Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6378: : Ship flag

When I came to the command room, Jiu Fangtao looked at the three-dimensional sand table and was still thinking, and there were five staff members who were there to offer advice, but Jiu Fangtao didn't seem to care at all, or did not decide to adopt any of them, in the sand table. The front is tangled up.

The topography on this sand table is very clear, even the height difference of some mountains is very obvious, even the trees are described, and the flying floating island in the center area is very vivid, and even the percentage of troops sent at each point is display.

The floating island flies in the direction of the Great Immortal Gate on the ground, and in the most peripheral area, some red dots of suspected enemies are constantly following around, while at the front of the floating island, a large red area is gradually advancing backward. This should represent the position of the suspected enemy. After all, the opponent is also playing the trick of advancing and retreating the enemy. Shenxiao Xianjun is very good at playing tricks. Now we are in the bright place and the enemy is in the dark. Of course he will not reveal his position, so Jiufangtao is passive, and of course he has a headache.

"Husband! Are you here? What about the body over there?" Jiu Fangtao saw me coming, her expression was relieved, and a group of think tank staff also saluted. I nodded and said, "Over there. During the retreat, I thought to come over and see what's going on on your side. After all, this Shenxiao Xianjun must be eliminated as soon as possible. We have to go to the Daxianmen area at full speed, or evacuate this Buzhou Mountain."

"Ah? Go ahead at full speed now? The gods do not agree, we go fast, and their attacks will be pressurized accordingly. When we are at full speed, the suicide floating island attack will come, and the power of hedging will be too strong. Big, our floating islands will not be able to bear it first, so driving at a slow speed is the safest approach for floating islands, and now we are trying to get rid of these suicidal floating islands before thinking about how to cut off their remnants... It forced him to take the floating island offensive..." Jiu Fangtao inevitably felt shocked.

"Well, of course you can't enclave too fast now. How about the impact-resistant shield? Can it withstand the attack of the suicide floating island?" I asked.

"Yes, and we also have light energy cannons. The bombardment will shift their hit positions. Moreover, if the enemy wants to attack the floating island, it still needs a certain amount of preparation time. It is impossible to bomb them right away. Follow the interval. , Can be blasted down once in half a day, about three to five small floating islands at a time." Jiu Fangtao explained.

"Three to five at a time? What about the enemy's harassment?" I asked.

"Twenty-four hours uninterrupted, one is to fight for the preparation time for the floating island attack, and the other is to make us feel overwhelmed. It is difficult to locate the enemy's direction. We have not been able to locate the enemy's position now, and the surrounding area is like a net. The scouts were sent, but every time they explored their location, the enemy has disappeared or moved. They are also a very large mothership, almost the same as our floating island." Jiu Fangtao is depressed. Said.

"What? The same super-large mothership?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, and their subships are more complete than ours, and there is almost no loss. Even if we don’t rely on Dao catastrophe, our fairyland is not an opponent. Sister Shanshan said that it was the first alien ship that year. Star Exploration flagship, and their avionics system is more advanced than ours, the preservation is more complete, or even larger. Our aircraft carrier has only the advantage of the number of Xianjia, and it is not dominant in the long-range combat area." Nine Fang Tao said in distress.

"Then which of us is better than it?" I thought secretly that there was only one of the three alien exploration ships that year. After all, one of them fell into the sea of ​​sapphire pulp, and the energy was also wiped out for us. Now, as to which desert or ravine the third ship should lie in, waiting for us to discover it, but who would have thought that this third ship is not only the flagship, but the most complete one? It seems that Immortal Emperor Wan Qi can also play with high technology and restore such a floating island battleship into a complete flagship.

"The melee ability is superior to it. If we can conduct close combat, we will definitely win, but the enemy's aircraft carrier can be at the same speed as ours, but we can send a subship to intercept us, and then increase the distance. We can only go to Daxian. The door pushed forward, forcing it not to leave too far, and forcing it to engage in war of attrition. After all, we also have advantages in industry. We can continuously create weapons and equipment to deal with it, and even have almost endless combat resources. Miscellaneous," said Jiu Fangtao.

"Very good, but you can't fight without getting close, right?" I asked.

"They won't let us approach at all. Their avionics system can detect us, because the subship has the ability to detect and return data. We have captured a subship before, and that's what Sister Shanshan said after researching. I want to use these sub-swords for my own use, but after checking it, I found that the data above is not compatible with our mother sword, because our floating island is a logistics support ship, and it is a true super combat leader flagship , So we have essential differences." Jiu Fangtao looked depressed.

I secretly said that this is really too bad. The opponent’s flagship is a combat frigate. It should be one size smaller than the current floating island, but it is like a shepherd's hound. Our floating island is a flock of sheep after all. This hound is now a ferocious hyena.

Of course, Han Shanshan's previous transformation was not in vain. A lot of long-range offensive and near-defense equipment armed the sheep to the teeth, even if the hyena is close, it will become very dangerous, so it can only be harassed from a distance!

"What is the possibility of boarding a ship for a pirate war?" I asked.

"There was no chance to get close to it. Our fairy family also flew out and wanted to board the ship to destroy it. However, there are many sub-ships and sub-islands of the other party. Even their main ship can be broken up and exploded. The life and death of the immortal family in the area actually caused us to lose a lot, so the battle became very difficult to fight." Jiu Fangtao said depressed.

"Such a difficult flagship is indeed beyond imagination, but the split area is not without their immortal family, right? If it is impossible to say that it is impossible to worry about it at all, who would want to make his own side lose a lot? It is just in the acceptable range. I blew myself up and confuses us with bitter flesh." I was secretly surprised. The other party deserves to be the flagship of the full version. It is completely different from the repaired version. Moreover, although the immortal family's tribulations brought by Shenxiao Xianjun are many, there should be more. Some immortal houses of other sects have not yet appeared on the stage, and of course it is difficult to calculate their true number.

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