Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6123: : Chicken Fei

"Xia Ruize, you don't want to think about it. This is a lot of benefits for you and indirectly contributed to this matter. However, because of this chaos, Xiaoyi and your family are in danger. Is it worth it? Interesting? Huh?" I asked back.

"One day, you are good to Xiaoxue, good to Yuxin, and good to Xiaoyi. Brother sees it in his eyes and helps you out of sincerity. Fairy Haoxi is a very powerful immortal on it. Cross your heart, besides, do you think your eldest brother doesn't want to stop it? But if we stop it then, will our brother win a big victory today?" Xia Ruize laughed.

I snorted softly and said, "The price is too high. One day I will sink myself into it!"

"Okay, one day, elder brother knows that you hate elder brother, suspect elder brother, and have grievances with elder brother, but this is all right. Who makes eldest brother the eldest brother? Isn't this born to **** the younger brother? Brothers succumb to the wall Insult to the outside, even if your elder brother is crazy, but have you ever seen elder brother do a stupid thing? Only by handing over your family to your hands, elder brother can do some dangerous things with confidence, but he knows that you will definitely do Protect them with thoroughness, and even if you don’t believe in your eldest brother, you will always have a trace of luck to your eldest brother. Isn’t it because your eldest brother, no matter how nasty, still has a family relationship? What's more, every time you profit, isn’t it good or bad? I've given you a share? No matter how hateful you think your eldest brother is, no matter how unwilling you feel, we are brothers. Did your eldest brother ever make you unable to get up? Did you fall into the abyss that Tian Tian shouldn't? Ever?" Xia Ruize asked me instead.

I looked at him with a gloomy expression: "Xia Ruize, don't tell me this, I will judge by myself!"

"One day, you and your eldest brother are both very mindful, and they don’t trust each other easily. Your eldest brother knows that you will never trust your eldest brother, but think about it, eldest brother will eventually be in your creation world, and will eventually be there for you. There is a world of water and soil, and the years are long, and there is no way to hide. In the end, the big brother is good or bad? Ten years can not be known, a hundred years are not visible, but thousands of years? The vicissitudes of life will see the sun and the moon in the mud on the bottom of the sea. Is it clean? It's dirty, won't it be clear by then." Xia Ruize patted my shoulder.

I stared at him, and at this moment his smoky makeup faded away because of the gradual proving, and the third eye began to disappear at some point. He changed back to the original appearance, and his black lips gradually turned into The faint red, sunshine-like gaze of He Hee also replaced the extremely aggressive wisdom.

At this time, Xia Ruize even instantly coincided with the young Xia family I met for the first time. At that time, I seemed to be in the deepest dark side, and he was a talented arrogant who gathered thousands of brilliance!

"Now the eldest brother is going to help you stabilize the creation day. You can save a period in Jiuzhongtian first. When the younger brother and sister’s children are born, they will grow up, and then consider coming up soon. If there is a eldest brother, he will hold the creation day for you. Worldly... the big brother has too many regrets, so don’t leave any regrets and solve the problem. Our brothers will stand shoulder to shoulder against those Xiaoxiao who proves Daotian. I see who dares to come down.” Xia Ruize said seriously. .

"Regrets? Do you know that you left regrets?" I asked rhetorically.

"People are not grass and trees, who can be ruthless? Regrets are already irreparable. Even if we have to compensate, we will settle everything and solve the creation of the world, and then find a way to compensate. Brother knows what you are asking. Yeah, the eldest brother also knows that Xiaoxue and the children are the one I'm most sorry for...but eldest brother is different from you. If eldest brother doesn't clear all obstacles, he will have trouble sleeping and eating after all, maybe elder brother is hard work." Xia Ruize is free. With a smile, he immediately looked in the direction of the cutting-edge forces, and sighed deeply: "The choice back then may be wrong or right. Who knows? It is good or bad. What's the use of caring? What? I just hope that in the end the same way will go..."

I don’t know what he thought of, or what he thought of, but when I preached the Tao, I also thought about thousands of things, one by one, one by one, and a thousand thoughts were lingering, but even if I thought about it again Many, after all, it's hard to stop the proof.

Xia Ruize gradually began to change sharply because of the power of the Dao Tribulation, and finally turned into a divine light, gradually climbing the sky, and finally disappearing in the vast world. The entire place in the extreme south where I can see, the chaos and qi have changed. It had to fade away, and it was gradually indistinguishable from ordinary immortal energy. This was due to the fact that the influence of Dao Ji's power began to decline, so the boundary wall's self-repair function was activated.

In order to guard against Xia Ruize, the divine way I descended gradually dissipated after Xia Ruize proclaimed the Dao ascended, and finally retained the extreme energy that could stay here. The Nine Heavens had not calmed down, and I could not completely dissipate the power after all.

Seeing that the entire universe was finally left with only pieces of ruins, and a few elite chaotic gods who hadn't died because of the demise of the gods, my thoughts finally returned to reality from the sky.

Xia Ruize has finally proven the Dao, and it is the Seven-pole Proving Dao. This tyrannical power comes from the Daotian. Almost half of the power earned is the power of the Dao. If it is used by me, it will naturally help infinite, but if he dares to give birth to A bad move, even a thought, I have to cut it into countless pieces, and then swallow them one by one!

Now the Zen Dao immortal of the gods is basically wiped out, even if there is still a part of it, they can’t turn over much of the waves. If they still know themselves, they should let their thoughts fly back to Zen Dao heaven. Of course, their camp here is destroyed. It is not difficult to guess that I will return to the top to prepare to attack Chuangshitian, because they will never let me dominate Chuangshitian.

As for solving the Chaos Tianyixian, I have already had a way, and now I don't bother to care about them, because they are too late to persuade them one by one, it is better to let them gather by themselves.

Li Poxiao has already gone to solve the Qiongtian world’s proving Dao immortals. I just need to hurry up to repair the Jiuding, when the Qiongtian boundary wall becomes more perfect, Dao extremely power and Chaos Immortal Qi will become unsustainable here, and even soon die out. , So no matter whether there is a Zen Dao Immortal or a Chaos Immortal, it can't resist the tide of the tide.

Of course, if they had no way to survive all of a sudden, it would definitely be a mess, which is not conducive to the peace of the Nine Heavens, so at this time the tomb of the Emperor Jin should be taken out, and now the passage of the sermon will be opened, and the treasure of the sermon will be It will be their life-saving straw, and it will stop them temporarily.

I took out the random door, opened it and went directly to the realm of heaven, but when I scanned the surrounding breath, I accidentally discovered that this Jieyuhua, the actual controller of the **** seat, Fairy Haoxi, was missing!

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