jiao said, "City Lord Meng was joking. It's not bad that there are legendary beasts around this big city. Epic beasts rarely appear in the area of ​​a big city, and they are legendary. The number is right with our legendary hunters in Dacheng, and it is not to the extent that the legendary beasts run all over the ground. Of course, this refers to the area of ​​Dacheng. The most dangerous thing in this barbarous world is the area of ​​Dacheng. The outside world is not only desolate, but also wild beasts, and there are even more legendary beasts than legendary beasts. When I traveled in the early years, I once heard about witnessing epic beasts, these epic giant monsters. , They will not easily move out of dormancy, but once they come out, they will definitely cause catastrophe. If they can't stop it, it's not surprising that a big city will be wiped out."

"The old man traveled in his early years, but he encountered an epic black dragon with angry eyes..."

Everyone was talking, and a familiar roar came from afar. When I heard this sound, my heart was overjoyed. This is the voice of the Dragon Wind Dragon!

Unexpectedly, he was already within the scope of the big city, but it seemed that this guy was fighting with something. This roar was the roar of anger. I looked at the crowd and said: "Legends, you can separately investigate the surrounding Now that the situation is over, find the queen as much as possible, and then light the smoke. Now that I have found the location of the wind dragon, I will not act with everyone."

Everyone wants to catch the Dragon Wind Dragon, but everyone knows the difficulty of catching. What's more, my secret has been collected strictly. When it is exposed, I will have the reins and crescent stones ready. These are all necessary for catching. What's prepared, besides, the Wind Dragon is a legendary beast, and the most difficult beast of a swift type. The legendary level is known for its speed. Even if the legendary hunter encounters it, it is likely to overturn the ship in the gutter. , Jinglong pig is comparable.

Therefore, if you want to catch a beast, you have to talk about strength, and I still take the initiative not to let them help. Of course everyone can't ask for it. To catch this beast, the legendary hunter is in danger.

Sure enough, I was separated from everyone. When I ran to follow the sound, I saw that the giant wind dragon swept away several mountain and river ants with its tail, and the dinosaur-like mouth directly bit the hero class. The head of the mountain river ant, but at this time there are no other flying wind beasts around the wind dragon, and I don’t know if it has gone away or died. After all, the mountain river ants were driven out, and many heroic beasts actually killed a lot of the colony ants. There were a lot of corpses that had been cut off or had teeth wounds on the road.

The Huofenglong saw me, grinned and let out a low growl, then looked at me vigilantly, eagerly.

"Good guy, don't you need to be so happy when you meet old friends?" I was calm and gentle, but under the threat of the wind dragon, the young wind beast would inevitably tremble, as if it was about to lie down on the ground. The king will inevitably show his cowardice.

The Wind Dragon had fought with me before, but at that time the heroic spear and sword could not break its armor. It is different now. I am a legendary Qingmo Lin. It is not difficult to deal with it, but how to catch it and let it It immediately became my fighting strength.

I simply took out the crescent stone in my cloth pocket and threw it directly on the ground: "Do you like it?"

The wind dragon saw me throw the crescent stone on the ground, and immediately rushed over. I lifted the spear in an instant and plunged directly into its front paws, and instantly scratched a terrifying scar. The wind dragon hurried to hide. Open, but always cherishes this crescent stone.

I smiled and watched the bruised Qing Mo Lin toxic attack.

Sure enough, Biaofenglong's body leaned forward in an instant, and the poison worked on it. I immediately jumped off the young Biaofeng beast that could not fight and took the crescent stone back into my hand.

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