Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6199: : Return home

"That's because you haven't seen the Upper Three Cities. I heard that the Upper Three Cities are very big." Han Shanshan thoughtfully, then said: "Do you think these interface-level immigration ships will not add to these three? Are there other people who immigrated in before the formation of the folding space? Our research institute did not check the gene sequence here, but it is very messy. Maybe there are many such ancient civilizations, and there are also information obtained by decoding in this logbook. , Vaguely mentioned that they seem to be the second batch of immigrant ships summoned by the advance fleet."

"Huh? There shouldn't be any more, right? If so, when they are in trouble, won't the advance fleet come to help?" I asked curiously, Han Shanshan's personality is very interesting, and she has a strong sense of everything. Curiosity, especially for high-tech products.

"That's hard to say. At that time, when the rescue was unable to bring the ship out, of course the residents were more important, but these old things were ignored, but my sister felt that Shangsancheng might be much more advanced than we thought. "Han Shanshan smiled.

"What you said is very reasonable, but what can we do now? It is impossible to camp and set up a stronghold. We don't have much need to stay here, as long as we have enough strength to deter ordinary people, and then pull down the remnants of the gods, this is what What we should do now, as for this, we can only go straight to the bridge head.” I smiled bitterly.

"Well, by the way, if the crack is big enough, we can dock this ship nearby, adopt the ant moving model to rebuild its key equipment in the crack of the town boundary tripod, and then move it out and assemble it. Of course , This premise requires a complete power system." Han Shanshan continued to talk to me about technical issues.

I scratched my head and said, "These things...you just have to come. I have to find a tripod. I can only do my job..."

Han Shanshan snorted, and simply left me aside, and went to discuss it with an assistant. I shrugged, and then I found my sister and brother Quan, and told them my thoughts, roughly asking them to become The temporary control of this town, after all, their strength is not weak, there are not so many legendary hunters in this world, they are still very qualified as hero hunters, and even quasi-legendary are qualified.

"This...really possible?" Quan Nan asked me in surprise, but his face was full of joy.

"What's wrong? Chief Xia asked us to do this! What he said is true!" Quan Mi hurriedly said, the little girl was clever.

"Of course what I said counts. I don’t know what Miss Quan Bi thinks? Are you willing to manage public order in this city? I can give your younger brothers and sisters the title of sheriff. As for you, I will let you take charge of all public order. The officer and the guard." I don't care about these two siblings, but the eldest sister Quan Bi is very good. If it weren't for her, the two siblings would definitely not be able to go today, so she would be the most suitable place.

"Good." Quan Bi was also refreshed.

"I will also give you the right to appoint temporarily, let you appoint your own soldiers and sheriffs. Now you can find hunters you know well together. You can rest assured that I will move this ship soon. Get up and drive away from this Yupen Mountain sooner or later." I laughed.

"Okay." Quan Bi is still very few words, and Quan Nan and Quan Mi are of course very excited. Their sister can be the commander of the sheriff, no different from them.

After arranging the docking with Han Shanshan, I am also going to return to the eleven major cities. Before leaving, Han Shanshan has prepared large bags and small bags for me to take away. It can be seen that her efficiency is still very high. As long as the research is thorough, other components can be copied.

"I didn't expect that there are so many spare parts in the warehouse, which seems to be a problem of energy. If the second ship is a large granary as they said, it will be a matter of time to start it at least." Han Shanshan was happy. Said.

"Have you found the warehouse?" I couldn't help being surprised.

"Not only the warehouse, but many of the sealed places have not been opened. These are cheaper for us, but now the hull is sinking, and we don't have much time." Han Shanshan urged me to hurry up.

I didn't waste any time, but I mentioned the Thousand Rift Gorge incident by the way. After Han Shanshan pondered, she agreed with me. After all, there are few people there and it's suitable for surgery on this big ship.

When I returned to the research institute, Han Shanshan showed me the situation of the black crane on the way. She even extracted the toxin of the black crane. This is to arm the crane. After all, the angry thunder is difficult to deal with, the poisonous fog of the crane. It can only be compared with its lightning protection, but it is still a bit worse than thunderstorm.

Because looking for the Zhenjie Ding is the most important thing, Han Shanshan continued to open the back door for me. Everyone made every effort to make and study the use of toxins, as well as make some modifications to the cranes.

I first returned to the eleven major cities, and at this moment, the city once again took on a new look. The huge cranes attracted onlookers. Countless people worshipped and even offered the best blood and meat in the family. Those who came to the cranes would not refuse. All these years have eaten stones to live a life, and it has been a long time since they alleviated their hunger, so for the omnivorous category, the eleven cities are now heaven.

I don't bother to care about this black crane, as long as it doesn't eat people, it's fine.

What I am most concerned about is the wounded Dragon, but what makes me feel very uncomfortable is that when I saw this guy, I found that it was completely unaffected, so that I was eating with Chu Wei there, and I was not hurt at all. There are no signs of it.

I shook my head, it seemed to have spotted me, and hurriedly ran over to behave, I stretched out my hand to block its head, and then looked at Chu Yan: "It seems that you and it are very good, or else How about letting it follow you for a while?"

"Brother Xia, what you said is true...really?" Chu Yan still didn't believe it.

"Well, really, it's very similar to you." I laughed, Chu Yan still didn't know it, but Lan Shi teased it clearly: "The boss means you can eat, this Wind Dragon is just like you!"

"Ah?! Brother Xia!" Chu Wei looked at me dissatisfied.

I laughed and said, "Nonsense, I don't mean that naturally. I mean character. Girl Chu is a really lively character, and Biaofenglong is obviously also a cheerful personality. Together, they will definitely have a tacit understanding."

"Look! What Brother Xia said is true, and I think so too! And you all have legendary mounts, you always let Oolong run to scare me, even sister Qu, you have a spirit sculpture! The sky is the Wind Dragon with me!" Chu Yan said happily.

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