Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6649: : Illusion

The effect of the master seal was very significant. The glow quickly turned gray and turned into an equal amount of air luck to evaporate, and these air luck are the attributes that I can easily absorb, which makes Liudao Supreme want to take down my already It's hard to do.

The effects of the three Taobaos are satisfactory to me, and the Six Taoist Supremes have repeatedly frustrated and become more radical, ordering all Shengdaoxian to attack everywhere. After all, the functions of the Three Taobaos are quite different. Taojian is a small-scale attack and destruction of the Tao. It’s best to be used for rushing; and the division seal can transform a wide range of avenue attacks, which is a very powerful defensive magic weapon; as for my Secret Code of Heaven’s Path, it is a classic that increases the control of my own knowledge. It is said that as long as the mind is big, it can cover as much, and the three Taobaos can work together without any disadvantage.

Up to now, even if Liu Daotian is so furious, I can’t take me down. When she ordered Liu Daotian to invade, I also fully resisted the invasion, dispatched troops to defend, and Li Poxiao's side gradually reached almost eight poles. This is the most exciting thing for me.

The sister-in-law is also taking the opportunity to receive the power of Liu Daotian that I looted. She is growing very fast at this moment. After all, Liu Daotian is her root, so when the power of this Dao is transformed, it is even faster than Li Poxiao and Xijun. The eight poles of the upper three ranks are not far away.

It won’t take much time for my sister-in-law’s own six heavens to be formed, which to me is just as powerful as a tiger.

However, I did not expect it to happen at this moment. I didn’t know if I deliberately transported a lot of Dao Qi to me, which led me to give back to the Daotian area on a certain scale, or it was just an accident. When this problem was created, these six supreme beings suddenly gave up attacking my side, instead, from the original route, they suddenly moved to attack the six-laws area where the sister-in-law was at the best turning point!

It also seems to know that I am secretly pulling my sister-in-law to another stage. Her attack has been adjusted and transferred without hesitation. The offensive direction is so obvious that I have to think that I have hit the ambush set by her!

The situation on the sister-in-law's side suddenly changed, and she also sensed that the danger came suddenly. At the beginning, Liudao Zhizun deliberately ignored her, and even when the sister-in-law and I were frantically probing, she did not do anything. Until now, She just revealed her real fangs.

In fact, how can I not pay attention? My sister-in-law is my life. In a battle with Liu Daotian, what I am most afraid of is the adaptability of Liu Daotian and my sister-in-law. It also means that they are easily compatible with each other. Once Liu Dao Supreme is allowed to contact my sister-in-law, It is very possible that the deity will easily crush and swallow his thoughts.

So as soon as the six masters touched the sister-in-law's side, I immediately reacted and intercepted them strongly.

The other party will make such a choice. It doesn't mean much to me. Of course, my sister-in-law knows this very well. So when the other party attacks her area, she immediately backs away. The other party is the deity's divine mind. Can swallow her instantly.

I am not afraid of Universal Supreme, because who is the main thought and who is the soul-separation, only to swallow each other to know, I even a little eager to try, the other party may be fake or fake, but the sister-in-law is the soul-separation, after all. Liu Dao Zhizun is now launching a fierce attack, which means she is extremely confident.

The war soon changed from a war of heaven to a targeted attack, and the battle around the daughter-in-law and sister-in-law began without warning!

The sister-in-law also felt unusually passive at this moment, and gradually began to push the Dokki universe towards my back, but the migration took time, let alone her Dokki universe at the front end at the beginning.

"One day, I didn't expect that I would become a burden to you, but why did she have to swallow me?" The sister-in-law said very depressed.

"Your importance in the creation day is becoming more and more important. If she wants to open a breakthrough, she must swallow you. In this way, my way of heaven will also be missing an important link, and she will gain more complete power, and... The fatal thing is that if you become one of her many thoughts, I really don’t know what to do.” I can’t imagine how my sister-in-law will be swallowed up, how I should deal with these six supreme beings, she will be the supreme of the six ways and the sister-in-law , I can't kill her for revenge, right? Maybe it's the idea of ​​the daughter-in-law's sister.

Going deeper, if she uses my sister-in-law as a condition to threaten me, I am afraid I will be forced to agree to various conditions.

"What can I do? According to the speed of this targeted attack, I may not be able to get rid of her. Once my thoughts are captured, what should I do then?" asked the sister-in-law.

"No, if she dares to go deeper, I will definitely cut off her attack and cut off her thoughts again. Moreover, Li Poxiao and Xia Ruize have also begun to mobilize their strength and will soon be able to bring Liudaotian to your direction. It's blocked." As I said, I felt very bottomless.

There is no other reason, because the air luck left by the six supreme self-destroying thoughts before has become a fertile air luck collection field for a party. Not only has I lost myself in it and cannot extricate myself, a group of enlightenment immortals, including Li Poxiao, and mine The disciples all opened one eye to me, and closed one eye. The hungry tiger was rushing to eat. Although the dislocation of the heavenly path is not serious, it is inevitable that there will be leakage.

I now have to suspect that the other party deliberately left these lucks to lure me into being fooled. In fact, it was the reason for revenge, Mingxiu plank road secretly Chen Cang, when approaching the sister-in-law, suddenly launched a fierce attack to fix this universe!

"Well, it's a good day that you were prepared." My sister-in-law trusted me, and I also hurriedly changed the interception position, and also controlled the Dao Sambo to chase and intercept Liu Dao Supreme.

It is only an illusion that the Six Dao Supreme suffers from the Three Treasures of Dao. This time, the advance has gradually come to an end. Even when I used the Three Treasures to defend again, she began to no longer hide her clumsiness. In addition to the hard resistance, there are also direct impacts. No chase time was wasted.

Of course, I was sweating profusely, and I quickly ordered Li Poxiao to stop swallowing the aura left by the Six Dao Supremes, and at the same time let San Tai Tian, ​​God Zuo Tian, ​​and Zi Shou Tian intercept the opponent's offensive, but the opponent can deliberately destroy itself, which is sure of me. It is difficult to intercept such an offensive, so it seems to be unscrupulous.

"You can't stop me! As long as she is still my soul-dividing reincarnation!" After the Six Dao Supremes said coldly, Tianguan, Diguan, and Renguan intercepted the gods and Qiongtian in their respective positions, and the momentum was amazing. .

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