Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6529: : Rubik's Cube

I was in a patch of black and white, which seemed to be composed of irregular shapes, but it was a complete space. I didn't move half a minute, but my body was simply in a state of being unable to connect.

The body is separated and cut into countless pieces by space, and each piece is in a different space. There are countless densely packed spaces here.

Including my eyes and mouth, they are all in different spaces. Under the control of my thoughts, no part of the body can be controlled. After all, they are isolated in different time and space, which is no different from death.

My thoughts stood in front of the "self" who was cut into countless spaces, and the shock in my heart was conceivable.

"This is just coming in, so it's easy to die?" I looked helplessly at the shattered body in front of me, a little caught off guard.

However, the body in front of him did not die, but remained upright, but it was not pulled or disintegrated due to loss of energy, which was somewhat unexpected.

There should be no such possibility in the cut time and space, because every body position should be in a different time and space.

At least when my thoughts came back, there was indeed an unrealistic feeling. Even if the thoughts were in the body, there was a feeling that they could not mobilize body parts.

Leaving my body again, standing in this space, my mood is inevitably complicated. It can be seen how powerful the one who possessed this destructive tool was.

What to do now, it makes me feel up and down.

Extending from this, if the heart of the universe can easily resonate with this tool of the cutting, it is very likely that the person has the terrifying law of space, which also means that the law of time is invalid for it.

This Daoist weapon is not without consciousness, just like Xue Qingcheng falling into the heavenly Dao space of the Daoist weapon before, will also cause changes in the heavenly path due to mood swings.

The time-cutting tool in front of me is also because when I started to control with time, a certain spatial change was made!

At this moment, the original intact body in front of my eyes suddenly staggered the wrist.

Don't even look at it as a tiny bit, but it's actually a tiny bit, ridiculously ridiculous. As long as the space in front of me disappears, the hand in front of me will be useless.

The reason for this problem is very simple. I am now in a state of introspection, and this spatial tool is in my body, so my thoughts can easily see my body, and in the same way, I can see The tool itself.

And the Dao-Fu is now added to my clone body, which also puts the whole body under the control of time and space. If I cannot control the Dao-Fu, it is very likely that the Dao-Fu will be directly embodied. It was confirmed on my clone body.

Next, my body in Tiantu Realm will be divided into countless pieces, and only thoughts will remain.

Thinking of this, or the idea is crooked, not just the position of the wrist, but now the position of the eyebrows is directly reversed, and the flesh and blood are directly exchanged with the skin, and regardless of the surface, the inside has actually changed a lot, capillary dislocation, brain plasma All have undergone a small block swap.

I know exactly what happens when the body is misaligned inside and outside. Even some changes will bring death.

So I watched my body fall at any time, and my heart became anxious. This is like a math problem. The reorganization of countless spaces has a pattern. If my mind moves, this space will move. The body contains Daofu. The weapon, it is just a piece that requires precise calculations, such as a Rubik's Cube that has undergone countless massive reorganizations. A little carelessness or the time comes, it will immediately fall into destruction.

I found that the reason why I didn't die immediately was probably because of my time law, because the world here is relatively static, and the space law will only move when my thoughts move.

This shows that time and space are under my control.

I dare not let time flow, so I can only solve the calculation problem in front of me.

Thinking of this, my thoughts moved again, and in an instant, my mood fell to the bottom, and the whole person in front of me was no longer human!

This mess of fragmented space will give me a nightmare, and now I begin to feel that it is not easy for me to be a human being!

Because it was just a thought, I was like a beginner in solving Rubik's Cube, but the body in front of me was already like a Rubik's Cube of order thirty-three that reached the limit of human-made Rubik's Cube! After so many blocks are disrupted, the difficulty of recombination is simply disaster-level. It is like letting a babbling child calculate an Mathematical Olympiad problem, and the result can only be smeared on paper!

My thoughts are like a mess, now how to reorganize this space debris has become the only condition to save myself.

Depressed, I suppressed my unrest, and quickly began to reorganize my own body's Infinite Rubik's Cube. At least my current control of time is infinitely close to stillness. If I don't give up the stillness of time, it means that death can be infinite. The postponement, this is the only place I feel relieved.

I took a deep breath, immediately controlled my thoughts, and started looking for the law of spatial reorganization and spatial cracking.

But the physical Rubik's Cube in front of me was only thirty-third order, but infinite order, with an astonishing degree of detail. With a slight change in thought, the space has fallen into a more difficult state of disorder.

However, although I am not an artificial intelligence, I am the owner of a controllable space. When I change my thoughts, I know very well what the human cube in front of me has changed, and through my control, this space has a certain control over thoughts. Regular.

This may be tantamount to the test that the one left for me. Unless he can recognize the law of his thoughts and actions, he can switch to changes in space.

Of course, if someone else resonates with the law of space and is dead, only the law of time can stop this space, and I will unlock it for a limited time.

But unlocking is not solved by explanation. If you can’t solve it, you may be trapped in this tool forever, or you may simply pick up the child and return to the creation heaven, but this means that the person has completely overcome. Me, I have no room to fight back.

So I still have to suppress the powerlessness to unlock this human cube.

At least I can still know the size of the change in thoughts, which will affect the size of this spatial change, so the first step is to unlock from the subtleties, and at least be able to calculate the law of movement of the little finger under the change of thoughts.

Focusing my thoughts on my little finger, I soon began to patiently unlock it...

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