Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6194: :shrewd

The black crane that was suppressed and plucked by the thunder monkey inevitably made a frightened crane hum. Even if it was covered with colorful poisonous powder, once the Qiongtian defense on the thunder monkey exceeded the level of toxic infection, it would not be affected by this toxicity. It’s like the hunters here who take blood drink all year round, so the poisonous beast will definitely not be poisoned like a mortal. This is the decomposition effect of Qiongtian Law, and it is unique to the creatures in this barbaric world. Immunity!

Ouch! Ouch!

The black crane quickly pressed the thunder monkey under its body again. It could only flick its wings and fight back with the hurricane and claws, and even flew into the air with the thunder monkey, but in the end because the thunder monkey also had wings, they were in the air together. Fight!

Not to mention, the Black Crane's strength has greatly increased after going up to the sky. This may be its home court, so its long neck has played a role. With the huge peck attacking, only a bang was heard, and the Thunder Monkey was painful. He immediately retracted back, and can see the blue blood splashing out afterwards!

The Thunder Monkey roared and slapped it with a slap. The head of the black crane that was hit directly shifted, but it couldn't get out of the palm of the opponent, because the two feet of the Thunder Monkey were equally flexible, holding the black crane firmly. , The two sides are inextricably beaten in the air!

But this is not the sky outside. The distance and height are all limited. Otherwise, the cranes would go out early, and they would not have done so many years of useless work here.


Sure enough, the black crane directly hit the high wall of the sky. At this moment, it seemed to me that both of them were the size of black spots. After the two sides collided above, they fell to the ground again!

I and Qiuhu are fighting alone. In fact, everyone doesn’t take advantage of the big sword, especially the black dragon big sword itself is used for hunting beasts and cannot complete effective close tasks, but the best thing for me now is that I can Attack with tentacles!

Bang bang bang!

A series of tentacles attacked Qihu, including the Black Dragon Great Sword, which stretched the tentacles and attacked to a longer range target, so my ever-changing attacks quickly suppressed Qihu helpless, and many of the weird targeted attacks made her unable to defend against. I even stuck my body several times!

What she should be most thankful for now is that I am different from ordinary Daoji, otherwise the sharp tentacles can break through any epidermal tissue!

The mortal fetus of Qihu's flesh body can only retreat step by step when suppressed by me, because it will be poisoned by my ghost immediately after giving the tentacles. Not only will it be very itchy, but she will even fall into a trance. Once I retreat, I will have the opportunity to come into contact with the black crane.

The black crane is now very passive. He was shackled by the sky monkeys from the sky and the ground. Now he was covered with blood, and the colored feathers on his body were a piece of cake. It looked like a dirty rag. This should be what it expected. The chambers are seriously different!

While attacking Qiuhu with countless tentacles, I moved with my tentacles at the same time. Except for a head and wearing a black dragon armor, I was completely different from humans.

"Xia Yitian, do you know how to write the word disgusting? You are also worthy of being a Chuangshi Immortal?" Qiuhu couldn't help cursing. She was teasing me now. It is inevitable that I am upset, but I just want to Embarrass her.

"Tsk tusk, why don't you deserve it? I think this is pretty good. A black cat and a white cat are good cats if they can catch mice. Besides, don't you all have fun with the Daojie? Don't talk about sex." I'm most afraid that she won't talk to me. This girl doesn't like to squeak, she is a dull donkey who doesn't hit the south wall without turning her head.

"Shut up." Qiu Hu snorted coldly, and the weapon in his hand was suddenly replaced with a knife, and he slashed towards my tentacles!

In fact, she is useless even if she uses eighteen weapons to produce flowers. My big sword is enough to deal with all attacks, so I can't get close, so I soon reach the range of the black crane's thunder monkey fighting!

After I came to this fierce fighting range, my tentacles stretched out very quickly, and the tentacles of about seven or eighty zhang easily touched the Thunder Monkey while it was attacking the black crane!


Thunder Monkey touched my tentacles, and the ghost aura suddenly invaded its body. This is pure power, and it hurts it a lot. So the next moment it hurts and itches, and even rushes towards it. It's me!

Unsurprisingly, Heihe would not let it out of the fight, and furiously counterattacked towards it. This made Thunder Monkey anxious and angry. He couldn't do anything to me, but he gradually gained the upper hand!

"Xia Yitian, you are mean!" Qiu Hu said angrily.

While I was fighting on both sides, the pill that I was still holding in my hand was delivered directly to the black crane. The black crane is now covered with cuts and bruises. As soon as I see the immortal energy, I look at the huge golden pill that it wants to swallow. , I opened my mouth and swallowed my tentacles in my abdomen!

The tentacle loss of the part that I judged was negligible. After the black crane swallowed the golden core of good fortune, he quickly shook his body. The wounds on his body healed by the sky monkey healed, and the original missing feathers, and The hidden injuries of the body and the deficiencies of the body over the years are all filled up at once!

The black crane jumped high with excitement, and the scream of the crane was earth-shaking, and the sky monkey also felt the new aura of the crane at this moment. Although there were not many scars on its body, it could not recover for a while without the golden core, and wanted to talk to the crane again. Fighting down, it is simply boring!

However, Qiuhu is also very shrewd. When she saw Leihou grinning for something, she had to take out a bottle and also took out a golden core of good fortune.

I smiled coldly and said: "Why? I'm despicable, this good fortune golden core is also the secret treasure of our Celestial City to control and restrict transactions? Why do you have it in your hand? You Chaos Celestial Relict are really despicable, I don't know where to get it. of!"

Qiu Hu snorted, but there was no reason to refute. Instead, he immediately threw the golden core at Thunder Monkey. After all, she was trapped here by me at the moment and couldn't move at all.

After the golden core seemed to be thrown towards Thunder Monkey in a straight line, I immediately stretched out countless tentacles and grabbed the golden core directly!

Both Leihou and Qiuhu were furious. At this seemingly not too far distance, they didn't expect me to be distracted at this time and even not let go of a pill!

"Stop!" Qiuhu shouted angrily, and immediately stepped up the offensive. My tentacles were cut off a lot, but I just extracted a lot of energy before, and this ghost body can naturally last a long time!


Thunder Monkey also rushed towards the golden core madly, and even the crane that jumped out full of blood was unwilling to avoid it even pecking at both lower backs, but even so, its speed was far less than my tentacle, and even closer to the golden core. , Just when the golden core was about to enter its mouth, I was involved in the tentacles!

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