Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6669: : Dormant

Boom! Wujiao’s flames sprayed onto Saint Lin’s body, and immediately blasted it to the ground. The flames were like sprayed flames, making a sizzling sound when they sprayed thin on the surface of the Saint Lin’s armor, making Saint Lin unable to defend against the flame attack even if he quickly armored. He was knocked directly to the ground and could no longer move.

Qi Niang struggled to stand up. Although the clothes were restored and the fan and sword spread out, the devil smiled grimly: "Ai Niang, we are also the supreme henchmen. There is no need to target that? I have already subdued Wu Jiao, at this moment. It's not against you, it's just that I want to completely subdue this holy Lin, but I definitely don't want to kill you."

"Haha...you want to surrender me by the way, right? Guizi, you know what you want to be abandoned mother..." Abandoned mother gritted her teeth and immediately swung her sword towards the ghost!

Bang, bang, bang!

Qi Niang and Guizi directly fought each other. The weapons of the two ghosts were smashed, and the black qi was intertwined with each other, but it was obvious that Qi Niang lost more. After a brief fight, the absolute suppression of power blasted her out, and finally Hit the rock and fell down!

Brother Yan took the opportunity to rescue Senior Brother Hai when they were fighting, and was preparing to go and help, but Wu Jiao didn't stop because the holy Lin was knocked down. When the huge body hovered in the sky, the dragon's mouth was slightly opened. The light converges, it seems that it is brewing to supplement the next black flame, and the speed is also very fast!

If the flames fall to the ground, not only Qi Niang and Sheng Lin will be burned to death, but also the nearby Senior Brother Hai and Senior Brother Yan will not be spared!

So in desperation, I immediately released the blood coat towards Shenglin and Qi Niang. The blood coat is an important part of the six laws. As long as there are six reincarnation auras around, it can be drawn unlimitedly to restore the power of the six ghosts, so as long as it is power Successful solidification will be filled with the best six properties before the solidification, and it will be restored to its heyday.

Not to mention that the six auras in this large formation are like the sky, and I am afraid that the absorption speed is not fast enough. Under the blessing of the blood, the bodies of Qi Niang and Shenglin suddenly became bloody, and the surrounding six auras poured into their bodies madly Among them!

The golden-red light quickly bathed them all in recovery. Shenglin showed the most obvious performance. He immediately thumped and turned over, while the armor on his body continued to converge, and his body became larger and his scales were as thick as a huge stone hanging outside!

And Qi Niang was also surprised at the power that was suddenly poured into her body, she was recovering at a high speed, and she could see the abnormal change from her golden red eyes!

The power of my law controls the blessing of the blood suit. This hand is indeed a bit of a dead horse to be a living horse doctor. After all, using their own ghosts on the spot to use the blood suit is considered a move without thinking.


Wujiao’s flames blasted down again, but this time, Shenglin didn’t evade at all. He directly snarled and carried it down. With absolute defense, it seemed to have no fear of flame attacks. Although the armor was melted layer by layer, For disproportionately thick armor, those are too small problems.

It is a terrifying beast with the ultimate defense!

Wu Jiao couldn't burn the holy Lin with flames, and suddenly became a little anxious. As he circled the sky again, his four claws swung with black light, and even the mane and mouth of his body burned with black flames, which was intended to be exhausted. Go all out, after all, if Shenglin is a strong shield, then it is equivalent to a sharp spear. Both are extreme, and it depends on who can break the other.

This brief scene shocked the devils. Looking at me, I finally knew who was the most dangerous existence, so I immediately rushed towards me, but the recovered abandoned mother couldn’t help him to deal with me at all, chasing behind and waving. Fan the sword, the crackling sword light rushed to the devils!

I don't retreat and advance. I am worried that he will not come at this moment. Since he is here, it is impossible for him to have the opportunity to gain the upper hand.

In the next moment, the devil holding a long jab knew how good I was. He didn’t have the upper hand in close combat. I didn’t have to use the most powerful swordsmanship to easily fight. This powerful, skillful He was clumsy.

The joining of Qi Niang and Senior Brother Yan immediately caused him to encounter the extreme environment of three-on-one. The three of us are skill-type sword immortals. Not only are their moving speeds superb, but their swordsmanship are each exquisite. This devil wants to rely on his body. Short, flexible, and the gathered strength crushed us, but it gave the three of us to push around like a shuttlecock, dragging him into the quagmire in the battle!

The powerful advantages of our three sword immortals have the absolute upper hand, and Brother Hai himself has recovered, and now he has begun to cast spells to contain the Wu Jiao that is accumulating in the sky, making Wu Jiao so angry that he can only sneak into the black. In the clouds, Shenglin wouldn't let it continue to accumulate its power. It started to release scale attacks as it flopped up. Its ability to control scales was amazing. It was able to release armor into a mist, and it would naturally not be a problem to attack the opponent.

"Enough! Enough! Don't fight! Don't fight! This battle is a complete misunderstanding!" The devil suddenly planned to surrender at this moment. While talking, he kept moving to find a place to get out of the trap. After all, being besieged by three sword immortals is simply too dangerous. Up.

Qi Niang sneered coldly and said, "You can fight if you want, but you won't fight if you don't? You just wanted to kill us!"

Brother Yan didn't say a word, now is the best time to kill the devil, he won't miss it.

"Abandoned mother! We all serve the Supreme! That's a group of people, why would I want to kill you? It was just to help you deal with Shenglin, who knows you misunderstood, at this moment we should deal with Shenglincai That's right!" The devil quibbleed.

"Hehe, if we deal with Shenglin, can you lead Wujiao to deal with us? You have a good idea!" Qi Niang said angrily, at this time she no longer believed in the other party.

It is very difficult for Guizi to attack under the siege of the three of us. The one-sided defense will only cause his power to be quickly lost. In addition, my ghost control has a natural advantage for Guidao, so now he can only hope that Pinned on Wu Jiao.

The Nian Suo formation in this lair has been destroyed, and Nian Suo is now in silence. If you want to control Sheng Lin, you have to start all over again. Therefore, the color of Sheng Lin's armor has also dimmed a lot. This is uncontrollable. Performance, but its power is not reduced by half, and it is still attacking Wu Jiao frantically, which is regarded as revenge for the opponent's attack.

But Wujiao has the advantages of air and attack. Regardless of whether the two sides seem to have exchanges, this Wujiao is actually stronger. If this fight continues, Shenglin will probably choose to escape and wait for the opportunity to fight again.

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