Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6653: : Instantaneous

When she was young, she pulled the tail of my clothes for fear that I would be in danger. Her tall figure, a big red spacious dress was like a big red umbrella, sheltering me from wind and rain, even at this moment. , When I raised my head, the sky was still sheltered by her, no matter how heavy the rain, no matter how much hail, I was fearless.

Once upon a time, her existence gradually faded out of my world. I grew up, enjoying the bathing of heaven and earth, and enduring the baptism of the world, but even so, her existence almost imprinted on me, making me unforgettable.

She has rescued me as many times as the crucian carp that crosses the river, so much that I almost forgot the cruelty that this world brings to me. She has always led me to walk in this world, and also gave me a place to play chess. peaceful.

Yes, she is like a relative, like a sister, like a wife. She is my nine princesses, my fiancee, and an irreplaceable existence throughout her life.

I even had a child with her. We respect each other as guests, enjoy the joy of relationships, and bear the injustices of the world side by side.

However, all of this seems to have fallen at this moment, and my whole world is as dark as an abyss. On the horizon of this vision, only a ray of scarlet remains, and that red is bloody, it is more dazzling than the setting sun. It is even more cruel than the blood splashed when slaughtering lives.


If at this time, she no longer exists, what else do I need?

Is it the only remaining blood red?

Kill it.

Birth, leave, die, and don't. Whether it is a phrase or a disassembly, it is the cruelest and most indifferent word in the world.

But at this moment, even if they exhausted all the means of fusion between heaven and earth to contain them, they were no better than her.

Do I need such a world?

I don’t need it, the weak is no longer in my world, where is my last home?

An unbearable life will make me at a loss, and an unbearable death will make me like death.

Therefore, they are all killed.

"Open, heaven, open, earth, everything, elephant, all, kill."

The blood-red light in front of my eyes seemed to illuminate all birth and death. When I slowly stretched out my hand, a turbid rainbow light fell into my hand from a distance and turned into a sword.

The layers of shackles on my body broke apart like an instant at this moment, and nothing in this world can hold me down.

The performance world in front of it stopped momentarily, it was like a calligraphy and painting, like a picture with a pause, and even the figure of the six supreme beings was completely silent.


A ray of light cut through the whole world in an instant, killing everything that blocked my sight in front of me. I don’t know how far away this light has gone, and I don’t know how long it has been and how long it has gone through. The meaning is still endless.

Chi Chi!

The red was torn apart, and was broken into countless pieces under the eternal sword light. If you want to recombine them into a complete picture again, you don't know how many years it will take.

The sword in my hand began to grind into fine lines again and again at the moment I rushed out, until the sword failed to become a sword, it was like time left between the sky and the earth, and in the end it was like the last ray of sunlight on the earth. Finally Yan.

"Whhhhhhhh..." I panted, watching the faint redness turn into the setting sun like wine, watching the setting sun converge in the darkness, and finally almost disappeared into the universe.

My tears couldn't help rolling down, and there was nothing left in front of me.

"Dad! Stop it!"

When a trace of shadow appeared in my eyes again, Hua Ke had already grasped my hand. Her eyes were full of horror and sorrow, and more tears from her face.

However, just in the next moment, the red that had been diluted by all phenomena began to converge again, just like the sunrise in the east, like the beginning of a new day.

My eyes are surrounded by red light again, just like glaucoma obstructing my vision. It shouldn't exist, how can I get used to it?

"I...I destroyed it..." The power in my body converged again, and the red color turned into a rainbow color. This power comes from the depths but is not unknown. It seems to be in my heart. In, it seems to exist by my side.

Hua Ke hugged me tightly, and the raging fire made me feel like a world.

I slowly stretched out my hand and pushed Hua Ke away from me. Her hot body seemed to have infinite power. It seemed to be my hidden sword pavilion, or this place where I collect infinite power, my The hand was pulled out on her chest, it brought a trace of rainbow, but even a trace of it had the power to destroy the world.

"Dad... don't... she is also my mother..."

"One day! Stop it! Are you going to kill Tian Jiu'er!"

"Brother Tian! No! She is Sister Tian! Don't you see it!"

"one day!"

"one day……"

"one day!!!"

A loud call, like a heavy blow to my heart, looking at the stunned woman in red in front of me, the original thick red in my eyes gradually became clear.

"Jiu'er!" I hurriedly stretched out my hand to catch her, but the next moment, Zhao Qian grabbed my hand. She shook her head and said something that I could not hear. I surrounded me, eagerly telling something beside me.

After I stopped, the shocked woman flew forward in a panic, and I hurried to chase, but she quickly turned into a red light and converged, even if she didn't look back.

The sound around me became more and more messy, and I felt annoyed and unbearable. I even chased the red light in front of me, but was firmly held back by all the people around me, preventing me from moving forward half a minute.

"One day, don't... she is indeed a big woman!" Han Shanshan hugged me, and I wanted to push her away, but she entangled me like an octopus and couldn't tolerate me. Half a minute hard.

"Jiu'er... Jiu'er..."

I murmured and called, but there was no more red in the universe at this moment, only the familiar faces that surrounded my eyes. Everyone stopped me from letting me go forward, for fear that I would do something that would make them unbearable. Things.

"Chuangshi Xianzun, she is the supreme Six Dao, but she is also your Tian Jiu'er, do you know that your sword almost pierced Liu Dao Tian into a hole? Even her divine mind will be annihilated in this The sword is in." Yaoyue Xianzun's figure appeared in front of me, her blue and purple eyes with a dignified look, when she turned her head to look at Liu Daotian behind her, there was no sign that the shock was condensed: " If you destroy her instantly, your Tian Jiu'er will never be saved."

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