Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6705: : Lingpo

"Ghost ghost is worthy of the confidant of the supreme confidant." Qi Niang agreed with a smile, and immediately followed her grandmother to release the two dao, three yuan, and three passes. After all, it will take a while for the Yuelong to cross the shoulders to smuggle the six samsara with Xianshan on his back. So we still have some time to accompany my grandmother to discipline these disobedient supreme henchmen.

Because I knew I was great, I was convinced long ago. This time my grandmother swallowed the spirits that their immortal families could not fight under the seabed, and made them speechless, so their grandmother is better than me. They are all respectful, because my grandmother is different from me, that's really a big ghost.

Grandma has already obtained control of the fairy mountain, and all the ghosts here are under her control, so I don’t have that great effect when I hold the Six Dao Karma Fire. Moreover, the best place to store this thing is the fairy mountain, and I have to give it back in the future. Supreme, so I didn't keep the Six Dao Karma Fire, and directly handed it over to Grandma.

Including the six dolls, I was also handed over to my grandmother. After the battle, my grandmother’s expression of **** is old and spicy was so profane, which made me admire from the bottom of my heart. And she controlled the incense burner, which means it is now Orthodoxy above the eight poles is now, once it appears outside the six reincarnations, even if it is the six reincarnations, I am afraid that the three passes will have to look down on her.

Grandma asked the Shoulder Dragon to carry the fairy mountain again. Not long after, both Sanyuan and Sanguan were released. The reason why grandma released them is very simple. It is to give Jiu'er back on guard. So Sandao, Sanyuan, and Sanguan are on guard. Strength is critical.

"I don't care about your past, the old lady will only look at today! If you make a moth for me, I will continue to imprison it in this mountain! Never lie! Also, after going out, the Supreme Being cannot be saved, you There is no need to exist!" Grandma gave the order domineeringly.

Of course Sandao should. Sanyuan glanced at each other and hesitated to agree, but it was obvious that it was not as powerful as a talented person. This is somewhat hidden, but it is already very valuable. I will give this order instead. The other party still has a few chattering noises.

As for the third pass, it’s a bit more troublesome. Tianguan will not nod for a long time, and Renguan naturally dare not say anything. He stands there with his hands in the ground, and doesn't say anything.

Grandma snorted softly and said, "What? Are you unconvinced in the three stages?"

"Hehe, that's not true, but we only listen to the words of the supreme, what are you?" Diguan Yin and Yang smiled strangely.

Grandma laughed in a signature style, and immediately touched the high-end bag she was carrying on her shoulders: "The supreme was invited by the old woman to come out in person. Where was your gate at that time? You are not still locked in this fairy mountain, waiting for me. Rescue the Supreme? This time I will give you a chance to save the Supreme. If you don’t want it, then continue to be locked in the fairy mountain. You don’t need to go!"

Diguan's face changed drastically with fright, and he quickly said: "Dao Hag calmed down, your voice is too loud, I just made a grumbling and made a joke, supreme, we must be saved!"

"It's good to know what identity you are. The old lady doesn't know how to tell jokes and takes everything seriously." Grandma said. She and ghosts don't know how many times she has negotiated with ghosts. Naturally, she understands the truth deeply. Unfamiliar ghosts won't talk about feelings with you. If you want them to convince you, let them fear you first.

"Dao Gui Po is really boring." Diguan Tucao said.

Grandma didn't bother to care about him, as long as he was obedient, all the people next to him were secondary: "What about Renguan? What do you say?"

Seeing that Diguan kicked the iron plate with my own eyes, Renguan didn't dare to say anything big, and hurriedly said: "Whatever the ghost said, Renguan will naturally do what he does until the supreme is rescued."

"It's good to be obedient. If you are obedient, the old lady will help you get back to Ren Guantian, otherwise, you can fight for it yourself!" Grandma knocked.

"Oh, Renguan knows, anyway, under the supreme is what Dao Hai said is fine, what can we say in the three levels?" Renguan said silently, and took a look at Tianguan by the way, and saw that the Tianguan was right at this time. Staring at her, she shrank her neck in fright: "Sister Tianguan just say anything. If you don't tell me, I can only do this."

"Huh! No bones!" Tianguan is a frosty beauty, even with a cold snort with a luxurious gesture, she immediately looked at her grandmother and asked: "Dao Hag, if it is for the supreme deity to regain the heaven and earth, the land How to allocate it?"

Grandma smiled and said: "How do you want to divide?"

"We still belong to the three gates. We don't want other sites. It can be guaranteed. If you make an oath, this will be done. Otherwise, we won’t talk about it and we will be locked up. Yes!" It seems that Tianguan still pays attention to personal gains and losses.

"Yes, if the Supreme is rescued, you will still have as much Sanguantian as you originally had." Grandma said cheerfully.

"Go, I thought Sister Tianguan could be so domineering, and I can also say that." Diguan mumbled, and finally gave Tianguan a glance, his head quickly turned away, even blowing up. He whistle, for fear that his eyes will continue to meet with the other party.

Grandma looked at this scene with a smile on her face, but didn't participate in it. She raised ghosts and raised an unknown number of ghosts. It was very simple to communicate with them. Even I actually learned from my grandma.

At this time, Shangyuan in Sanyuan saw this scene and couldn't help rubbing his hands: "We Sanyuan..."

"Huh?" Grandma gave Shang Yuan a look, and he was scared to take a step back: "Dao... Dao Hag, don't bring this kind of thing, we have to protect the territory of Sanguan, our Sanyuan, you haven't given it yet. We guarantee it. If this is a guarantee, we will work hard together when we go out, right?"

Seeing that Shang Yuan gave Grandma a look, Zhong Yuan and Xia Yuan also came to help out: "Dao Hai, our eldest brother is what we mean, and Dao Hai should also consider it."

"If you behave well, you won't miss your good. What is the old lady Sanyuantian going to do?" The grandmother dispelled the other's worries.

Seeing that Sanyuantian dared to make comments, the devil couldn't help but rushed out, and after a few visits to his grandmother, he said, "Dao Hag, and our San Dao Tian site, I heard that it was taken by the Supreme... See if you can intercede with us, we divide the territory of the six souls in this way, but it also gives the Supreme a chance to regain the territory."

"Yes, yes, the devil is right, and I ask the ghost to intercede with the supreme. If we have this credit, we can't forget wow..." Ye Buddha also hurried out to be a lobbyist.

I haven't heard of the three ghosts of the Supreme, but they are locked here, indicating that the original territory is there, but now it must be no more soul, or the supreme may be swallowed by the soul.

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