Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6737: : Strong stay

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed, and more and more information has gradually gathered in Xianshan, the representatives of the abyss ghosts and immortals, as well as the overlords of various parties, as well as the three gates, the three yuan, and the three ways. Discuss and explain the information obtained.

"Liu Dao Zhizun knows the location of the exit of the reincarnation area, so three gates were placed in front of the entrance of the reincarnation as gatekeepers. It can be seen that the attention is no less than that of the heavenly war outside. After all, it is just my reason for being here, and it is enough for her to send it. The strongest subordinate, and after the news gathered by the reincarnation overlords, the Tianguan is the center, the Renguan and the ground are the flanks, and the three-zone layout in the shape of a bag will keep us out of the fairy mountain, so we thought To break through the reincarnation, the enemy must be blocked, so that the over-shoulder Yuelong can pass through the reincarnation." After I finished speaking, I quickly marked out the situation of both the enemy and the enemy on the sand table.

Senior Brother Hai pointed to the area on the enemy's side and said, "That is to say, we will reach the mouth of Samsara in less than three months, and the only way to go is the Huangquan Sea, which is the mouth of Samsara into the sea. , Which is the place of the decisive battle, the other party has hidden soldiers under the seabed of Huangquan, and has also made a lot of huge mobile tools similar to the fairy mountain. It can be said that the three gates have been ordered to guard, even if it is above, there must be no loss below. ."

"Not only that, but it also requisitioned many overlords around. Although the ghosts and immortals under his command are all ghosts and immortals of Huangquanhai, they are also quite powerful, because they still enter the sea, and many of them are even stranded here after being sent down. , Some of those ghosts do not even have the wisdom, but they are controlled and driven one by one. This is also the difficulty of our strategy." Senior Brother Yan said, he drew a circle in the center of the cloth bag mouth, and said: "That's right. This location is likely to be a trap set by the other party, but it is also a place where our fairy mountain must pass. If we pass this place without any accident, I am afraid no one will believe it."

A group of overlords frowned upon hearing this information.

"Since this smuggling is not successful, it turns into a deadly battle. This time we Qingyou Ghost Road will not go to immortals. If we meet in the mountains and rivers, how about letting go?" One of the overlords couldn't help saying.

To be able to say such a thing, of course, is to understand the facts a long time ago, and it would be crazy to want to cross the sea in the face of such a terrible situation.

"We don't participate in the country's kendo anymore. I said before that it's not a good match anymore. The deity knows that this is mostly yellow, but now it is true." Another overlord waved his sleeve and was about to leave.

"I have retired from the Eight Desolate Ghost Valley, and I also invite the creation of the Immortal Venerable and the Dao Ghost Lady, you Xian Venerables to find another wiser! If we really fight, our Eight Desolate Ghost Valley can't even give them teeth, you inland immortal Dao Maybe I don't know, but Huang Quanhai's deity has been there and knows the dangers best." Huafu Guixian, who had been looking at the sand table for a long time, was also a little frightened.

After these few stood up, the overlord suddenly hesitated whether to follow along, but at this moment, Jian Beitang raised his head slightly and said faintly: "Sit down for me. When I'm not allowed to leave, I see who dares go away."

A group of ghosts and fairies sat down again, of course, some unhappy people immediately scolded: "What's wrong? Can you still tie us to fight against the ghosts of Huangquanhai in Beitang Kendo? This is to die, don't you see Jianbeitang? come out?"

"Before it was called smuggling, but now it's called forced crossing. How can this be successful? Since I'm exposed, I'm not willing to take the risk. It's just a matter of shooting and dispersing, so why force me to wait?"

"That's right, Beitang Kendo wants to die, we won't stop it? After all, you Jian Beitang is the Dao ghost of the Creation Immortal Venerable, so you don't need to go there at all, but we, as the leader of the reincarnation party, are under our hands. But there are countless immortal houses that need to be taken care of. We can't smuggle, so are we not allowed to go back to our old business?"

"Old Immortal, I'm alone, so I just left. How can Beitang Kendo stand me?"

Of course, most of these overlords have disciples or disciples, and even small families. Of course, there are also solitary generations, but most of those who can sit here can respond, so once they leave, Huang Quanhai can't attack.

"Before you were rushing to come, and when you were in a hurry, you still wanted to do it. Now when you encounter some problems, you will retreat. I am embarrassed to do this. Of course, you are not forbidden to leave. But if you leave now, I won’t blame me in the future. Take care of Tang Jiandao." Jianbeitang hummed softly.

"Do you dare to threaten us? Even if it's your Beitang Kendo, you don't dare to face so many of our overlords, what is it?" Suddenly, the overlord became unconvinced.


Jian Beitang did not hesitate to drew his sword, and then a sword plunged into a place with a lot of mountains on the sand table, scared the other side to sit back, his face was frightened, it is estimated that the sword was stuck in the other side's place. The heart is up.

"Hmph, come if you want, leave if you want, how can it be so cheap!" Jian Beitang snorted, and immediately said: "The information in front of you is here, since I have all sat down, I quickly come up with ideas one by one. , If you don’t even think about it, you don’t have to think about it, you won’t have to think about it after a while!

As soon as Jianbeitang said this, all the overlords fell silent. This ruthless remark was good for others, but Jianbeitang said what he said, who would dare to go straight to its edge?

"We are not forcing you to force it. If you can force it to succeed, it will naturally have you huge benefits. As a hero of the party, don't you have any eyesight in it?" Senior Brother Hai asked, touching his chin.

Several overlords either snorted coldly or frowned. Of course, they felt that the pie painting was really not good.

Jianbeitang forced them to stay. Now is the time to stabilize the military's mind. This is how I can prepare for the next step. Therefore, I said: "My Chuangshitian and Liudaotian are engaged in a war of heaven at this moment. The two sides have reached the white-hot stage. With more power, the outside will become more dangerous. If we attract enough firepower here, the six heavens outside will inevitably be a mess. At that time, I will compensate you no matter what, so no matter what the battle looks like, We are all destined to win, don't you all want to get a share of the pie at the moment? Or are you thinking about getting something for nothing?"

As soon as I said this, all the ghosts and celestial expressions suddenly loosened, and one of them immediately said: "That's not enough, but what benefit can we get?"

"The advantage is that if Liu Daotian returns to the deity's hands, I promise to let you reopen your door and start a new stove in Liu Daotian. What strength I used to push you to when I came down. Isn't this better than being a free immortal?" I said. .

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