Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6687: :track

After Brother Hai and Brother Yan left, the three ghosts were guarding the Dharma. My grandma and I sat on the same spot to extract the six energies. I actually slowed my grandma a lot. This is simply unimaginable. If you know the ghost magic, I practice. It is also very sophisticated, she shouldn't be more than her grandmother, but she is in a state of being like a fish in water here.

However, even at the speed visible to the naked eye, compared with the Daoji after the four poles, the speed difference is actually not obvious. My grandmother and I have obtained the Taoism of this fairy mountain from the Supreme Cannian, and the speed of cultivation is far from the soul here. Mind is comparable, so it didn't take long for the body to be extracted from the beginning to the state of illusion.

When the Illusory God state reached the four poles of the cultivation base, I no longer continued to practice, but called the six karma fires into my hands, and the skillful use of the six karma fires gave me an advantage.

I controlled the six karmic fires and began to make various movements, and even regarded it as a soft thread around my fingers, wrapping my body in circles without hurting my body. These six karmic fires are very magical. There is no temperature at all, but as long as there is karmic existence touching it, it can burn it to the end. This is definitely a terrible artifact, which means that it can silently become a killer.

When I tried to use the Six Dao Karma Fire, the Three Dao Ghosts also began to practice. With the help of the Six Dao Karma Fire, they absorbed the purest Six Dao Foundation aura, so the speed is rapid. Of course, they still need to be good. I practiced for a while, but I couldn't wait any longer, because when I played with the karma fire, the earth shook again, and it was obvious that the bottom of the mountain sank into the sea of ​​reincarnation.

I couldn't wait until the mountains were completely submerged in the sea to do something, so I told my grandmother what I thought.

Grandma hesitated and said, "Go now. Grandma is here. It's the business that you release the three barriers first. Take the three ghosts with you. Grandma doesn't need them to protect the law."

Seeing her hesitant expression, I knew she might be waiting for me to leave. She probably wanted to be quiet for a while, so I nodded: "Then be careful, grandma, there are ghosts waiting..."

Grandma waved her hand, Slashing Dragon roared, and she appeared behind her with a Dragon Slashing knife. The iron tower-like body did not allow me to question its strength, and a group of ghosts had already escaped when they heard the roar. , Did not dare to attack at all.

"Okay, then I'll go find the third level first." I gave a wry smile, and immediately flew out of the cave, jumped off the cliff directly, and continued to run toward the area where the Samsara Sea is located.

The nine-layer fairy mountain is superimposed, there is not much grass and trees here, and the mountain ridges are braving the breath of transpiration, and the temperature is not low like a volcano about to erupt.

I flew all the way toward the bottom of the mountain, and the three ghosts have been put in my sleeves. They have now broken through the four-pole cultivation base, and they are ready to fight when released.

Don’t look at the huge fairy mountain, but if you fall to the bottom in the form of jumping off a cliff, you will soon be able to jump into the sea of ​​reincarnation, but when it is about to reach the bottom of the sea, suddenly a huge ghost fish resembling a fat kun pops out of the sea, that blood basin The big mouth almost swallowed me who was about to fall into the sea!

I hurriedly waved the karma fire at the ghost, and Fierce Flame instantly swallowed half of this huge ghost fish and disappeared. Only a huge tail fell into the sea with a snap, splashing countless water splashes.

I floated onto the remaining reef on the water and took a deep breath. Looking at the bottomless reef roots under the water, I knew in my heart that the position of the reef I was standing on was also at the bottom of the mountain, which is the area where Sanguan is located!

One of the three passes must have been buried under the water.

But this is not a problem. I have already obtained a way from Qi Niang to awaken the sealed ones. After all, Qi Niang is a small formation. As the number of layers increases, the difficulty of sealing becomes higher.

Although I want to unlock from the ninth floor, if I follow the usual methods, it must be an unlocking method that tests my intelligence and strength, but when Liu Dao Zhizun sealed the fairy mountain before, I did not expect that someone would get the Liu Dao Karma Fire, and use it as you wish. Respond.

The most difficult thing for me now is not unlocking, but finding the sealed door lock.

Looking at the unknown under the water, I hesitated and released three ghosts, ordering them to search for suspicious unlocking areas.

After the three ghosts split up, I also dived into the sea of ​​reincarnation.

When I entered the water, I felt a moment of icy coldness, which was much colder than the surroundings of Xianshan Mountain, and when I entered the sea, I realized that it was the sea from a distance. In fact, it was similar to the gas brought up by the three Shan Shan beasts before. It is not water, but a very dense mist. These mists are no different from water, except that when combined, the strong six breaths flow smoothly like water, so that ghosts can swim around it like a fish in water!

The idea of ​​entering the fairy mountain is mainly for practicing the six ways, so of course the breath of the reincarnation sea is very useful, no wonder the ghosts and beasts are gathered here, of course, because the dragons and phoenix dance under the water, I really dare not come down without certain strength.

Including the Shan Shan beast is still dangling around the fairy mountain at the moment.

But now the ninth and eighth layers seem to have dived under the water, so I have to go to the sea to awaken the masters of these two layers.

Dive into the sea of ​​reincarnation, I am still flying, because once I don’t choose to fly, I will sink all the way down. The water vapor here is only lighter than expected, just like the sea is really heavy water. The sea is soda water.

This is also my personal experience when flying on the eighth floor. After a while, I have found the great formation that seals the Shan Shan beast. At this moment, the soul lock has been broken away. According to the soul lock area, this should be nothing. The Shan Shan beast that is too big, or it exists like the howling silkworm, after all, the impact of a few soul locks can be seen.

Shan Shan beasts are much easier to break free than the guardian deity's soul mind sealed in the mountains, and can even get out of trouble as long as a foreign object intervenes slightly. This is the main reason why the following layers of masters have not been able to escape.

I did not continue to stay, and immediately searched for the nearby area. After all, the place where each layer is opposite to Shanshan Beast means that the layer owner of that layer is sleeping, so as long as I find the diagonal area of ​​Xianshan, I can find the sealed place.

However, when I was flying carefully along the edge of the mountain, I suddenly felt that something was following me, but when I turned my head to look, there was no shadow in the entire black sea of ​​reincarnation.

I secretly said that this is not as good as being on the bottom of the sea. At any rate, I can use the movement of the water to detect whether someone is following!

"Haha...little brother, did you know that you have been followed by a Shan Shan beast for a long time?"

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