Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6685: : Matryoshka

"Your deity is in crisis!" I hurriedly said, but the other party's answer repeatedly fell into a dead end, and grandma was also racking her brains.

The supreme Cannian continued to lead the night of the ghosts, walking in the mud on a rainy night, and the cry of ghosts and roars came to our ears from time to time. My grandmother and I accompanied Cannian and we couldn't come up with any better way to fish.

"What should I do? It's not the luck of the sister-in-law or the deity, and the other party doesn't give this big gift bag at all, but without that thing, even if we left this fairy mountain and rescued the sister-in-law and sister-in-law, what is missing without the big gift bag? And seeing that the incense is about to be burned, the gift package must be gone forever." I smiled bitterly.

"You child, think about it again, what are you complaining about?" Grandma scolded, and she slowly moved forward with her hands on her back. I saw that her fingers behind her back were still trying to figure out what, I guess this is a unique method.

Of course, I also had to work hard to think about what to do. This time I just came here with my thoughts and didn't bring the luck of my sister-in-law with my sister-in-law. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fake it once, but now it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Grandma, Brother Hai said that she doesn't have wisdom, it's just a logical program. Even Brother Hai knows this. We can definitely use it. The key is how we can tune out her second answer." I said. .

"Well, it's the point... How do we induce Cannian to tell where the Taoist gift package is? We can get it ourselves, but how do you ask?" Grandma asked.

"I will try." I thought about it for a while, and then said to Supreme Cannian: "Sovereign, if you go to die, won't the Taoism disappear with you?"

Supreme Cannian nodded.

"What about this deity? It's a pity that the deity reincarnated but couldn't get back the orthodoxy? It must be bullied, right?" I asked quickly.

"It's not the deity... can't be passed..." The Supreme Cannian is more stubborn than imagined, this is the malpractice of the program itself.

Hearing this repeated answer, I couldn’t help but jump in my heart, secretly saying that this opportunity would be too many once, and now the fire is burning behind my ass, because I turned my head and looked behind, the blood-red sky is all in the world. After the ghost, it was the red lotus karmic fire, and according to the walking speed of this supreme Cannian and the ten thousand ghosts, it must be faster than the karmic fire to burn, and we will soon be burned into nothingness!

I stomped anxiously, and my grandmother clapped her hands and said, "What do you want to do? Just make it. Although she is the Supreme Cannian, she is also the Supreme? Take some luck from her and make it out!"

"Ah? Wouldn't she find out?" I was suddenly surprised.

"A Tian, ​​have you forgotten that you are the co-master of the world? All living beings in the world are based on you, as your branch!" Grandma said, she stretched out her hand and took away my Dao Fundamental Luck. As for the Supreme Can Nian, she didn't do anything, but motioned me to do it.

But I was immersed in what she said: "Grandma, you have always said that I am the co-lord of the world. I still don't really understand the meaning of this. In the end...what is the difference between this and the world supreme?"

"I don't know if there is any difference, but I think he must not be able to beat you. In my grandma's mind, you are the biggest and best one!" Grandma said with a smile, and then gave me a push: "Go get it. When she thought, I want you two to be one, so that she will bow her head and obey her orders."

I looked confused, but muttered: "Why can't grandma go and get it directly?"

"Although she is Cannian, she was also the supreme. Grandma dare not do this." Grandma explained.

I nodded and agreed. I could only sneak a hand towards her and quickly plucked a strand of her hair. When she found it, I slapped it and slapped it over. I was hit on the ground and rolled several times.

"Naughty..." Supreme Cannian didn't pursue it, but this made me feel the style of Cannian's sister-in-law in the past. It seems that even Cannian has inherited most of the deity's actions.

I looked at my grandma with a wry smile. Grandma had already taken the hair strands, and soon after she injected the luck she picked from me, she fabricated the image of the daughter-in-law and sister.

The ghost family is still very good at pinching ghost images, and it seems that grandma has already taken care of everything, so she quickly controlled this but slap-sized villain, put it in front of the supreme Cannian's eyes, and said: "The deity is here. Please also lower the Orthodoxy."

When facing this deity, the Six Dao Supremes really stopped, and stretched out their hands to touch this vivid villain.

My heart will inevitably be a little jumpy, as if the karma fire behind me is burning with thousands of ghosts. The speed of these six karma fires is so fierce that they are almost 100 meters away from us, and the surrounding smoke clouds are even as clear as mist. .

If this opportunity is lost, we must go out, otherwise we may stay here forever.

"finally come……"

The Supreme Cannian said suddenly, but there was no further movement. The grandmother pinched the time and asked cautiously: "Sovereign, can you pass on the Taoism to the Supreme deity?"

"Yes...but...no...you...no..." Suddenly there was a logical disorder in Supreme Cannian. This repeated speech made my grandmother and I look at each other with a sense of despair.

"What can we do? Grandma, let's go out quickly, these six karma fires are about to burn out of consciousness, and the remaining inheritance will not be too much!" I anxiously said.

"Perhaps she thinks this doll can't accept this inheritance!" Grandma pursed her mouth, staring at the world burned by karma behind her, and then immediately pulled me over and said, "Together, pour luck into this doll. On the body, try again, it must be like this!"

I nodded immediately, and immediately injected more luck into the doll. This time it can be said that I was forced into a dead end. Once my grandmother guessed wrong, it would have lost my wife and broke down!

"Supreme! Take a look again!?" Grandma hurriedly reminded, and Supremacy Cannian was also honest, and tried to touch the supreme doll again. At this time, I had almost tried my best. This was the transition of grandma's luck. After all, grandma's own air luck cannot be conveyed to the supreme doll, otherwise it will disrupt the air luck attributes.


This sentence immediately made my grandmother and I breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the fire of karma has rushed towards us like a sky-splashing sea. The fire of karma is burning incense, but it is not under my control. Senior Brother Hai is only maintaining the operation of the big formation. I can only watch the time for this supreme Cannian to pass Cannian. If you take a slow shot, we will have to run away if we can't get anything.

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