Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6118: :strong

Fairy Yanrong pulled up my sleeve with a look of horror, and almost said to me in a trembling voice: "It seems that something will really happen... I can feel him... He is dangerous now, I have to now Just leave...really..."

I constricted my eyebrows and looked at the velvet. She rarely does this. This seems to have risen to the point of life and death, so my face has also changed.

Xia Ruize also heard what the antler said, so Jiejie smiled and said, "Are you Daojie? That would be bad. I forgot that you can't stay here. Just leave now, lest you die for a while. Cruel."

"He is dangerous, let's go quickly and can't stay here!" Yanrong grabbed my sleeve, and this extremely dangerous expression was already written on his face.

I immediately took out the random door, opened the location of the door to understand the sword fairy, and let Yanrong leave first.

Rong flew past the random door and hurriedly said, "You guys go too, he seems...as if he's planning something!"

I looked at Xia Ruize, and Xia Ruize said gloomily: "If you can't leave for a day, he won't die anyway, but you guys don't stay here, otherwise I can't guarantee you will lose your life."

Li Guxian slammed the sword, and a flash of sword light directed at Xia Ruize in an instant. Xia Ruize laughed loudly. The Kaitian fossil sword in his hand took the sword in an instant. At this time, Xia Ruize is real, and it is impossible for anyone to hit him. Core!

Li Guxian narrowed his eyebrows and shot again, this time taking Xia Ruize's face!

"Haha..." Xia Ruize chuckled, and immediately followed with the sword. The two swords immediately fought together and sparks broke out several times. Xia Ruize kept backing away under Li Guxian's strong attack, but his laughter did not stop. , It seems to be at ease.

"Guxian, you leave with Yanrong first, and you'll leave it to me." I patted Kunpeng's back. It received the order and immediately flew away from this area. It was returning to the realm of heaven.

Li Guxian couldn't succeed in several strong attacks. This was beyond her expectation. However, Xia Ruize was not an ordinary sword immortal. The remnant soul of Sword Lord was in his body, which made his swordsmanship unique, especially for Li Guxian. It seems that I have my own understanding.

The confrontation between the two really shocked the world, and the seven-style sky-creation swords were released intensively. Xia Ruize will inevitably endure this fierce attack again. However, after more than ten years of kendo immersion, his swordsmanship has not stopped, various attacks They appeared endlessly, but they didn't lose too much, and being forced by Li Guxian, he couldn't help showing his cards!

The law of nine sons was constantly released, and this round of law attacks really blocked Li Guxian's seven-style sky-creation sword, and coupled with the intervention of the magic sky, it was not easy for Li Guxian to take him at once.

"Guxian, leave here first, it seems that something is about to start!" I looked at the gods' sky area, and the sky suddenly appeared like a sunset. There is no doubt that this is about to change. Begin to change the essence, something similar to context is running, and it seems to be connected to the context of Xia Ruize!

Xia Ruize's strength really began to grow stronger, and the speed was quite fast, and it suddenly expanded to an unimaginable level!

The sky was also cracking open with a big trace, crackling crackles began to appear in the distance, as if it was thunder, and as if something was breaking the ground!

My spiritual thoughts immediately communicated with Chuangshitian. As expected, the boundary wall was opened at this time. This is a manifestation of the strength of the law to a certain degree, and the boundary wall can no longer hold it!

The power of Xia Ruize’s magical law began to increase to another stage. The continuous power of context began to change the entire God Constellation sky, and the surrounding world began to take shape. Under the rainbow-colored universe, big trees, creatures, and Qiongyu were all one by one. It began to appear, this kind of environment seemed like a flash in the pan, but it looked really incredible!

I knew it was Xia Ruize adapting the world at a glance!

The reason for being able to reach this level is because he has communicated with the world! God seat is really his naive, that means it will be very dangerous!

The world under Fang Yuan’s eyes unexpectedly began to be adapted according to Xia Ruize’s ideas and laws. Li Guxian had the upper hand, but soon encountered the suppression of Xia Ruize’s laws. He is the entire **** seat itself, and Li Guxian is completely shaken here. Tree, even if she is the law of the sword, it can break the world and everything, but if it is the world itself, then it will be difficult for her to deal with it. Now I am the only opponent of Xia Ruize!

"Jie Jie... Li Jianshen, Li Jianshen, I actually admire you very much, but you can't bully me to the end, right? If you can't leave, I'm a little angry. I sit on the gods. , Now you can see the power of the law. After a while, it will definitely not be comparable to you. What about your five poles? The gap between us is still too big... The yellow robe of the entire **** seat is added, this is not just a five pole creation Heavenly Sword can handle it." Xia Ruize laughed.


Xia Ruize is pulling the surrounding Taoist powers strongly. I don’t know if all this power comes from the gods, or it is mixed with other things, but this power is indeed very powerful and it has already begun to exceed the five polarities , If we continue in this situation, we are sure to break through the six poles!

"Hurry up! Let me come! If you increase your strength, do you want your child to preach with you!" I said aloud, took a deep breath, my eyes stunned, and the power in the sky soon Landing quickly, Xia Ruize's Dao Ji broke the sky, and my Dao Ji can also descend from the creation sky. I can use his power to open the sky to reach the same level as him!

But I didn't expect Xia Ruize to prove at this time!

Li Guxian also knew that something big happened suddenly, so he didn't dare to disobey me anymore. The child in her stomach couldn't bear the force of her to continue to raise the law, so he suddenly painted a sword light, and the whole person passed through the random door. As soon as the hand sleeve was rolled, the scroll returned to my sleeve pocket!

"Hey, my younger brother and sister are so temperamental, they were almost taken away, but one day, you can rest assured, you are so kind to my family, why would I do anything to my younger brother and sister? You too underestimate your big brother...Jie Jie...Okay, eldest brother is about to start proving the Dao, how much do you say will be this time? As the master of the gods, eldest brother will take away the entire Dao catastrophe of the gods. Help you sweep the Southern God Seat." Xia Ruize laughed frantically!

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