Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6667: :accidental injury

boom! boom! boom!

When Qi Niang exclaimed, Sheng Lin also threw down from the top of the fairy mountain. Every time he took advantage of the mountain wall, the sound of his footsteps was deafening, as if a rock fell from the mountain and bounced and hit the earth!


The huge holy lin, the size of a hill, fell on the ground majesticly, shaking me and the two seniors.

Seeing Shenglin clearly, Brother Yan and I were unavoidably stunned for a moment, but it didn't stop me and Senior Brother Yan from entering the polar directions!

"Okay! Junior Brother Hai casts spells quickly!" Senior Brother Yan reminded loudly.

But at this time, Senior Brother Hai did not attack for a long time. Instead, he gritted his teeth and said: "Yan Asi, what are your bad ideas, if I cast a spell, wouldn't it be the target of the crowd!? I can't fight now!"

"Ah?" Don't look at Senior Brother Yan's suspicious voice, he will actually understand what it means in the next moment. If Senior Brother Hai casts a spell directly, he will become the target of Saint Lin's attack in the next moment!

Therefore, the thunderclouds in the sky are not scattered, but they are always attracted but not sent!

How to do?

"Ohhhhhhh!" Shenglin roared and rushed at a group of scattered ghosts, not to mention a bite, that is, the gravel on the ground was swallowed directly into the abdomen without vomiting. It is not enough to describe it as a tiger into a flock. .

Of course, other fierce beasts were not completely swallowed upside down. They either fought or ran out of the Saint Lin’s direct attack range and started provoking with long-range spells. Of course, these damages were like itching to the Saint Lin. In front of the armor, it seemed that it was not spells that blasted Shenglin, but the night wind blowing.

But if the night wind gets too much, you will catch a cold. What's more, there are some small, but extremely fierce little beasts. These little beasts have caused Shenglin a very headache.

This holy lin has a temperament that makes all ghosts and beasts jealous and disgusting. There is no monster here that is its friend. If a bunch of ghosts and beasts are bitten on the ground, ghosts and wolves run away privately. They flutter and break in in the range of this lair. Escaping from the periphery, most of them are lost in the big formation of Brother Hai; this big formation is very confusing, as long as these ghosts can't understand the technique of Yin and Yang, they are destined to be unable to easily break into the big formation. Every ghost that rushes towards Abandoned Mother will soon be turned in a crooked direction, and finally turn around in the clouds.

Of course, the general tone of the ghosts attacking each other will not change. They always focus on the mind lock. This thing seems to be the core, so they try their best to get close to the core of the big formation, and they also act with Shenglin. Enemies bite each other and the scene became chaotic.

This holy lin doesn’t need to understand the line of yin and yang, it has its own unique big formation, and soon the power around it is connected to the mind lock. Even if the surrounding is made ghostly by it, it cannot attract it to continue to swallow it. The power here, with enough power to crush us, seems to be more interested in Qi Niang.

Nian Suo is its seal lock. The color of the edge of its scales is close to that of the large array. This means that as long as the large array is in full light, it will be controlled by the abandoned mother. How can it know?

Therefore, Shenglin's thoughts are also very simple and direct. Although he bit other ghosts and beasts, he did not forget to attack the abandoned mother!

"One day, think of a way to stop it! This animal seems to know how to get in!" Senior Brother Hai suddenly reminded.

I was shocked in my heart, but did not hesitate to fly towards Shenglin. This ghost is actually very intelligent. Even because of its age, the experience is not lost to us. The understanding of the mind lock allows it to be tested in the dark Come out.

I rely on Shenglin most recently, so I took the lead in attacking it!

Chi Chi!

An inch of nine swords instantly pierced a huge scaled armor, and the sting caused Sheng Lin to roar and turn around. When he saw me, he immediately roared and rushed toward me!



The huge shovel-like claws can dig a deep hole in one fell swoop, but to me it’s all pediatrics. Although I am at the level of three poles now, because the battle is close to four poles, the level of flexibility is not the same. It was not much weaker than Shenglin around the four poles.

So after several attacks, with the attack of the Nine Destructions of Swordsmanship, Sheng Lin was completely chaotic.

However, Shenglin is not a piece of meat. It doesn’t resist. As a top-level ghost beast, it also has the principles of Dao-based survival. After storing enough power, a burst of black light immediately shines from its forehead. Shot out from the upper eyes!

The world fell into chaos.

And this chaotic aura indirectly caused Sheng Lin to sink into it, and the aura and body instantly merged into the chaotic aura!

I took a breath of air. This kind of strange beast's self-protection methods are amazing. From now on, within the chaotic aura, it can disappear, so Shenglin suddenly fell into tranquility at this moment, intending to make me too Blind among them to find its true position.


Just as I was thinking about how to release these breaths, a loud noise came from behind me, and then a ghost and beast wailed, which was obviously the scream when Sheng Lin fell directly to the ground. I immediately came in this direction. An expansive sword aura was created, and the supernatural power extinguished in a fan-shaped bombardment, which immediately swept away the chaotic aura in the area!

However, the result was that the giant beast that was shot to the ground was blasted to pieces, but Shenglin was no longer there!

It can be seen that this Shenglin also knows how to hide.


There was another loud noise, followed by the grunt of Senior Brother Yan. I was taken aback and asked about Senior Brother Yan's situation quickly.

"Stop it!" Brother Yan's voice came, and I immediately rushed forward, only to find that the aura was constantly surging in my direction, which meant that Shenglin's goal was still to Abandon Mother. As for me and Brother Yan, neither It is a stumbling block on its way forward.

Brother Yan and I both rushed to stop the Holy Lin, but were thrown away at the same time. This made us feel that we were teased by a beast. It also shows that the scope of the skills of the Shan Shan beast is so large. If we don’t find a solution at this moment The way, maybe it will appear next to Qi Niang for no reason and without a trace. After all, the range of Chaos Qi that hides its existence has covered all its lairs!

"This is the holy lin armor! At the cost of removing the armor, it turns into a cloud to let us be in its mist armor! Fairies, please protect the Qi Niang!" Qi Niang hurriedly called out, this is really letting us Brother Yan and I became nervous.

It is clear that this holy Lin is heading towards the abandoned mother, but he does not dare to attack recklessly. This is tantamount to throwing a mouse, and the range attack will definitely hit this Shan Shan beast, but what if he accidentally hurts his own person?

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