Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6472: : Chicken

"I won't kill you today, I am no longer innocent Beichenxian!" Beichenxian furiously shot out the sword, and I snapped my fingers to keep her still, but this time she was prepared and disappeared immediately and appeared behind me. These long swords of thorns exploded countless chains of thorns, blasting at me densely!

I secretly said that after this girl entered this world, her strength has increased greatly, reaching the strength of the five extremes. This is really surprising, so she didn't dare to underestimate the enemy. With a wave of the sleeves, all these thorny chains were stopped by me: "No need. Then work hard? If you feel that you are at a disadvantage, how about I also let you touch your ears? For example, if you touch it for a quarter of an hour? You should have made a profit, right?"

As a result, Bei Chenxian became even more angry, and after cursing ‘shameless’, he continued desperately with me.

"Brother Tian! Or their folk customs are like that, why don't you just follow the customs!" Zhao Qian couldn't help but said, and my smile in my heart was actually due to curiosity. If her ears weren't that big, I wouldn't have reached out to touch her.

But listening to what Bei Chenxian meant, this ear is my own innocence, but it is actually not so obtrusive. I can't help but reach out and touch it because this ear is too sexy. This may be their unique physiology that increases the probability of courtship. Location.

"Girl Beichen! I admit it wrong! But there can be no way to solve the problem, right?! If you set a condition, I will satisfy you, such as losing money or giving you a gift, what do you think!?" I thought this time It's definitely not good, but it's acceptable to lose money.

But Bei Chenxian didn't intend to make me lose money at all. After she broke free of my time rule, she continued to attack me. In desperation, I always fixed her, and of course I was also persuading her to calm down.

"Beichen girl, Brother Tian didn't do it on purpose. We didn't know that your folklore was like this. It was a complete misunderstanding. Brother Tian is not so obtrusive and lustful, and no one else sees it here. If you are afraid of privacy issues Don't worry, we are also responsible people and won't let you suffer." Zhao Qian stopped in front of Bei Chenxian and me.

Bei Chen slender eyes with tears, staring at me and I still don't know how to let go. I thought about it, and painfully took out a magic sword made of Kaitian materials.

The color of this sword is like blue ink. Whether it is texture or appearance, it is superior. It also has a strong law of opening the sky. Looking at it, you know that it is much stronger than her thorn sword: "Miss Beichen, this Opening the Heaven Sword'Blue Shirt' is considered a gift to you. This incident is indeed my fault. What do you think?"

Bei Chenxian is also very discerning, her thorns sword is definitely much worse than this open sky sword, so seeing this sword, she finally resisted the tears and did not fall, she stared at me for a long time, I watched her I didn't plan to come over to pick it up. The Qingshan sword in his hand flicked, and the sword body immediately burst out with fierce blue light.

Bei Chenxian was surprised and surprised, but still pursing his mouth with an unwilling look, I smiled bitterly with both hands and passed this newly-made Sky Open Sword to her in the air, and finally stayed in front of her.

Looking at the sword, the little girl liked it, but was very tangled. Her cheeks were still red, but she added a lot of charm. I could see her hand swaying obviously. She wanted to take the sword, but it was contradictory. Look like.

"Miss Beichen, you can just accept it. Even if it is in the Chaos Heaven, it is a top-level existence. The Immortal Family calls it a world without changing, which shows its high value." Zhao Qian said.

"Yes, if it's a matter of value, this sword can be traded for large and small worlds in the black market, and thousands of life, but I naturally prohibit such transactions. Now giving it to a girl is regarded as a compensation, how?" I laughed.

"Are you sure to give it to me? Then you take this greenery too..." Bei Chenxian's face was even redder, and seeing me nodding, she also handed the thorns sword to me, and I took it decisively The sword was swung, and then the sword flicked, and hundreds of chain and thorns rushed out. This greenery can entangle the enemy and kill the enemy. It is a very good divine sword. It can also be seen in contrast to Jiuzhongtian. The level of refining equipment is not more than enough.

But this is also understandable. The aborigines are all powerful immortal families left over from the previous Chaos Heaven, and the inheritance will of course not be weak.

Seeing that I took the sword, Bei Chenxian slowly stretched out his hand to take over the ‘green shirt’: "After that...it will be more laborious..."

"Uh... um." I secretly sent the sword and changed the name, but it's better than that, it's better than being brutal.

"Then let's go to your tribe. I saw that we didn't enter Yu, but came to Ming. Look." I pointed to the white cloud under the folding space in front.

"It has indeed formed a unique Divine Will and Heavenly Dao. Could it be that this Divine Will Treasure has been occupied by people and can be transformed into Heavenly Dao?" Zhao Qian asked curiously.

"I don't think it is necessary, but its existence should be longer than the blood demon world, and its foundation has derived a law that is more suitable for the survival of human beings." I said.

"Lang...jun, what does this human immortal survival law mean, what does this evolving heavenly way... mean? Do you know what constitutes our Ming and You?" Bei Chenxian asked.

"Almost know some, of course, it is more troublesome to explain, like this." I quickly stretched out my hand and drew an egg out: "This Shenyi Daoji is like fear. Your position is Ming, that is, the position of egg white. As for Yu, it should be the area of ​​the egg yolk, and this protein is not all covered with the egg yolk, sometimes the egg yolk will move to the side of the egg shell, but now the outside world has changed greatly, that is, when your so-called Kaitian prophecy is fulfilled, you The egg white and egg yolk area may be in contact with the cracked egg shell area, so you can understand?"

"Then are we egg yolks?" Bei Chenxian asked curiously.

I laughed blankly and said, "You can think of it the same way, after all, I still don't quite understand your world composition."

"Brother Tian is right, but in any case, your egg yolk and egg white are in contact with each other. This is also the reason why you may encounter the Jufang family. And this divine mind world should be constantly changing and moving. It moves. The speed depends on the influence of the outside world on it, just like someone holding an egg in his hand and constantly shaking it, causing the yolk and egg white inside it to collide with each other. The result is the divine will we see now. world."

"Then who is shaking the egg so hard? It makes our Shenyi Daoji become so confused?" Bei Chenxian asked.

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