Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6146: : Hidden danger

I secretly said that this is simply throwing off the shopkeeper, asking me to help, and saying that it is difficult to help. These old fairy spirits are throwing burdens on each other, but this burden can’t be thrown away by everyone, there will always be a picker, or else The results were broken one by one, what should I do if the last pot was served?

I can do as many things as I can. Of course, I will not give up. I gritted my teeth and said, "Senior Yuqing, it's not very good for you to say that. You are in big trouble, but it's better than my pack of wolves, right? But the stragglers are eager to hunt me, and even among the octopoles of you, you can’t guarantee that anyone is interested in me. It’s been a few years since my timing has calmed down. If you don’t show some sincerity, don’t blame me. When you live, take a bite of your **** meat for the last supper!"

When Yuqing heard this, the whole person was dumbfounded. It didn't look like I was joking, but I could only say in embarrassment: "You must not be so self-deprecating. We Sanqing are also a little dumbfounded, otherwise you After preaching, I came to see you a long time ago and gave you some information, didn’t you? First, it’s a timing issue, and second, you have to wait for something major to happen to you before you can take the opportunity to drop a sermon to remind you, isn’t it? What’s so delicious about meat? Little friends don’t want to scare the old man, so let’s do this, you, the creation of the world is unstable, we Sanqing also knows, what kind of help do you want?"

"Give me a map of Sheng Daotian's power area, and then give me a part of mobilization of command authority. If the time sequence is normal and the war starts, no matter how difficult the Sanqing forces, they must provide me with certain help, even if it is a frightening deterrent. At least they have to be there. Except for this, you can't mobilize other Daoists, right?" I asked.

"Haha, that's not a problem. We can't mobilize other Daoists in Sanqing. Except for persuasion, there is really no other way. No matter how difficult what you say, you must also provide help. The above deterrence scare is a good point. , I can help you guarantee the trip, but it will work, we Sanqing can't guarantee this." Yuqing smiled.

I am depressed, but now I am not a little gangster. I want to have small favors, such as treasures, which are definitely not suitable. I am now a big gangster in the world of Zen Daotian, sitting on the world of creation. Of course, the pattern must be enlarged. This jade Qing itself also has Yuqing realm, Shangqing has Shangqing realm and so on. Since they have come to have a good relationship with me now, I have also made it easy. Anyway, mutual benefit and mutual benefit are reasonable.

Yuqing quickly waved his sleeves, and the cloud of gas in front of me gradually divided into several large pieces, changing the colors of the forces, and then began to combine into a big map. There was no word on this map, but the larger one. The area has been clearly divided, and Yuqing pointed to the colorful and densely packed area around and said: "You must also know that you are in the area here. The hunting has already begun. Please also ask the little friends to take care of it. It’s good for yourself that one acre of land is divided into three parts. Remember not to divide up the big one before it arrives. Only if you successfully escape this round, the deterrent effect we provide you can only work. You need You have to know that these skirmishers won't listen to us."

I nodded, feeling that these travels are coming and going turbulently. If this is a trouble, it may really tear me apart. Of course, except for me, I am not optimistic here. The three over there are crowded together and are playing against the others. It’s also very attractive to me. This is also the pattern of Sanqing confronting the other person. Sanqing doesn’t want to tell me who it is. It must be someone I may know or have had contact with. Then who is so close? Tianguxian?

This is the most important point. Of course, I know this secret now. It’s useless. The dense fairy houses in front of me, and the three-dimensional areas with unknown enemies and friends in all directions, will be tigers who take the opportunity to come in at any time. The wolves are fighting to the death and the life, and suddenly they take advantage of the void, what should we do?

"My side is not safer than yours, right? Although facing strong enemies together, your world is strong, but my new world is weak. In terms of this, I still have two waves. The first one is even though I still have a little bit Sure, but the second call is directly your fellows! And I don’t know if it’s one or two. How can the seniors ask me to be good?" I asked, although I get such a big benefit, it is bound to be memorable, but if Benefits are likely to be taken away by others, so what's the point of keeping the benefits.

"Haha, little friends, don’t think of all Daoists as enemies. At least one Daoist is not our enemy. The road he proves is quite different from you, and it’s not as good as you. It's easy to find you trouble." Yuqing smiled.

"Oh? Among these fellow daoists, is there someone who is weaker than me? That's new." I felt quite contented in my heart. It seems that I am not the weakest yet, which shows that things still have room for maneuver.

"Little friends must not be conceited. If you talk about true strength, I am afraid that many Daoists will be afraid of you three points. Otherwise, how can you be the first to fight against the tiger, and they will wait for the opportunity to chaotic? I dare to underestimate you." Yuqing smiled.

"So that's the case, then I can rest assured..." I took a deep breath. This is a great fortune in misfortune. My teammate is only Xia Ruize with seven poles. Of course, the entire creation day is weaker than the enemy, but I I am strong, as long as I don't split it up for the enemy, think twice if I can beat me.

It's a pity that if Mengxuan doesn't listen to persuasion, otherwise I can have more confidence.

And just as I breathed a sigh of relief, Yuqing seemed to see what I was thinking, and deliberately added a little weight to my balance: "You can’t slack off, the Jiuzhongtian you are in is actually quite dangerous. Yes, that fellow daoist told me about this. The old man felt that his hair was standing up when he heard it, so he came to let me know in advance, but he thought of this since that fellow daoist was casual. There should still be a place to mediate."

"Oh? There are hidden dangers?" When I said this, the whole person cheered up. Since these three-level daoists have said this, can it be a trivial matter?

"Yes, there is a hidden danger. Even when we made Jiuding and were preparing to prove the Dao, a senior who was almost in the middle of his fellow Dao's strength, because he was close to his orthodoxy, he gave up the Dao demonstration, which was tantamount to giving up Become one of the nine positions, but even so, we can't help but admit that he is extraordinary in strength and talented, and it is said that he stands on the top of Jiuding as a respect..." Yuqing stared at me. Expression, I also felt that my expression was a bit wrong.

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