Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6177: : Fight

Ouch! Ouch!

The wind-draft dragon screamed vigorously, and all the wind-draft beasts on the ground instantly lowered and shivered. It was the majesty of the emperor’s anger. It was the emperor of the wind-draft beast. At this time, it was a battle to defend its glory!

I drew out the Black Dragon Great Sword and reformed it for Han Shanshan. The mechanism on the sword was much more complicated, and it was far stronger than what I made myself. The mechanism that opened the eyes of the original Great Sword Fury Dragon was too complicated. Shadow delayed the activation time, and changed it to Han Shanshan. Now as long as the blade of this big sword is ejected and the blade is extended, the light of the black dragon's eyes will immediately fill the whole big sword!

The Windwind Dragon has awakened, and the great sword in my hand has also activated its complete form, with golden streamer marks all over the blade, which looks like a high-energy long sword with black technology all over the body, even if the Windwind Dragon rushes forward, Also pulled out an amazing golden light!

Bang bang bang!

When I rushed over, I pulled the machine cannon and pierced the air with a loud noise, and slammed into that angry thunder in an instant!

The machine gun is not fast, but it is definitely not easy to avoid if you want to hide. This angry thunder monkey either always looks down on the bullet of the machine gun, or wants to try the taste of the bullet. The first three The hair directly used his claws to shoot, and the huge slap bounced away instantly!

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

An angry roar resounded across the sky, and the painful and angry giant monkey certainly refused to give up. He immediately jumped to the left, and immediately burst out an astonishing thunder and lightning from his mouth!

Chi Chi!

When the thunder sounded, the thunder and lightning had already swept across the bottom of the wing of the wind dragon. The speed of the wind dragon was amazing, and it avoided the blow in such a hurry, but this does not mean it is okay. The thunder is very strong. I can still see the remaining thunder and lightning that knocked out a small piece of the Dragon's wings!

But in such a sudden situation, even if the Wind Dragon knew the pain, it would not be possible to show it, and half of its rationality under the violent violent situation was stunned. It was nothing but killing the enemy in front of it!


This thunder monkey is not small, it is about twice the size of the wind dragon, and when the wind dragon rushes over, it rushes over!

After the violent bang, the Wind Dragon directly hit aside, but Fury also raised his body. After all, the impact is amazing!

Not only did the two beasts collided, I even fought with Fairy Qiuhu’s long sword. The strength of the two of them caused the two fierce beasts to separate, otherwise the primate thunder monkey would definitely continue to pounce. This kind of flexible beast is best at fighting and provoking, so monkeys and tigers cannot be locked together.

The Hurricane Dragon is like a winged roc halting in mid-air, and then quickly turns around and rushes towards Thunder Monkey!

And the angry-eyed thunder monkey also roared, holding both hands up like a human being frantically. It stood up taller than a low-flying wind dragon, which shows how hideous it stood up!

Even if the Hurricane Wind Dragon has not reached the epic level, it is not far from it. In addition, after being violent, it is no longer known to be afraid, so it ignores its roar at all, and continues to pounce on the enemy like crazy!



Fairy Qiuhu and I banged against each other again, both of them were holding big swords, so the fierce beast sitting down came and went, and she and I would fight each other's strength again. The powers of the two slammed and shocked. The fierce beasts were somewhat unbearable, and sparks shot from the sword. Obviously at least one of the two swords was in constant consumption!

The black dragon sword in my hand is made of the strongest material on the black dragon body, and the armor on my body is the same, but now under the impact, the black dragon sword in my hand cannot withstand such an impact. I really don’t know Qihu’s hand. What material is his sword made of? It is actually stronger than the material of the angry black dragon!

It's no wonder she came to target me deliberately, because she thought she would definitely eat me here.

Under the leadership of each other’s fierce beasts, the two of us have met each other a dozen times, and every confrontation is almost a few bursts of fire. It is not surprising that we can cut several swords in one contact, because we put each other on the Nine Heavens, and they are also a first class. The presence!

"Don't change back to the state of Taoism?! If you don't change your body, I won't blame me for not reminding you!" Qiuhu's mouth pursed a touch of sarcasm.

I couldn't help but wonder, what is this guy's idea?

The mechanism under Qiuhu's feet opened directly, and then ran from the back of the Lei Monkey to its head at a very fast speed, and kicked the tiny sharp corner on the head of the Monkey with one kick. The angry-eyed Lei Monkey was next When we rushed over, the body suddenly pulled out an afterimage, and that big hand pulled Wind Dragon's claws and threw it to the ground in an instant!

My face changed drastically, this Qiuhu directly activated Thunder Monkey's violent, so this epic rage thunder fell into a state of madness!

It's just that I didn't expect the other party to be so fast!

In a desperate situation, I immediately unlocked the mechanism, because now the wind dragon was caught, and I continued to ride on it, it would only increase its weight sharply!


The Biaofenglong smashed to the ground instantly, couldn't help screaming, and struggled frantically, but at this time Thunder Monkey hadn't let go of it, and it was still punching and kicking, and throwing around again. Biaofenglong was in a flash. In between, I completely fell into a passive beating situation! Even the machine gun that hit the opponent just now, and the armor are constantly being torn off by Thunder Monkey!

Even if it is protected by armor, the Wind Dragon will definitely not be able to sustain such an attack for long. This violent and angry Thunder Monkey is too powerful!

I hurriedly prepared to save the emergency with a sword, but at this moment, Qiuhu, who was leaping high in the air, had replaced the big sword with a thin and long chopper, and instantly fell to me!


I intercepted it directly under the great power, and this narrow and narrow cutting speed was very fast, much faster than her heavy sword, the next moment she started to cut the mess with an unusual sharp knife, in my hand In front of this Zhandao, the sword can't ask for much bargain!

However, my swordsmanship is not vegetarian. Even if I play slow and fast, I can force her to save herself and try hard in the attack. After all, don’t look at Fairy Qiuhu’s attack, it’s actually a master’s. Master, knows the way to choose, and now she knows that it is not suitable for head-to-head with me, because at this time the angry thunder monkey has the absolute upper hand!


Ho Ho Ho!

The two giant beasts became fighting without a master. The thunder monkey didn't even wear armor, but under the hair was flexible skin. It was not afraid of the claws and teeth of the wind dragon. The dragon is bloody!

Although the Whirlwind Dragon is rare and vulnerable, it is fierce and unwilling to be easily suppressed. Two giant beasts fight in a group, or toss and wrestle together, or blood is splashed everywhere under each other's sharp weapons!

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