Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6113: :shape

"You don't have to speak for her. I know what Mu Qing is like. I know how she was when I was young. Even if she is wise, she is also very reckless. She cannot be controlled by any rules and regulations. The test of injustice, the stubbornness of his father is also in his temper, and he will not look back easily if he recognizes some things. You are not an outsider, so I will not hide it from you, let alone tell you some empty words. Come to lie to you." Zhou Xuan knew what I wanted to know, but she was a little outspoken.

This time, even Li Muqing couldn't refute it. She suddenly felt like her own personal design collapsed, and her entire head was drooping. Not only did she complain about her mother, she also felt wronged that her mother would comment on her.

Of course, when she was desperate, she also looked at me.

I really know what Zhou Xuan is like, but she was very tossed when she debuted at a young age. Even if she had a sense of justice, she always acted with gratitude and enmity, but it was not because of her affairs that affected grandma and caused the matter to stir. I will not make my debut.

I smiled faintly, and said, "I'm afraid I don't know what happened when you were young, right?"

Zhou Xuan was also calm, and said: "Naturally, she didn't know. She didn't often be around when she was a child. She didn't come back for a while since her studies. Usually, apart from studying, she doesn't have much spare time."

"That's it, but it scares the child, but I don't know what you were like when you were young." I smiled.

Zhou Xuan couldn't help but laughed, but the bewildered child became a little curious for a while.

At this time, Li Poxiao's breath was also on his way back to the mountain. Xu discovered me just now when he was dealing with official duties, but he had to deal with everything before he could come, so he was delayed for a while. At this speed, it can be said to be anxious. It's not working.

Li Muqing is a good child. Since he is the child of Zhou Xuan and Li Poxiao, he is of high aptitude, so he also noticed that the rescuers were coming, and the tears in his eyes were rolling, and he almost didn't call for help.

Li Poxiao landed in the Taoist temple with a serious face, glanced at Zhou Xuan, and then at the child who was in tears. He immediately understood something, and said to me a bit strange: "If you come to the hall to find me, instead, he ran over. Here? Xia Yitian, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, aren't you busy with a meeting? I happened to find that your hall was overcrowded, so I didn't go to join in the fun, thinking about your clean place, and finding that your Taoist temple has an elegant scenery. Come and take a look. Cousin say hello and wait for you to come back." I said with a smile.

Li Poxiao couldn’t find the fault in my words for a while, and immediately gave Zhou Xuan an anxious voice transmission. Even if I didn’t go to check it, I knew what it was. It was nothing more than Li Poxiao asking what Zhou Xuan had said. The baby girl was so frightened.

Zhou Xuan ignored him, sitting there drinking tea, and then she was annoyed by the question before she said, "Is there anything I can't speak to others? Either sit down and say it, or just stand on the threshold and continue to speak. Right."

Li Poxiao felt that his wife didn’t give face, but he didn’t dare to refute it. He walked to the position opposite me, and said honestly: "I also asked you what you said to the day. It’s not just coming back. Let’s talk about it, it’s not that serious, depending on what you said."

This was actually meant for me, and it was also paying for his embarrassment. I smiled and said nothing. This Li Poxiaotian was not afraid of being afraid. Even though he was stubborn, he could not pass Zhou Xuan's level.

Li Muqing saw that his father was coming, and suddenly began to speak like a bean. Li Poxiao frowned as he heard it. He felt sympathetic to his daughter and felt that his wife could not speak. The rescue was late, and all of the good things that had been piled up with me in front of him were all disturbed, so his mind turned sharply. He felt that the matter was not easy to handle, and he hesitated to say something about saving to me.

But I smiled and said: "Dawn, I am here for nothing else. I want you to do me a favor. It may take you some days. After all, this matter is very important. I may not pay attention. Jiuzhongtian is gone."

"What do you mean? What do you mean is that my family Mu Qing may be a stunner? Instigate your family Ling Tian to eliminate Jiu Zhongtian? You have this idea, why not go to heaven? My family Mu Qing is a bit reckless, but who let You suddenly appeared in Taoist temple?" Li Poxiao jumped up anxiously.

Zhou Xuan and I looked at each other, and immediately amused him with his thoughtless words.

"What are you talking about? Is your brain confused?" Zhou Xuan couldn't help but sullen her face. At this time, even Li Muqing couldn't help covering her face with her hands. She never expected her father to protect her calf like this.

"I'm not talking nonsense! That's what he thinks!" Li Poxiao couldn't help but cried out.

"Caring is chaotic, there are important things to come here one day, what are you doing with the child?" Zhou Xuan glared at him and motioned him to calm down and sit down.

"Ahem, it's not for Mu Qing, what else?" Seeing me nodded with a smile, Li Poxiao looked at me suspiciously and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier? How do I know what you want to say? Tell me quickly, what can I do for you?"

I smiled and said, "Let you go to Qiongtian World to prevent some gods and immortals from destroying the town tripod."

"This matter...I also heard about this Qiongtian world. Naturally, it is impossible for the gods to destroy the town boundary tripod. The boundary wall... Oh, I know, so you need me to protect the Jiuzhongtian. Nothing means that, you say you, half-talk, how do I know what you mean?" Li Poxiao couldn't help muttering, and immediately looked at his daughter with a look of okay.

Li Muqing had a terrible face, feeling that her father was more reckless than her.

"That's what it means. If you go, we should not be too late. This is the sooner the better. I will also tell you what happened to Qiongtian World in the recent period, so that you can enter as soon as possible. Status, everyone can work together to solve this problem, but one thing is that you may be trapped in this Qiongtian world for a period of time. This is why I said that you are tired for a while." I explained.

Li Poxiao clapped his hands and said proudly, "Okay, isn't it easy! Since it's a matter of Nine Heavens, I can't shirk myself, and even if you still know that you are looking for me, I'm afraid this thing won't happen if you change someone else. "

"Yes, yes, of course you have to do it." I secretly said that Li Poxiao also knew to shape his father's great and glorious image recently.

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