Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6210: : No pole

Immortal King Wan Qi, Qiu Hu, and Hao Xi looked at each other, Qiu Hu drew out the big sword hanging from Fury Thunder, ready to jump down to solve me, and then go to destroy the tripod with Qiong Tianxian, but soon Hao Xi Shaking his head to stop: "Qiuhu, don't do that."

"Hao Xi, if you don't kill his clone here, the barbaric world is afraid that it will not return to its place after all!" Qiu Hu said coldly.

"Is it possible that Fairy Hao Xi also felt compassion for his clone? If so, let's just say it. Even if we leave this clone, if we destroy the cauldron, the ending will not change. "Xianjun Wan Qi said with a smile, as if he had seen through Hao Xi's thoughts.

Fairy Haoxi bit her lower lip, and said frankly for a while: "Yes, I gave birth to compassion. He treated me very well before. Even if he is a clone, I can't bear to let him die in front of me. I want you Let him go."

"Then Hao Xi, do you mean to let him go? Are you confused?! He still has the deity on it, here is just a clone!" Qiuhu asked with eyebrows.

Immortal Lord Wan Qi couldn't help but contemplation, and made a decision: "Fairy Qiuhu said very well, if you leave him, afraid of going back to the mountain, if you can't bear to make a move, this immortal will come."

"No, I can't let you kill him, he is like this now, can't you let him go? Besides, Qiuhu, you also said that he is just a clone now, so did you say that Xianjun, He will not change our ending here." Hao Xi said hurriedly.

"No!" Qiuhu gritted her teeth and refused. It was really unreasonable for her to let me go, let alone I almost killed her before, which is a shame for her.

Xianjun Wan Qi also shook his head, but seeing Hao Xi's insistence on his face, he also stretched out his hand to stop Qiuhu, and said, "That's good, Qiong Tianxian is waiting for us to deal with Ding's affairs, and we don't have to be a clone for him. If they don’t agree with each other, just leave him here to fend for themselves. This place is already in the depths of Forgotten Hometown. Without the help of Qiong Tianxian, he can’t easily get out of this Forgotten Hometown. Would the fairy be satisfied?”

Fairy Haoxi glanced at me, and then nodded: "Okay, then thank you Xianjun for his righteousness, I will never forget this love, after all... it is regarded as paying him back for me."

"It doesn't need to be like this. Fairy treats it as normal." Xianjun Wan Qi smiled, and immediately looked at Qiuhu: "Fairy Qiuhu feels good?"

Qiu Hu narrowed his eyebrows and said, "Although this matter is wrong, since you have reached an opinion, I am not going to argue with you on this matter. However, my law enforcement hunter has my own responsibilities. I can be friendly to Haoxi. Kill him, but the law enforcement hunters will not agree! So after the three of us have left, I can give him a stick of incense time to escape. Once the time comes, the law enforcement hunters will continue to pursue and kill him!"

"Qiuhu! A stick of incense... that's too short, he doesn't even have a riding beast, how can he run so many law enforcement hunters?" Hao Xi said with an anxious expression.

Qiu Hu shook his head and said, "No need to say, Hao Xi, if you don't agree, I won't give this incense stick."

Fairy Hao Xi was speechless at once, but Xianjun Wan Qi sighed, his back hand was already riding the epic behemoth under him and chasing Qiong Tianxian away.

Qiuhu also pulled on the reins, followed by the angry thunder, and turned his head back and roared at me. It seemed that I didn't want to kill me.

Fairy Haoxi gritted her teeth, and then pulled the eight-legged giant beast forward, but only a few steps away, she stopped the giant beast again, and after lowering the beast’s head, she jumped in front of me, She took out something from her sleeve, grabbed my hand, and stuffed it into the palm of my hand: "Xianzun, today is not what I want, and it is certainly not what you want. Haoxi knows the disposition of the fairy. Although it is intolerable, the lineup is different. This wind chime is judged to be against the wind and turbulence. Now that you are in this situation, it must be a lot of inconvenience. This thing can predict an enemy attack from a great distance, or it can help you get out of trouble. …Waiting to cherish this goodbye

"Why is this? Shouldn't it be better to kill me? Why not make trouble with your accomplices because of me?" I secretly said that Fairy Hao Xi was called a celestial conspiracy, and I didn’t know if it was part of a conspiracy. , But at least this friendship now makes me a little hard to distinguish between true and false. I really don't know what Fairy Haoxi wants to do.

"Xianzun, maybe you think about Haoxi's bad things in every way, but Haoxi will still be like a spring breeze because of the words of Xianzun's heart. This is what Haoxi can only do now, and...there is no way to go back, please Xianzun can do it for herself." Fairy Haoxi’s eyes are like stars, bright and flawless. It is hard to tell the truth from the false, but I don’t need to doubt it anymore. She quickly turned and climbed onto the eight-legged bee mountain beast, followed by Qihu and Wan. Qi chased Qiong Tianxian away.

I stared at them as they turned into black spots and disappeared into the smog, and then I glanced at the five law enforcement hunters who were staring around me, with a gloomy look in my eyes.

"Hehe, if you have time to watch us, why don't we run away quickly, or else this hunting feast begins, we are not as good as Fairy Hao Xi."

"You killed Suhe, and I killed you! It's revenge for her!"

"If it's not for humiliation in every way to vent your anger! How many of your colleagues' Daohe do you think we don't know?"

"All kinds of humiliation may not work, this Chuangshi Immortal Venerable here is just a clone, which is anxious, but it will be self-defeating."

"It's starting to be right. I wish I could hunt him down right away, so that I can see what kind of immortal Venerable he is without a weapon or a mount!"

The five law enforcement hunters looked at me while mocking coldly. They sat on all kinds of weird mounts one by one, commenting on me.

I touched the wind bells in my sleeves and glanced at these law enforcement hunters, then turned around without hesitation and ran in the direction Qiong Tianxian went.

For this one, I decided to bet on Fairy Haoxi. She told me not to go back, indicating that it was not an exit, and now I can’t die. The other party even hopes that I will kill myself, so that I won’t be affected by my cause and effect. Even if I die as a clone, they have to kill me! And I can't let the cranes just be caught like this! The crane is loyal to me. This flat-haired beast knows so, how can I be worse than it?

Seeing me running wildly for my life, and also chasing in the direction Qiong Tianxian was going, this group of law enforcement hunters suddenly thought I was panicking and laughed.

I don’t remember how many years I have been improperly running in the summer, but today is my worst day, but I am determined whether everything is going well, I don’t believe it can be worse than now!

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