Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6157: :financial

In fact, stealing my technology is nothing. No matter how advanced the technology is, the competition will eventually be able to imitate it over time, or even make a more advanced one. Of course, now the other party has already made this hot armor in a short time. This shows that it is not just imitating, it is more likely to steal, but whose technology is stolen?

I put away all the armors before. Obviously, it was not mine that I stole. I took a look at these hot armors. There were no hot armors such as sniper guns and slashers, but machine guns similar to those used by the wind beast. This is what I deployed on Lanshi, Chuyu, and Qu Meng's Wind Beast, which means that the Wind Beast of the three of them may have fallen into the hands of the enemy, so that the machine gun was copied.

Of course, they can afford machine guns, which shows that the gods’ fairy family is very rich, and according to their ability to use the cracks of the town boundary tripod to make these hot armors and bullets with fairy power, they may have destroyed this. The financial system of the barbaric world is gone, and it may become a reality to replace the cold armor with the hot armor.

These hot armors may have different effects on fierce beasts depending on the materials, but they are simply the only artifacts used to deal with hunters, because even if the hunter’s armor covers a large area, the probability of being hit is not small. Ordinary people don’t have strong defensive capabilities. They are either pierced or punched by a bullet. If the enemy paints some venom, the problem should not be underestimated. The emergence of this hot armor has not only rewritten the financial system. , Even the world has changed!

Besides, the hunter is still good. This is replaced by the wind beast. I am afraid that he will have to wear heavy armor in the future. It is actually extremely dangerous for the wind dragon and other flying on meat wings. They can't wear the armor, but the meat wings The membrane is broken, how can the Wind Dragon fly?

But fortunately, these **** hunters don't have many hot armors, and bullets are not low-cost things, but one shot is one less precious jade, even if the wealth is rich, you can't just sweep without aiming.

And my black dragon sword is outstanding. This Qiongtian Wrath Dragon Eye can stop the enemy’s actions. I focused on the hunter’s machine gun with the hot armor in my hand. Under my attack, the enemy fell quickly. several.

It will be fine for these Daoist Immortals to punch through their bodies. As long as the Dao Core is immortal, they will be able to recover their bodies with energy. However, if the Immortal Chaos Heavenly Immortal is able to punch out a virtual soul, it will basically be finished, so even if the cultivation base wants to be the same , Their prices are very different. There should not be many Primal Chaos Heavenly Remains here. If one were to be destroyed, one would be missing, because both entrances were guarded by me, and no one could enter or leave.

Therefore, in this barbarous world, the Xingdao Immortal is the most troublesome existence, but the alien beasts are also besieged by everyone, so they dare not show their true colors, and even once exposed, they are basically out of play.

This is also the reason why the gods and immortals have always wanted to sit in the realm of Daojie's body, but unfortunately they didn't guess right, I didn't use Dao seeds at all.

My arrival quickly suppressed the machine gun attack and lost fire support. Chu Jiao quickly led the hunters and guards in the city to rush into Urn City and reconquer the city wall. There were many hunters in a swarm. , Even if the strength is not very good, but the weapons are not a joke. These weapons are all weapons made of fierce beasts in the Qiongtian world. They are amazingly powerful in this barbarous world. The fairy family injured these weapons. In fact, they are more injured than Aboriginal hunters are even more serious, because the unique materials here have a Qiongtian jade effect, and they are all aimed at the immortal spirit of the fairy family!

In view of not wanting to be trapped in a heavy siege, these Primordial Chaos Heavenly Relics did not dare to stay for a long time. They did not even bring the Biaofeng Beast, and jumped directly from the city wall, or fled into the deep moat below by flying over the wall, taking advantage of the darkness for a while. It's gone!

After the enemy fled, all that was left was the sweep. Chu Jiao ordered the hunters to strengthen their defenses, and after all the city defenses were removed, they joined us and explained the situation tonight.

"It's nothing, if the enemy knows that I'm not ready, even I don't believe it myself." I smiled.

"Hey, I was negligent. Recently, the hunters of the gods have kept coming and going, and there are even alien beasts going to get into the city. I have been staring at the moonstone, for fear that the new moonstone in the city would be stolen, and I have never left the city lord. The mansion, I never wanted to be taken by the enemy!" Chu Jiao said depressed.

"Chu Jiao, since there is no need to certify the Legendary Hunter recently, we should install that instrument at the gate of the city. Before, you thought it would be inconvenient for us to put the instrument here in the test. We are more passive if the alien beasts are mixed in. If we can find out immediately, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages. As for the hunters of the gods, of course, they have to find out their identity and register them before letting them in!" Jing Ning proposed.

"So, I'll send someone to do it." Chu Jiao looked at the two hunters next to him, and the two hunters immediately returned to the city lord's mansion. It was estimated that equipment or something would be brought in, and she looked at the hunter. We captured the thermal armor, said: "These **** hunters actually use such advanced thermal armor, some of which I have never seen before... Relatively speaking, our eleven cities are still far behind. It seems It’s been a long time since our husband and wife were born..."

"These hot armors should be precision weapons that have only recently appeared. They need to be forged in the cracks by the fairy family. So Chu Chuanqi does not have to be frustrated. In order to make the Eleven Great Cities better defense, I will soon First transfer a group of skilled workers, at least to arm these eleven cities to the teeth." I suggested.

"That's really great. When Legend of Xia came, all problems were solved! Our couple really met a real noble person." Jing Ning said sincerely.

I nodded, and immediately said, "You guys have news about Lan Shi, Chu Wei, and Qu Meng recently? They should have been away for a long time."

"Legend of Xia is afraid to be disappointed. We actually don't know where these children are right now. We must know that the newspapers that the Hunter Bureau usually receive are major events in each city, and even though they are now legendary hunters , But it’s not amazing, or a well-known hunter like you, unless you send someone to look for it, otherwise the sky is so big, it’s really hard to get news from them." Jing Ning smiled bitterly.

"Well, the children left home in armor. The elders rarely asked about the children's tracks for three to five years. However, since Legend Xia wants to find them, we can send other hunters to other cities to find out the news, but this time ...I'm afraid it will take some more days, even if the flying dragon boat is used." Chu Jiao suggested.

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