Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6672: : Karma Buddha

Qi Niang failed to get the lock of thought immediately, and Sheng Lin was targeted again. I secretly said that if I waited at this time, I am afraid that the bamboo basket was hitting the water. The howling silkworm swallowed energy extremely fast, and Sheng Lin must be over!

Fortunately, Xiaocan was devouring Shenglin, so Brother Yan and I both recovered. After getting a consensus from each other, we immediately rushed to Xiaocan!

And just when our attack was about to hit the Howling Silkworm, the linpi behind the ghost suddenly unfolded, and holes appeared in front of our eyes, and suddenly unimaginable noises came from these holes!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Waves of sound waves are endless. The first wave shook me and Senior Brother Yan flying away. Under this close-range sound wave attack, Shenglin bleeds from both ears, including the eyes and nose. Already seriously injured!

I secretly said that this fierce beast was terrifying shortly after it came out, and if it swallowed the holy Lin, it would be useless.

Sheng Lin's head twisted back hard, trying to bite the Howling Silkworm, but with the terrible sound, it not only bleeds from its seven orifices, but its huge eyes are full of bloodshot eyes.

But fighting between the trapped beasts may not bring victory. The same is true for a behemoth like Shenglin. So it turned its head and attacked to no avail. It ended up pitiful, and reluctantly turned its head to my side. It's a call for help.

I sighed. At this moment, even if I speak, I will be destroyed by Xiaocan's sound, so I don't plan to lobby anymore. I just hit Shenglin with a **** coat, and its power is directly at its peak in an instant!

Shenglin was not in his heyday under the attack of Senior Brother Yan and I, and biting the ground on the ground was severely injured on the spot, so it was not as good as that of Xiaocan. At this moment, I was directly pulled back from the edge of death, suddenly crazy ass. Shake it up!

The howling silkworm was tossed around like its tail, and the sound waves were disrupted for a while, not to mention that the holy Lin began to smash and roll after twisting his butt, and even smashed everywhere, smashing the surrounding rocks. The collision is constantly collapsing.

Even if the Howling Silkworm had absorbed a huge amount of power, it could not withstand the rage of the holy Lin. After biting off a large piece of holy Lin's skin, it threw it off, but it was furious as a result, and the pores all over its body opened!

Of course I will not let it get what I want, and immediately launched a wide range of laws towards it!

The next moment, the howling silkworm seemed to be shaking all over, and the sound was wave after wave, but when facing the law, it was completely like pressing the mute button, and there was no sound!

"Good job!" Senior Brother Yan, who raised his sword, was overjoyed, and immediately rushed to kill the howling silkworm.

I quickly said, "Don't go there!"

But at this moment, Senior Brother Yan had already rushed into the range, and within the range of Law Mie, he almost fell over with a stagger, and when I couldn't stop it, he continued to bear the attack of Law Mie.

Fortunately, the sonic attack of the Howling Silkworm was powerful, and with a bang, even if the law was extinguished, it could not be supported for too long, and the wrestling between the laws had already canceled each other.

Senior Brother Yan didn't withdraw, he rushed directly to launch the Demon Blood Chaos Sword, and the blood red sword glow instantly violent, there were hundreds of ways, all hitting that Xiaocan!


The attack was almost instantaneous. After the howling silkworm made a weird squeak, it immediately fled. This ghost was so fast, like a mouse running for life, it suddenly escaped our sight!

Brother Yan and I, as well as Shenglin hurriedly chased after him, but the next moment, bursts of weird black gold divine light suddenly rose from the ground, and went straight into the sky!

I was stunned, and I quickly stopped Senior Brother Yan. Even Shenglin stopped with me. After Shenglin rescued me, it seemed that he was already looking at me with my head, and it stopped when I stopped.

At this moment, the black gold light spread more and more, it surrounded the howling silkworm, and even some ghosts and beasts were also included, and there was a burst of cursing sound inside, which was more than the howling silkworm. It is even slower, and it can even be said to be the extreme of two speeds!

It's the voice of the Buddha!

I'm also very knowledgeable. This black gold light should be some kind of karma Buddha light, and the sound is a Buddhist mantra, but the voice sounds very feminine, not as majestic as the Buddhist school. This is why I didn’t call it. The reason for the break.

The brother seemed to have heard the clue, and said in a low voice: "What kind of ghost, it is also a Buddhist curse, and it is like a **** ghost crying!"

I smiled bitterly and shook my head. Not long after, the black golden light disappeared, and even the sound of the howling silk was gone, and from it there was a tall anomalous, half-naked bald man who was walking out of the halo at this moment.

Brother Yan and I immediately became vigilant, including the holy Lin that was also extremely alarmed, and quickly hid behind me. This holy Lin is now dependent on me. As for the half-naked bald man in front of him, he does have the capital to be afraid of. Because he was covered with all kinds of weird scars, bites, sharp wounds, and wounds caused by various weapons, including his face, which did not contain an inch of good flesh, which looked frightening.

I watched him come over, and immediately raised his eyebrows and asked: "Are you a karma Buddha?!"

He did not answer me, but continued to walk in the direction of Abandoned Mother. As he approached, I saw that his raised arm was lying on his stomach at the moment that had become smaller. This thing was constantly eating his. The meat has now been eaten on the bones, but this guy just said nothing.

I frowned, even Senior Brother Yan couldn't help but move between his eyebrows: "It's crazy to allow this howling silkworm to swallow the body."

Seeing this karma Buddha is so weird, although I feel weird in my heart, but I am not wary of devils before, but let alone women, children, and monks, these three combinations are really weird. I think there should be something else. And deep meaning may also be.

Ye Buddha quickly passed by me, Senior Brother Yan and Shenglin with Xiaocan, and went all the way to Qi Niang.

Brother Hai has already removed the stone soundproofing array, and Qi Niang seems to have been relieved, and said from a distance: "Qi Niang, thank Master Yefo, if it weren't for the master, I'm afraid that this time Qi Niang has already let this howl Yes, but why does the master feed silkworms with his body?"

"The Shan Shan beasts are born fearless. They are not affected by great compassion. Feeding silkworms with their bodies is nothing." Karma Buddha said flatly.

"If it eats you clean and refuses to accept you?" I couldn't help but interject.

"It's okay." Karma Buddha walked towards Ziniang, letting the howling silkworm eat most of his hands, but his recovery ability was amazing. He was eaten while he was recovering quickly.

At this time, Qi Niang showed a trace of worry: "Please stop here, Master."

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