Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6721: : Soft nails

"Yeah, the last Six Paths of Reincarnation Conference deterred Xiao Xiao. That day, the jealous Taoist took action personally, so I knew he was amazing." Jian Beitang laughed.

And at this moment, Brother Hai suddenly looked up and was stunned, because not far away, a handsome man was sitting on a tree, looking at us with a smile.

"Friend Tian jealous! How are you doing these days?" Jian Beitang said hello.

"It's not so good. I'm not so good when I see you here. What do you say you're all right to break into my Tianju Mountain? Is the family uncomfortable? Does the child not stick to you? Is there no family elder to take care of? Don't you get rid of yourself?" Ye Daotai was wearing a loose and casual robe. He sat on the branch of the tree. The swing of this robe fell down, looking more chic and unrestrained.

However, this guy was frustrated, with a touch of ridicule in the corner of his mouth, apparently seeing everything in the world, or bored with all the ordinary.

"No wow, I'm comfortable in Beitang Kendo, and I don't have a marriage match, you know, and I don't have the old care. As for the mundane affairs, it's boring now!" Jian Beitang giggled. .

Ye Daotai shook his head and said silently: "Go and go, I'm not asking you."

I smiled and said, "Heaven is jealous and friendly, there is a merciless please..."

"Stop, I said I'm not good, besides, it's an unrelenting invitation, so don't do it, otherwise it will be more troublesome?" Ye Daotai is indeed a frustrated guy, with no positive energy at all. , And even a little bohemian.

Brother Hai smiled and said, "You Daoyou Ye..."

"Okay, stop it too. I don't like being asked, and I don't like to be asked for nothing. I don't care where you come from. I don't ask how you came. Anyway, I won't do it." Ye Daotai waved his hand. I refused before anyone could speak.

I thought that this Ye Daotai was an old man and could still speak well. However, he didn't expect to be a handsome young man. It's hard to speak now.

"Friend Tian jealous, refused so soon? This is my lord! Also the lord of Lingyi! We are all Dao ghosts under his command now!" Jian Beitang said quickly.

"I don't bother to care if you are greedy for his beauty, or you like his tone." Ye Daotai smiled.

"You!" Jianbeitang's face was straightened, but this Ye Daotai was not polite, and said with a smile: "Swordsman, do you know my temper? Besides, I can't beat you, and you can't beat me. , Let's stop making trouble, right?"

Not to mention, Ye Daotai's personality is strange. Anyway, someone makes me unwilling to do anything. I thought for a while and said, "You Daoyou Ye, signing a contract to become a Dao ghost has a lot of benefits..."

"Stop it, I won't do it. Could you still force me?" Ye Daotai stretched out his hand to stop me from talking. He is different from Jian Beitang and Ling Yi, and he is a guy with a very different personality.

"What conditions can be my Daogui? Ye Daoyou can let go, we can discuss it again." I laughed.

Ye Daotai smiled, and then said, "I have no desires and no desires. No, I have some desires..."

"Oh? You can talk about any Daoist you ask. My junior is the creation immortal, who is on the same level as the Six Dao Supreme. Being a Daoist is a lot of benefits!" Senior Brother Hai said in help.

"Tsk, what are you interrupting me to do, I haven't finished this!" Ye Daotai looked upset, but he didn't know how many times he interrupted us just now. Let's wait for him to continue. He just said: "What I want is not to bother me and let me be quiet, so you should go. Thank you very much Zhuxian for your respect, Chuangshixianzun, is that good? Can you leave?"

Brother Hai and I looked at each other, including Jianbeitang were speechless.

Ye Daotai stood up and flew down from the branches with us on his back. Then he waved his hands back to us and said, "All the immortals, there is a certain family away, don't come again, no see."

Jian Beitang stopped his way in an instant, his expression gloomy.

Ye Daotai's five fingers dragged his chin, looked at Jian Beitang with a look of scrutiny, and said, "Swordsman, what's wrong? This is a huge road. It's not easy for everyone to see each other once. We've seen it all. , Good voice and anger, don't you plan to use strong?"

"You guy is so long-winded, let's play a game, and if you lose, you will be the Daogui of my lord!" Jianbei Tang drew his sword with a loud voice.

"Oh, what are you doing? Swordsman, our neighbors in the neighborhood, can't fight! If there is a rift, we will be embarrassed to meet in the future six reincarnation conferences!" Ye Dao said with heartfelt words.

"Puff......you be serious!" Jian Beitang was angry and funny.

Ye Daotai sighed and said, "I'm serious. We don't have a reason to fight. Besides, your Patriarch is outside, we are inside, and he is gone, but we don’t see and see, how can we make trouble? Turn it over?"

"I said Ye Daotai, you are so good at talking! I won't tell you anymore. If I take a drink, you can treat it as if I drank too much!" Jian Beitang said, and immediately picked up the waistband. Green jug, she didn't want to continue talking with the other party.

"I said fellow swordsman, you don’t look at this place except me, but also your Patriarch and your friends. Even if you cut me off, I can hide. If you can’t lock you up until you wake up, but if you cut it off. What can I do to them?" Ye Daotai advised.

After Jian Beitang heard it, he just mentioned it, but he could only let it go: "You fellow, you are so happy! It's so difficult to talk to you!"

I secretly said that this guy can really fool you. He has both strength and ability. This Lingyi is a hard nail, and this Ye Dao tire is a soft nail. If it is hard or touched, it will break or become loose, but this soft one is basically a touch. It rebounds.

It seems that Jianbeitang is more normal now, and I become a subordinate to do things seriously, but it is rare, it is just that he can't control his alcoholism.

"Friend Daoist Ye is avoiding the world again?" I asked.

Ye Daotai smiled and said, "I can't tell you to avoid the world, I just like boredom."

"Do you like things that are not boring?" Senior Brother Hai asked hurriedly.

"I don't like it. I just like to stay quietly in one place, watching some guys get bored. You don't understand this kind of boredom. The so-called ways are different. Since you don't understand my boredom, I don't have time to bother. If you have a chat, let's not go all the way, right?" Ye Daotai said with a smile.

"Why did you participate in the Six Paths of Reincarnation Conference?" Senior Brother Hai asked again.

"They're boring to destroy me," Ye Daotai said.

"The question is simple." I chuckled, and the grim smile suddenly made Ye Daotai's face a touch of confusion.

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