Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6183: : Nonsense

I shook my head and smiled bitterly, but after seeing this kind of house robbery, I actually had no troubles a long time ago, took out a bunch of precious jade, and smiled: "Several master hunters, sell the wind beast under my seat to one at home. , This little bag of precious jade is yours, I don’t know how many people feel?"

Among them, the man with the knife suddenly laughed, and looked at the cooling sapphire slurry covered with mud and dirt on my body, and said, "The big bag of things behind you and the bag of precious jade in your hand, we all need it. As for the wind beast, don't think about it. Don't you think your life is more precious?"

It seems to me that the hunters of the seventh city are planning to die, but this is not surprising, even in the barbaric world, there are no shortage of bad people, especially in the world under the rule of the gods, the hunters are even more radical. strange.


At this moment, with a swish, a feather flying arrow flew towards us, and after projecting it, it slammed deeply into the ground!

The three robbers immediately looked into the distance. In the smog-heavy distance, two women and one man, three hunters, who seemed to be wearing stronger clothes, appeared in front of me. It seemed that these few were not in the smog. Look at it with a sensual mood.

The three looters looked at the emblem of the other hero-level hunter, and rushed to flee in fright. They didn't even want to say hello, but the three hunters who rode the heroic wind beast pulled the wind beast immediately. After chasing one of the hunters who was closest to him, and when the other party was about to continue to flee, the feather arrow in his hand projected out again, and instantly plunged into the hunter's shoulder.

The bone-piercing arrows penetrated his body, and the screams resounded around him, but the other two hunters who fled ignored their companions until they escaped.

After catching the robbed hunter, a team of heroic hunters of two women and one man drove the opponent away, leaving behind a violent beast.

"Thank you for helping me." I smiled and secretly said that these three left the Beast of Wind Beast, which seemed to be reserved for me. Seeing the faces of these three people, I saw that the three were not. Relatives are also distant relatives.

"Brothers are all right? My name is Quan Nan. These are my two sisters, who happened to pass by just now." The younger man introduced himself.

"I am Quan Mi, and she is my sister Quan Bi." One of the young girls who seemed a bit lively was also warmhearted.

"The three heroes are good, I don't know if the three are going there?" I smiled.

"You don't need to ask where we are going, do you think we will tell you? The set is almost not like that, newcomer, right? Did you move from the ninth largest city to the seventh largest city? Or why don't you know the rules so much?" Quan Nan couldn't help smiling.

"Oh... well, I do plan to move to the seventh largest city..." I smiled bitterly, and secretly revealed this set just now, but since the other party gave me a reason, I was disrespectful.

"You have to move to the seventh largest city. I'm afraid that you will have to have some strength. For example, if you just robbed three master hunters, you will pay for others immediately. Don't do it in the future. If you go to the seventh Dacheng, it's weird if you don't have any scum left behind!" Quan Mi said with a grin.

"Yes, I actually brought some money to do some business, no matter how strong it is, this is not the death of a wild beast on the road. I finally grabbed the head of a deer and was going to the seventh largest city." I said with a smile.

"Sister, I'm a novice novice." Quan Nan heard what I said and said to his elder sister Quan Bi.

"Knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, give him the Beast Wind Beast, let him go to the seventh largest city, we don't need to be mixed with others." Quan Bi said.

"Sister, don't, aren't we short of manpower now? Besides, if we can find it, we need hunters to immigrate together, don't we? Can't we just open up wasteland with the three of us?" Quan Nan said suddenly.

I am secretly curious, where do these three siblings want to go?

"Yeah, eldest sister, haven't you heard that he is a businessman. If we find there, the first step is to have a businessman run errands to make money back and forth, right?" Quan Mi said hurriedly.

"Where do you plan to open up wasteland? Is it convenient to talk about it?" Although I am not interested in participating in these children's play houses, since the other party has given me a wild beast, I will not be too troublesome to give them advice or something. of.

"We want to find the ancient city of prehistoric civilization in the legend that year!" Quan Nan smiled.

I was stunned, and Quan Bi hurriedly said, "Shut up, and don't bother to talk too much? That place is where your second sister has seen it. The true or false is not known yet, maybe she is daydreaming again!"

"Sister, I didn't daydream. When we went to hunt animals that day, I really saw the shadow of the ancient city appearing in the clouds..." Quan Mi couldn't help but explain.

"Then you found it later?" Quan Bi asked back, and the little girl stopped talking, naturally she didn't find it.

"Hey, eldest sister, I definitely believe in the second sister. Maybe there is such a big city. If we find it, we can become the lord of the thirteenth city. Let the hunter certify our big city and think of ways to move more. Hunter over! This is much better than staying in the misty place of the seventh largest city!" Quan Nan said with a grin.

"That is, I will mess around with you." Quan Bi said.

"Sister, it's not a nonsense. We went back to find out. Didn't we also find out what happened when the angry thunder broke the ancient city? At that time, the ancient city seemed to have moved a lot of people! It's just because there were not many hunters, so I couldn’t verify that the big city came. Later, I heard that the city was wiped out by the raging thunder, and there was no news about this. Now, if the big city is still there, we can restart the matter, right? Maybe we can find it there. Some other things may be possible." Quan Mi said expectantly.

Quan Nan followed suit and said: "Yes, the rage has been subdued by the law enforcement officer. We no longer have to worry that the ancient city will be destroyed again, and the ancient city was rebuilt. Those hunters who took the lead in occupying the ancient city also I took a lot of strange things to peddle, and I heard that some of them were peddled, which caused a sensation. Many hunters are planning to go to the ancient city to explore treasures. If it hadn’t been for the angry thunder to attack the city and wipe out all those hunters, I’m afraid Then the big city has risen! And what happened to the second sister now is the revelation of the mother god, let us go to find the ancient city?"

After Quan Bi listened, he could only look at me. After I listened to the conversation between the three brothers and sisters, I can also give birth to other thoughts about the angry thunder. After all, the ancient city that the angry thunder has breached is likely to hide some A secret that no one else knows is like why siege a city?

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