Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6691: : Self-disturbance

"Is there a way now?" Grandma asked.

I shook my head, but still said: "Not yet...but I have investigated some information. I need to summarize it with everyone. Maybe everyone will make a decision after I say it."

"Well, then you can quickly talk about your experience." Grandma said.

I immediately explained what I had just encountered. Don’t look at the three ways, the three levels, and the three yuans that seem to be lazy. In fact, when I describe them, I listened attentively. After all, the fairy mountains are sinking continuously. If you lose the protection of Xianshan, you will have to bury your body, and once it is swallowed, you will return to the seal. As Xianshan is completely asleep in the sea of ​​reincarnation, you will never be able to return.

"You mean, you burned the eyes of that minotaur, and it was self-destructed and reborn?" Tianguan is a great beauty, standing there like a quiet maid, she is the most under the six supreme The strong.

"Yes, if I guess right, there are many small monsters below, but there are no unique large monsters." I said.

"Where is the immortal family who looks like grandma? Did you see it?" Grandma asked me.

I shook my head and said: "There are countless different beasts below, all of them appearing, but she is the only one I haven't seen..."

"A Tian, ​​do you think she controlled the strange beast in the sea of ​​reincarnation?" Grandma asked.

And Qi Niang hurriedly said: "It must be so, this fairy mountain must have its owner, because this incense burner is one of the most powerful treasures of the Supreme, not only the fire of karma is hidden here, but also there are various sealing times. Beast, if there is no owner, how can the Supreme be assured?"

"Haha, I would like to agree with the Lord, but who is it? We haven't seen it before for so many years. Have you seen it?" The devil asked in a weird manner.

Everyone shook their heads and said nothing. I secretly said that the six masters of the six realms were very capable of hiding and tucking them, and that such a powerful incense burner was used to detain people at critical moments. No wonder that Diguan would be caught directly.

Keep the divided soul out and lock up the main soul. This hand is really thorough, but she probably never thought that her confidants are not all that obedient. Once she is in trouble, they will be like dragons without a leader. Of chaos.

"Then what should I do now? It's much more fun. If the treasure of this treasure is still there, how can we live through the sea of ​​reincarnation? She must lock us all, or is it suitable for her task of guarding the incense burner?" Senior Brother Hai said .

"I don't agree with this point. If Liu Dao Zhi Zun had previously explained what would happen to her, then she shouldn't stop everyone from lifting the seal and leaving. After all, this matter is the most important thing, and she has to ask us somehow. What is it for you to escape? How can you hide silently in the sea of ​​reincarnation, and deal with us without asking questions?" Senior Brother Yan said.

"Anyway, the only thing we can do right now is to arrest this spirit, and then we will find a way to leave." Shangyuan said decisively.

"That's the point, but who can deal with such a powerful tool spirit? We are swarming up? I'm afraid it will be locked up." Diguan sneered.

"It doesn't need to be so, I have a way to control the ghosts of the Samsara Sea." Grandma said.

I hurriedly said: "Grandma, as long as the other party is still controlling these ghosts, I am afraid that our ghost way can't be counter-controlled. She has natural controllable conditions, because she is the master spirit, and the ghosts of this reincarnation sea are also. It is equivalent to a deputy."

"A Tian, ​​your thinking is too complicated. If it weren't for this, we would have to hide in the fairy mountain until it sinks? This matter sooner rather than later." Grandma said.

There is no doubt about what grandma said. I can only nod. Everyone nodded when everyone looked at me. There was no other objection. However, Senior Brother Hai asked, "Sister Zhou, it is better to be safe. For example, we can do something. To force this clone out? I know a formation that can affect the sea of ​​reincarnation and let the sea of ​​reincarnation fall into a chaotic turbulence, but it may take a little longer, and everyone must help me to make a formation for me. Device..."

"No! If you don't have enough time, then the fairy mountain will sink and you won't be able to get up. What will happen then?" Grandma asked back.

Senior Brother Hai glanced at Senior Brother Yan, and fell silent immediately. Senior Brother can only say: "Well, if Senior Sister Zhou really thinks this is feasible, then follow her method first?"

Senior Brother Hai glared at him, looked at me and said, "One day, you can't be reckless. If the other party has a countermeasure, then the group will be destroyed if one cannot control it."

I looked at my grandmother in desperation, and asked, "Grandma, do you really have a way to control the monsters of the reincarnation sea? This is definitely not a guess or something..."

Grandma squinted her eyes and said, "A Tian, ​​when did you lose confidence?"

"Okay, then grandma takes the lead, shall we follow? Or..." I can only nod. Now grandma is also a little anxious. Maybe something bad is expected to happen immediately, otherwise how can we explain her anxiety?

"You can rest assured to follow behind. At that time, I will use reincarnation spells to control these ghosts to open the way for you. If I meet the spirit that looks like me, everyone will go together and pass through the sea of ​​reincarnation. There will be six ways!" Grandma said.

Everyone nodded, and excitement is indispensable. After all, after going out, it will be a free world, which is tens of thousands of times better than the smoking fairy mountain where birds do not lay eggs!

Grandma quickly flew up and rushed straight to the bottom of the mountain. Everyone could only keep up. After all, not keeping up at the moment meant giving up freedom.

I followed right behind, but Senior Brother Hai was still not too upset, with a weird expression in his expression, and used voice transmission to me: "One day, there will be no problems, right? Senior Sister Zhou is too impatient, if it is like this After the sea of ​​reincarnation, it is a good thing to be able to control it. If you are caught in a group of ghosts and suddenly lose control, we will have to explain it."

I looked at Senior Brother Hai and said, "Senior Brother Hai, that's grandma. She said that if you can control it, you can control it..."

Senior Brother Hai shook his head and began to speak with Senior Brother Yan. However, Senior Brother Yan showed a contemptuous expression. He felt that Senior Brother Hai was too careful to behave. Seeing Senior Brother Hai tirelessly worrying, I had some worries in my heart.

However, these worries were quickly dispelled when the grandmother took the initiative and directly controlled the minotaur and the flood dragon. A group of immortals were so happy that they gave grandma a thumbs up.

The black fishes are naturally no exception. They are obediently wandering around under the control of my grandmother, acting as an escort, which makes me feel at ease.

However, Senior Brother Hai's worried expression became even stronger.

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