Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6640: : Malaise

"Since Liu Dao Zhizun wants to try so, let's try it!" I took a deep breath, but now I can't get back. The other party came to me alone this time, so the group of immortals were all dumbfounded.

"It's extremely interesting. Since the beginning of the reincarnation of Emperor Qi Xianzun, for the first time in so many years, who has dared to challenge the deity." The expression of the six supreme Xiao Sha fell into my eyes like a knife, and the Daoji behind her right now The universe has already begun to move, and all the immortals have moved: "All the immortals will return to the position of immortality! The deity has to see its strength in the creation day!"

"Yes! Waiting for Xianzun to dispatch!"

"Definitely go all out!"

A group of fairy gods behind Liu Dao Zhizun disappeared, and the power of Liu Dao Zhizun's illusion **** state instantly increased!

Immortal Yuqing gasped, and immediately said: "No, absolutely no, the six masters will calm down, and the little friends will be calm and restless. If there is any conflict between the two parties, this immortal is willing to mediate!"

"Six Dao Supreme, you will reincarnate the creation day, what do you think you can get? Our whole camp will be in chaos. When everyone divides the creation day, that one will definitely not let it go. What is there for us? Benefits?" Yaoyue Xianzun argued for reasons.

However, whether it is the thigh of Yuqing Immortal Venerable, or the powerhouse of Liu Dao Zhi Zun, the Liu Dao Zhi Zun at this moment does not seem to have the intention to rest. Maybe, as I guess, she is already a member of the Universe Supreme camp, so this In the face of Six Dao Supreme, I need to do my best.

"Everyone, I need to use my strength at this moment. I don't know if you can stand back to the star position?" I calmly looked at San Taitian, Xia Ruize, Shi Qi, and Zisao.

"Little friend! How can you add fuel to the fire? What is good at this moment?" Yuqing Xianzun was quite puzzled, but at this moment the arrow was on the string and he had to send it out, so he saw the star position on my side move along with him. Suddenly he choked.

"No, there is only one battle!" I gritted my teeth, and immediately looked at all the immortal families, and said: "Everyone, the immortal families can dare to help me and fight for my future!?"

"I didn't expect that I would encounter such intense battles just now when I joined the Immortal Venerable. However, after winning our Dao fortune to a higher level, I hope that the Immortal Venerable will use our strength to go straight to the sky for nine days!" With a smile, although the old fox is full of heroic sentiment, he still has half a word, that is to lose, the harm to them is actually limited, and if they win, they can ask for more. This is why their morale is like a rainbow.

Of course I don't care about this. It is most important to me whether I can escape this catastrophe now. If I lose, it is given to the six reincarnations. The result can be imagined by then.

"One day, you have to win! Big brother... Big brother is willing to tell you this time! Help you defeat the six supreme ones!" Xia Ruize burst into tears as he spoke. Although brief, he was very excited. Of course, I can't say what he said. Believe it all, if I am finished, he will be the next one.

"Creation Immortal Venerable, this deity has no retreat. Being here is what you have created. I also fight with my fate, or have a future, or it is just a disaster of star destruction! Go ahead, Fight for the other side!" Shi Qixianzun said with lofty ambition.

Not to mention, which one of these guys doesn't know if they win, drink and eat meat, and if they lose, they have to find jobs again? So every word is indispensable for how to win, it is for fear that I will lose.

The Zishou Immortal Venerable is a lot more brief. After seeing the gift, he said: "Creation Immortal Venerable, this fairy believes in you very much. If you use the ability of the previous decisive battle with me, how can you lose to whom? This fairy’s Zijiantian, just It’s your sword sky."

I nodded, the little girl was very reliable when she said she did.

The star positions under my command also began to move, and Li Guxian and Shaozi both got a respite from the beginning of the decisive battle between the two sides, and each took their place, preparing for the first collision!

The immortals who needed to sit in the formation all around disappeared. The other party’s Sanguantian, Sanyuantian, and Erqitian quickly returned to their star positions, and the power of the Six Dao Supremes was constantly converging. God's energy is endlessly flowing from other Daoji universes, and the increase in power is incredible!

As a phantom god, my strength is also rising. After everyone returned to the star position, my overall strength began to rise continuously, and the power from Santai Tian, ​​Shenzu Tian, ​​Zishou Tian, ​​and Shi Shangtian began to flow into me. In the Daoji universe, my Daoji universe has become extremely powerful at this moment!

After a while, my phantom **** impacted the Octopole Daoji universe, and this power was still continuously increasing.

At the same time, I was also carefully observing the situation of the Six Dao Supreme, and even imitating her way of mobilizing the power of the Daoji universe. This is my first decisive battle here, and I can't help it temporarily.

Of course, I also felt that I needed to fine-tune the gathering of strength. After seeing that the persuasion had no fruit, Yuqing suggested a way for me to draw strength for himself.

According to his method, I merged the power and the illusion into one. I can clearly see the trajectory of the Daoji Universe moving towards my body and entering the body at a fast speed. This is the power of the immortals and all the Daoist immortals. .

At this moment, I felt that I was not lost to the power of any fairy gods!

But at this time, Yuqing Immortal Venerable suddenly poured cold water on me: "The decisive battle is approaching. Although some things may not be good for the little friend at this moment, I still have to talk about what I should say."

"What?" My expression was slightly condensed, and I didn't really want to hear this kind of demoralizing words.

"How powerful was the deity of Xianzun Shiqi, but against the supreme six realms, it is still unavoidable to fall into reincarnation. The little friends also need to be careful not to let their thoughts of illusion fall into depression, otherwise they only need to be caught by the six realms. The supreme seizes the opportunity, and in an instant you may fall into his reincarnation world and it is difficult to appear again. It is like the current Immortal Venerable Siqi, but it is not the deity, but rather the distracted reincarnation before the deity has fallen into reincarnation... …" Yuqing Xianzun reminded.

"So, Immortal Yuqing is also afraid that this thought of me will be imprisoned, and our plan will be blocked?" I couldn't help but sweat. I know that these six supreme beings are powerful, but then the beginning Qi Xianzun is still there. Going around in the cycle of reincarnation, this is indeed powerful, and it is equivalent to being imprisoned forever.

Yuqing Xianzun nodded and said: "If it is possible, don't open too much power gap to the Six Dao Supreme, otherwise the result may not be what you and I want, but the deity cannot affect this, you need to do it yourself. Up."

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