Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6634: :weaken

The faint smile of Huanyu Supreme still hangs on his face, and Hexi seems to be able to block any offensive remarks against him. Such inaction can kill many people's rebuttals.

"All the immortals are free, Huanyu will leave first, the mountains, rivers and clouds, there is a way to meet." Huanyu Supreme said, and his figure quickly swayed, and then in the entire hall, except for him, everyone looked at each other. The above is full of haze caused by this.

"Master!" Jiang Shunhua still planned to say something, but the energy of the other party dissipated in an instant, and finally returned to my foundation. Obviously, I don't know how many miles.

And even if everyone is the same as the occultist, but no one can do the same as the world supreme. After leaving, everyone will be frowning or at a loss, including me, at this moment. And the possible consequences of the calculation.

Yaoyue Xianzun breathed a sigh of relief, she also looked at Yuqing Xianzun: "Yuqing Xianzun, don't you know how true or false are in Huanyu Supreme's words? He really wants to attack Liudaotian by borrowing the way. Creation day?"

"Oh, this Immortal Venerable has never heard of the empty talk of Huanyu Supreme. Since he said he is going to attack Liudaotian, I am afraid that he will do it this time." Yuqing Immortal sighed.

And Taiqing Immortal Venerable was still with that silent expression, and suddenly he woke up suddenly because of these words: "That means... he probably won't continue to attack me too Qingtian? Then I am not... …"

Yuqing Xianzun nodded and said, "You are almost opposite to Liu Daotian. If he intends to attack Liu Daotian, he won’t have time to attack you, too, or he will, but you are too clear of pressure. It will definitely decrease sharply."

"Who is attacked, isn't the final result the same? If we attack Liu Daotian, we are also very troublesome, unless we have the ability to counter him!" Shangqing Xianzun couldn't help but said.


Everyone fell silent again. It seems that the pressure on my side is beyond imagination. Don't look at the Sanqingtian, Yaoyuetian, Tiandaotian and Liudaotians outside, but the morale weakening is probably more serious than the weakening of the strength.

"I don't care what you think in your heart, what purpose you hold, but as long as it doesn't look like being swallowed, I will come up with an effective counterattack method. At this moment, while everyone is gathered together because of the heavenly war, if you separate For the battle, we will soon be broken one by one, and even if we continue to be consumed like this, sooner or later, it will be the result of being swallowed. I want to know, what will we do next?" I broke the silence.

Sanqing each contemplated his eyebrows, while Yaoyue Xianzun said, "Isn't it time to invite Liudao Supreme and Tiandao Supreme to speak?"

"This Xianzun feels that it is important to stop the war first." Taiqing Xianzun said.

"Yes, if you continue to fight, I am afraid that I will really create a chance for the other party, so I will ask this neighbor!" Shangqing Xianzun and Liu Daotian are bordered, and naturally they can speak, so he took the initiative to ask.

Yuqing nodded and said: "You go quickly, or ask her to talk first."

Shangqing Xianzun responded, and the phantom **** disappeared immediately, but after a while, there was still no sign of the battle of the heavens. The uncertainty in everyone's hearts would inevitably rise again. Sure enough, Taiqing Xianzun came back. At that time, it was obvious that there was still a wave of aftermath in his eyes, which was obviously setback.

"What happened?" Yuqing Xianzun asked urgently.

"She doesn't want to, and doesn't believe it." While Shangqing Xianzun looked frustrated, he also seemed to be unhappy.

"I don't even want to come over to discuss?" Yuqing Xianzun asked, seeing Shangqing Xianzun nodding, he said lightly: "Then go and see for yourself."

"I'll go too, I can't let Yuqing Immortal Venerable you say nothing." I quickly said, and Yuqing Immortal Venerable nodded in approval, and immediately appeared in the area where Liu Daotian was with my illusion god.

At this time, the Six Dao Supreme looked at us, and when the cold and beautiful face looked at us, it still made me feel suffocated. While this heavenly Supreme Supreme is noble and elegant, there is still a sense of inviolability, no matter who See you, first and then there will be three points of panic in it.

"Liu Dao supreme, at this moment, Zheng Daotian is about to face fusion again, and that person may start to attack from Liu Daotian. Now, should Liu Dao supreme strengthen the border prevention and transfer the three gates of heaven, earth and people to the rear?" Yuqing Xianzun asked Tao.

"So what? What's the conflict with this moment?" Liu Dao Zhizun asked rhetorically, her Zijin pupils were extremely firm, without any hesitation, and even asking these words made it difficult for Yu Qing to respond.

"Do you think it's taking me?" I asked coldly.

"Not bad." Liu Dao Zhizun was expressionless, and the answer was even more straightforward.

"Six Dao Supreme, don’t misjudge it... Chuangshi Immortal Venerable has already filled up the Dao Star Positions today, and it is definitely not comparable. Isn’t it possible that the Six Dao Immortal Venerables can’t be seen in these two days?" Yuqing Immortal Venerable couldn’t help asking Tao.

"Haha, so what? Could it be possible for that person to attack Liudaotian without changing?" Liudao Supreme asked rhetorically.

I and Yuqing Xianzun looked at each other, and we could see the depression in each other's eyes. The six immortals were planning to go to the dark one by one.

And Tianguan Xianzun quickly appeared behind her, saluted her and looked at me: "Rather than waiting for the attacker to come, it is better to take advantage of this time to take Chuangshitian into his command, this is what The key to solving the next problem, right? If it is the truce at this moment and Chuangshitian regroups, all parties will cherish themselves because of this, and then we six heavens will have to face the one alone? Such an unreliable choice, I must be replaced by neither of you Will you do it?"

I secretly said that the other party's idea is not wrong, but it depends on the situation of fighting alone. Now if everyone can work together, there is obviously a better solution.

Yuqing Immortal Venerable said quickly: "Tianguan Immortal Venerable, we are members of each other's camp. To deal with that attack, naturally we must work together to help..."

"Really? If this is the case, how did Yaoritian fall? I am afraid that you too Qingtian will soon be broken through? If it is true as Yuqing Xianzun said, we rely on each other, how can such a result occur? Now everyone should follow the original rules and take care of themselves, so as not to expect too much to bring about destruction." Liudao Supreme said coldly.

Yuqing Xianzun was dumbfounded, and hurriedly said: "What happened in the sky is purely accidental. If she persists again, we must have a reversal... It is a pity that she has not waited for us to rush to help, she has already invested in the world. In, alas, we really caught us off guard in Sanqingtian."

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